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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. Awsome video. the field looks so much smaller from the stands than on tv. great pass, great catch, and a great game.
  2. the price TD had to be a bullet and hit a very small window between 3 defenders and the back of the endzone. They were also covering the endzone because they knew we were were going to throw to the endzone, which increased the dificulty. and you cant forget that there were only a few seconds left in the game and needed a TD. though #2 on my list would be the Evans TD where JP got killed just after he got the ball off. he was under some serious pressure and made a perfect pass. I dont have it ranked #1 because Evans had everyone beat deep and all jp had to do was throw it deep and let evans go get it. the Parrish pass was just a prayer that worked out great. Parrish's catch was the best catch, with Price's catch as #2, but we are talking about passes...
  3. even a little pass interference couldnt breakup the pass.
  4. it was a catch. or atleast there was not enough evidence ot say that he was out of bounds. there was a ref right there too. great catch for Parrish.
  5. the nfl and espn ratings are bull sh--. we lose to the colts by only a few points and we drop a good 7 spots, but beat the jags and only move up 1 or 2 spots. and they are running out of things to say, so they just repeat things they said the week before.
  6. what the !@#$ do you say about sh-- like that. the 5 year sentence makes it even worse. if you can do something like that, then you aren't even a !@#$ing human being any more.
  7. there is a rule that says one player can not help (carry or pickup) another player from falling down. Thomas grabbed Parrish's jursey because he was stumbling and about to fall. Thomas was trying to keep him from falling. the refs didnt call it but that could have been called illegal. pushing another player forward is also illegall, but RARELY called. a player is allowed to push a pile, but not a specific player. and since, in a larege pile, its almost imposible to see exactly who any one player is pushing, they dont call it. as for the jumping in to the stands penalty... that was bull sh--. it has happend on several diffrent times with no flag. Fletchers TDs come to mind. i think Hargrove jumped in to the stands with fletcher and no penalty was called. unless the refs specifically warned the players i think its a bull sh-- call. it gave the jags the ball on the 50 and great field position to do something.
  8. holding, blocks in the back, assisting a teammate by holding him up... yeah we saw it all. but the juke on the punter was just so good that the ref could not take that away. (we also ran in to the punter). and since when was it illegal for 2 players to jump in to the stands? that basically gave the jags the ball on the 50 yard line. the second player never even made it in to the stands, he came up short .
  9. the O-Lineman did not bumb in to Losman. Losman bumped in to an O-Lineman. he had a open WR in teh endzone but it was a long throw. he stepped up to heave it deep and when he stepped up he bumped a lineman right as he let it go. it went from TD to INT in a fraction of a second. but we got it back and all was well in the forest again.
  10. If you payed off the giants players it woulnt have looked as rigged as it did sunday. (that said, they did just approve a new stadium for the giants/jets)
  11. 1) Lindell has now earned my respect. up to this past sunday i never liked him, but now, he can stay our kicker for years to come. 2) Moorman played as great as he always does. 3) Parrish showed why we took him with our 1st pick (2nd rounder) in the draft a few years back. every time he touches the ball he looks like he could do something special. And HOW THE HELL DID HE JUKE THE PUNTER THAT BAD??? thats a highlight all by its self. He has made plays in the past, but today was the first where he stood out as a game changing/game winning player. he was the games MVP. 4) Defenses are now scared of evans. Talk about a great draft pick. 5) Clements played well. McGee seems to get picked on. i would hate to see what would happen if we let Clements go and made McGee our #1. 6) Whitner played well again. I will always remember the texans game and those missed tackles, but he didnt miss any tackles sunday. one of the best nfl rookies this season, and looks to be a great player for the bills for many years to come. 7) Fletcher is a beast. he cant cover that great, but plays like a probowler. 8) i dont know what it is, but spikes doesnt seem to make much of a diffrence. right now, Crowell is playing like spikes did before he got hurt. 9) Tripplett FINALLY made some plays sunday. to bad he takes him self out of every run play and allows big linemen to get on our LBs. 10) K. Williams does make a contribution, but i have to question the logic of having 4 pass rushers and no run stoppers on the D-line. 11) Kelsey, Denny, and Shobel played well and you can see that they never give up on a play. 12) 3 broken ribs?? i didnt see any inury in McGahee. great to have him back. A-Train and McGahee looks to be a great combination. and you can make a highlight reel just of his blocking ability. we lost the jets game because of his poor blocking ability, and it seems that he has worked long and hard to correct that. 13) the rookie RT played well i suppose. i never heard his name in a bad way, which is exactly what you hope to see out of a rookie OT. 14) Peters will always be called a former TE. we lucked out by getting him. How many QBs in teh NFL can say that their first TD in the NFL was caught by his LT? 15) JP had a good game. one INT, but he was hit by his own lineman (who was not blockign anyone) and his pass to a wide open WR in teh endzone came up 20 yards short. noone likes INTs, but some are worse than others. that one was not that bad. hes showing leadership and an understanding of the offense. 16) we need a playmaking pass catching TE. the ones we have are ok, but look like backups who just happen to be wide open when they make a catch. 17) i have to say it. who the !@#$ allows a qb to run for 22 yards on a 4th and 20 with 1 min left in the game.
  12. if i remember right, he threw to the checkdown every play on that drive except for the TD. when we got to the 20 with only 14 seconds left it was obvious that the checkdown was just not an option. the WRs were all probubly runnign deep on every play and had to be getting tired of running and not getting the ball. JP showed leadership and understanding of the situation. he modivated his WRs by telling them that one of them would get the ball for sure.
  13. Peters should be mentioned, but i dout he makes it. but one sack on JP that should have been a 15 yard personal foul will probubly make it.
  14. good to see him take charge. and he knew what he had to do and did it.
  15. the announcer during the texans game said it all. "they just dont get anything from the Tight Ends". I dont see any major tallent at TE comming out in the draft this year, so if there is a good FA TE i think we should jump on it. in order: Re-Sign clements FA TE if avalible or draft if someone good shows up FA O-Line FA O-Line FA O-Line
  16. his name was put up to remember what he did for the team and fans when he played. i personally i dont even consiter of the current OJ and the former Bills RB as the same person.
  17. first off it was a great win and showed what our offense could really do. but i have to comment about whitner. He missed several tackles which lead to big gains and 1 TD. before sunday i had nothing but praise for the guy, but even though we won, i still have to say that he had a very bad game sunday. I hope he learns from this game because i see him being a great player for us for several years.
  18. these comments, along with DR's comments about JP show they have no class. its just sad really. Their offense could not get them a 1st down when they needed it. they could have won the game if they just ran the ball on that 3rd and 3 at the end of the game because we couldnt stop their running game. Their defense couldnt prevent back to back 83 yard TD passes. where were the safeties on those plays? and they couldnt prevent a 20 yard TD pass at the end of the game. they should look at their own defense and offense before making such negative comments about another team.
  19. its the first time i have seen a DE get a sack without laying a single hand on the QB. funny to watch though.
  20. just because you wouldnt trade jp for a teams QB, doesnt mean that JP is better than that QB. as far as "average", i think he is currently below average compared to other NFL QBs. a QB needs to throw more than 150 yards a game to be consitered above average.
  21. Sacred institution. If you say so. all that is required for a marrage in some states are 2 witnesses and signitures. 2 drunk people who met no less than 1 hour before can go to a drive through chapel and get married. but 2 gay people who have lived together for several years can not get married?? what a joke. who gives a flying !@#$ what they do? if gay people get married do you think that effects your marrage at all? it doesnt. the governemnt should only care about who gets married because of the tax benifits. thats it. taxes. everything else is between 2 people, or if they so chose between 2 people and a religious organization.
  22. If clements is gone, then: we need CB, TE, and a few O-Lineman. FA can fill a few spots, so which ever position is not filled in FA should be filled in the draft.
  23. cus we needed a CB this season. McGee is not a #1 CB and we didnt have another CB that is good enough to be the #2.
  24. after half time i was rooting for the bears to win because i could not stand the idea of the bills getting dominated by the bears 41-7 but the cards could dominate the bears 20-0.
  25. his hands were under the ball, it was a catch. but it was so close, i can see why the ref ruled it incomplete.
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