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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. check his stats. that says it all. and if you dont feel like looking at his stats... the answer is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but teh vet min. is not that much. and if he really does suck, than just cut him befor the season.
  2. he was projected to be a 2nd rounder. but he had poor workouts.
  3. http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=WrightCry30 its been talked about alot. but have you seen the vid? its not as bad as i thaugth.
  4. i bet its in his contract to do a few hours or "good PR" each year. i still cant believe he didnt get in to more trouble for scalping his tickets.
  5. it says that T. Brady signed a "below-market value" contract. but i believe he still got PAID. and the way its set up, he stands to make what the other top QBs in the league will make.
  6. i got a bledsoe jersy for christmas last year. its been sitting in my closet ever since. i cant bring my self to get rid of it, cus i jsut dont own that much buffalo bills stuff.
  7. im used to the video game ratings. but how is Villarrial a 72 when almost every list of OG has him in the top 5?? Anderson = teague??? i dont think so.
  8. ding-ding. i think we have a winner. Teague is a close second. (fletcher is atleast an alternate to the probowl) Campbel is also underrated. hes a good blocker, and pass catcher. but just hasnt gotten the stats to stand out.
  9. well... noone. it took me years before i found this site. i just happen to see a link on the bills website. (i think they have removed it though. )
  10. cop: "step out of the car please" stupid B word: "im callin somebody" cop: "step out of the car" stupid B word: "there aresting me, hes got a gun, and hes aresting me" cop: "get out of the car or im going to tazer you" cop: "get out of the car or i am going to tazer you!" cop: "get out of the car, or i will TAZER YOU!!" "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
  11. for the same reason they measure how big a players hands are, how long their arms are.. all that. they think you can measure a player and see if he will be great. its all about how he plays on the field. ill watch their games now, just to see sproles run 3 times in the game.
  12. i could have told you that. most college football fans could have told you that. the only negative thing said about him is his size. but other short RBs have done great things in the NFL.
  13. ive lived in the cary/apex area of NC for 20 years. teh only thing to do is: bowling, go to a movie, drive to the beach, fish, go to clubs in raleigh, drive to the zoo... thats about it. good luck.
  14. that is freakin funny.
  15. i would say no. TO is a problem all in him self. he would require a HUGE contract and cap hit. and would probubly only be here for 3 years at the most. L. Evans is very good, and cap friendly, and can become the #1 guy like moulds in a few years.
  16. did you know the spae shuttle hit a bird on takeoff?? how could they. where is PETA? i dont think they simply spent the money on fixing a piecve of foam. they probubly did other things to make sure nothing goes wrong. maybe they increased there standards for certain pieces of equipment.
  17. what happened to the lions? go to the lions you SON-OF-A-B word!!!!!!! im tired of seeing him take passes back for TDs.
  18. why would you expose yourself on a plane? its not like you can "get away".
  19. evans will get those long TDs from the deep passes, or when he racks up the YAC. but im betting our TEs and RBs play a bigger role at the goalline this year.
  20. 94 degrees at 11am. Cary, NC humidity: 47% wind: 5mph feels like: 103 (actually a real number given by the weather people) the high is expected to be 103 degrees.. (i bet that will feel like 110, )
  21. i know lots of people who steal cable and/or sat.
  22. i didnt know yoiu could put a "no tag clause" in to a contaract. that sucks for seattle.
  23. its better than madden, or chris collensworth. GOD I HATE THOSE GUYS!!!!! Al Michaels is a good pick though.
  24. thats funny. i actually thaught it was real untill i read the first few lines.
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