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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. 99 degrees F, in Raleigh, NC. as of 4pm. EST.
  2. i dont care if he won half a mil at a casino, and blew it on a "hot-body contest" and drinks for everyone there. is he a damn good OT? is he a FA? can he still play at a high level? is he better than Grandy? i think the answer to all is YES.
  3. we should offer him a 3 year 6 mil. deal.
  4. they just want to make him fight a little more, and maybe scare him in to doing better. we all know hes a great #2 WR, and a below average #1 WR. but i do think, if M. Vick could throw to a WR, many people would think of Price in higher regard.
  5. just think, if his webcam was on, and recoreded the beating. they could e-mail that to all those spammers. and see if they stop sending me crap..
  6. from now on, any time a dolphin player retires befor the age of 35, is funny as hell.
  7. hell, i did that months ago. willis is rated better than henry anyways. Lee is rated very good too.
  8. i think they made it that way, because the better QBs can look of defensive backs, and the better QBs also hit recievers more accuratly.
  9. no more of a dumbass than J. Rome. but then again..... J. Rome is a HUGE dumbass.
  10. if sharks wanted to eat people, there would be NOONE in the water. but a small tasting by a shark can kill you. i still hate those who say, save the dolphins. why? i bet they taste good.
  11. jsut because he started, doesnt mean hes above average. from what i hear he is average. he would be a very good backup. and i think for 1 season, i would rather have a 4 year vet, over a 3rd round rookie draft pick. teh vet can come in and add to the team right off the bat. while a rookie has to adapt to the NFL. and it usually takes a year or 2. and i DO NOT want to see a 3rd round rookie starting at Left OT.
  12. i thaught ty law's injury was a HUGE setback for them last season. but they still won the SB, with freakin rookie CBs starting. Bruschi isnt a cheater, (do you know something i dont??), and him sitting out is a HUGE hit. but they do have good backups. not to mention a good FA signing at LB. i sure hope everyone is holding out. i just dont want them to win the SB AGAIN.
  13. reed was injured. you can see those things comming.
  14. 1) I !@#$ING HATE MADDEN FOR KILLING ESPN 2K6. THOSE SONS OF BITCHES. 2) they are probubly going to do the AFC East last. (cus of the pats). 3) ill probubly buy it, cus i have to have a football game. but GOD DAMN I HATE EA SPORTS. AND GOD DAMN I HATE THE "LETS DRIVE A BUS" FEEL OF MADDEN.
  15. you can teach form. you can teach someone how to get a better initial burst, and make improvments. but if you arnt fast to begin with, you cant "learn" to run that much faster.
  16. Evans needs to show he can consistantly beat double coverage. or we will be in the same situation as the Falcons. I dont see Moulds going anywhere though. hes the man.
  17. one player will get the start over the other. but edwards is a better pass rusher. Anderson is a better run stopper. so 1 will be in on passing downs, while the other will be in on rushing downs. but after training camp, we will find out who will be in on 1st down.
  18. you do know Z. Thomas missed like 5 games last season.. right...... i hate the son of a B word, but hes damn good.
  19. thats one of those movies that doenst do good at the theaters, but when its on TV, you just have to watch it. and after a while you realize its actually really good. then they decide to make a sequal. and completly miss the point as to what made the 1st one great. and it just plain SUCKS.
  20. what about the military? isnt there a bill or law or something now that prevents women from being stationed in front line units?
  21. sounds good, but often there is no clear cut "best person for the job". if you go through, say 30 resumes and find say 6 people that would all be good hires. how do you narrow that down to 1? after the interview and all that, you might still have to choose between a few people. at that point, getting some diversity in the work place is good. insted of hiring the guy who graduated from your college. or as Chris Rock once said: "i dont think i should get a job over some other guy who scored better on a test. but if there is a tie...... F*CK THEM. they had a 400 year head start."
  22. not illegal, but definatly a basis for being fired. whats teh basis for being classified as a minority? say 1 parent was white, and the other a minority. would that classify you as a minority? what if you were really dark skined? what if you were really light skined??
  23. yes, but it will continue untill a better option comes around.
  24. a carrer average 5 sack DE does not scare me. though the DT being suspended gets my attention.
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