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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. i have a hard time accepting that executing an innocent person is somehow NOT a greater tragedy than a murder. And I wouldnt even put murder and "construction related death" or " highway fatality" in the same category as murder.
  2. because our #1 priority was SS. because after Whitner the next best SS was at best a 2nd round player. because we needed the SS to start this year. because we can get our 2nd most needed position (DT) later in the 1st round. because he is a great prospect who could have easily been taken only a few spots after where we got him at. because if we traded down, we risked loosing him and settling for WIRE as our starting SS. and finally, because the only better player at that position was already taken.
  3. i'm agenst the death penalty, but not for the reason you may think. i do believe that some people just deserve to die for their actions. but we are not always 100% sure the person found guilty of commiting the crime actually commited the crime. our system is far from perfect, but its the best we have. People have been found guilty then released as more evidence is discovered... the problem with the death penalty is that you cant say, o we are sorry, we were wrong, your free to go. the person would be dead. its final. there is no room for error.
  4. i dont have a problem with this. in fact, its probubly one of the best things he can do.
  5. there are many problems in america that could be solved if we had a better engin in our cars. but change rarely happens when there is no demand for it.
  6. ok, but would you also be willing to pay a few dollars more for everything else too? transportation costs play a large part in the final costs of things.
  7. Israel can do what it wants, as long as it doesnt escalate to war with Iran. Thats when the sh-- would hit the fan.
  8. this could easily lead to Isreal invading Lebanon. Iran has an alliance with Syria. who feels threatened by the attacks. this could blow up in to a major war real quick.
  9. actually i should have been more descriptive. i was talking about Global Warming not being cheap or fast....
  10. noone said it would be fast or cheap. but that doesnt mean we should just ignore it all together.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060712/sc_nm/...DJlYmhvBHNlYwM- "Archer said the team was studying the fossils to better understand how they were affected by changing climates in the Miocene epoch between 5 million and 24 million years ago." those damn humans sure did screw up the earth 5 million years ago. killing off those cute "demon ducks of doom".
  12. if it works like he says it does, it will definatly be a huge breakthrough.
  13. i didnt realize i had to drag the items on to the screen. i thaught i just had to click the screen. Thanks.
  14. i got the bells and the code finished, but i cant get the other 2. what he hell is the spoon for? only 2 rooms have things i can click, but i cant seem to get it... and what the hell does teh lever do?
  15. i agree with you on all the positions.
  16. i asked that same question on another message board. and the best responce i got was based on religion.
  17. we cant franchise him so after this year we will have to either sign him or let him walk. its to late to trade him now. i say, if he plays like a top 5 CB, then pay him. if not, then let him go.
  18. i think its funny as hell. the officials obviously thaught that one side would cave before the deadline, or they thaught the govener would not shut down the government over a ballanced budget.
  19. yes. I would love to see a "pro Wrestler", who play fights for a living, get his ass kicked in 20 seconds by a trained UFC Fighter. it would make millions on pay per view. but i would have to be sure that it wont turn in to a scripted fake fight like in the WWE.
  20. i would love to see it, as long as it wasnt produced by the WWE. i really dont want to see a UFC fighter try to get in to "wrestling" with a stunt like this. UFC is real fighting, the WWE is not. if fighters from both organizations did fight, i would not know if it was fake or real. if it was fake i would be PISSED, but if it was real, it would be the best UFC fight ever.
  21. And what if we missed? i have read several things online which say our missiles are not exactly 100% accurate.
  22. the fact that the US allowed them to launch the missiles in the first place can be taken as a success by the N. Koreans. The US should have destroyed them before they were launched.
  23. you are allowed to leave your feet to block a FG or extra point. BUT you are NOT allowed to jump in to the air and land on an opponent. it is illegal because it could seriously injure the players being landed on. the players know it is illegal and should know better. it still amazes me when the ref throws a flag and a player looks at him and says, "What did i do? Thats not illegal". it is illegal, and everyone knows it. hell, I know it, and i just watch football.
  24. i said tuck rule because it is a really stupid rule. if the QB obviously pump fakes and the ball is secure, and then is hit and fumbles it is not an incomplete pass. i dont see why the QB doesnt just pump fake every time before he gets hit. its a stupid rule. all the other rules mentioned are OK in my mind. they all have a purpose and a reason why they are rules.
  25. i dont believe so. spending has always increased. thats part of the reason i didnt like bush's "attack" and the moderators reaction to it during the debate.
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