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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. hank talking to coworker making fun of geeky new guy: hank: who do you have going to the super bowl? the BLANK or the BLANK. (just pick 2 sucky teams and insert in to blank, i cant remmeber the exact teams). hank and coworker lauph. newguy: haha, very funny guys, but i like the Bills. hank and the coworker just DIED LAUPHING. at first i was like WTF, but then it was kind of funny, since they love the cowboys on that show.
  2. i wouldnt be surprised, if the raiders had done that in the first game. leaving one gunner uncovered, eather to blitz, or whatever. and MM caught it on film, and gave them the green light to fake it if they got that look in the game.
  3. i dont mind them, it makes the D think more and opens up alot in both the run and pass game. also keeps them guessing. and they might hesetate for a second, insted of running right for the ball carrier. but if theres a turnover, i will give him stevestojan for it all week long. there all good, as long as they work.
  4. his agent is an idiot. he should have gotten McGahee's agent
  5. last i looked, henry was our "power back", and McGahee was the fast, make a cut and a juke and hit the hole type runner. i think henry can move the pile more than McGahee.
  6. the O-line must learn their assignments with the 3-4 Defense. they did well agenst the 4-3 pass rush. they just let people right through the line with missed assignments. almost all the sacks last week came from missed assignments, not bledsoe holding the ball. and the holding penaltys turning 3rd and 2 in to 3rd and 13, didnt help eather. we all knew a sack was comming. we are better than what we saw sunday. its not a matter of our O-line getting beat, its a matter of just letting a blitzer walk right through our line. and atleast he didnt fumble, or throw an INT. (the one he had was alittle high, but should have been caught!!!!)
  7. he was a blocker. but they kicked it so short, he ended up with it. putting our most important player on Defense on ST, is probubly the dumbest thing ive see all year. bu then again, we would of had great returns if it wasnt for a few block in the back flags.
  8. we have 2 weeks to gameplan, but they also have 2 weeks to gameplan. they like to show a 3-4 D, which the raiders used to confuse us. if we can NOT get penalties on big plays or big returns, and run well, we can keep it close. RL must make all his kicks, and we have to stop the quick passes from brady. all we do is blitz, so i expect alot of quick reads and quick passes. but i do know new England is better than the Jags, and better than the Raiders. so it might be a long day. but hell, the bears beat the packers......
  9. the 3-4 D really confused our O-Line, and got bledsoe killed SEVERAL times. Last game remined me of last year, where one holding call, lead to another holding call, which lead to 3rd and 23, which lead to a 10 yard sack, which lead to a punt insted of a FG, which lead to a 10-13 loss. nothing but mistakes, and droped passes, and sacks.
  10. cus all bledsoe does not is throw 5 yard passes to RBs and maybe a quick pass to a WR. eather that or handoff (which i REALLY LIKE ). and for all this he gets sacked. right now i would be asking for JP to come in, and see what he could do. or i would wait untill after the pats game, then put him in.
  11. i always thaught moreman was a VERY good punter and helped our team alot. he had 2 good punts, (one was called back for holding, the other the return guy sliped). but all the other punts didnt go more than 30 yards. WTF. one one only 15 yards. in a close field position game, he let us down on that one. im confident he will make up for it next game though
  12. yep, and the announcers were talking like it could have been reviewed. so why not chalange??
  13. i was yelling the whole time.. run, run, run you mother f@#ker, RUN!!!!!, you can beat the kicker, beat that fat kicker
  14. i dont care if the pats win. as long as brady breaks an arm, or leg doing it. the pats play well as a team. i like that, but brady is just so over rated its crazy. next montana my ass.
  15. i still dont see why they dont TAKE AWAY THE WIN??? they lied on the paperwork to remain under the cap, when they should have been over. they broke the rules and won the superbowl 2 strait years. the wins shoudl be revoked, and superbowl banners removed rom the stadium, and take back the trophy from the glass case (i think its in a case.... ).
  16. not to nit pick or anything, but i think there were like 10 million people trying out for american idol. im sure its not a "you can rape me cus i want to be famus" try out.
  17. and dont you know only nuns and virgins are raped. all the other girls just ask for it.
  18. Detective Winters: Okay. Um. I’ll be blunt and ask you. Did you have sexual intercourse with her? Bryant: No. then, after they siad she said it was rape, he changed his story and went through the whole thing. cops usually tend to notice when you lie to them. also: he said she flirted and gave him some "oral attention". ok, then had sex. she said no wait, stop, he had his hands on her neck and after a while stoped. he even talked about paying her off. and remember when everyone said he was such a gret family man, and he HAS to be innocent. WTF. he was bangging some chick for a "long time", who could testify about his "sexual habits". so much for the loving father and family man...
  19. didnt they win the super bowl back in 1998 and 1999. if they found that they broke the rules, and lied to get under the cap without cutting anyone, dont they deserve to forfit there wins? and the superbowl win too???
  20. the way he runs, full spead right at people, and knocks them over, is a hard way to run. im not surprised he has nagging injuries. WM cuts and finds holes, and wont run full speed in to a hole.
  21. ignore dillans numbers in week 1. i watched that game. he didnt do anything till the 4th. and that was only 4 good runs. i dont see him getting and TDs, cus they liek to pass alot. stick with Griffen, cus his line will get him atleast 82+ yards and 1 TD a game. and will mostlikly get 2 TD with 90-100 yards.
  22. i love that station!!!! but they rerun the same thing over and over and over and over again. and i cant stand the jaguars training camp crap. total access is cool though.
  23. we only have 1 TE. i saw nufelds(sp) miss a block and drop a few passes. campbel can cetch, but cant cetch a bullet. i would like to see him get 4 cetches a game. but the most important thing is blocking in a 2 TE set.
  24. well the raiders gave up 110+ yards rushing last game. so we shoudl be able to get close to that running 35+ times. they have HUGE DTs, and we couldnt run up the middle agenst the jags, so i dout we can do it agenst the raiders. i want to see alot of toss plays and maybe a flip to henry on a miss direction play. and 2 times in the game go deep. not just 10 yards, or 15 yards. im talkin 30, or 40. do it on the second drive on 2nd and 5, play-action. then again in the 3rd quarter. if you try to go deep more than 4 times, we get away from our run game, and will be forced to convert 3rd and longs alot. or bring in Evans and go deep, even if its just a diversion for a 8 yard gain to reed, it would be nice.
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