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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. underachiever? hes one of the best passs rushing DTs in the game.
  2. Owens is not "hurting". a minor thing that isnt even worth mentioning if his name wasnt ownes. EDIT: "The Eagles nearly had a deal done before the draft that would have sent Simon to the Baltimore Ravens for two draft picks, believed to be a second-rounder and a third-rounder. Baltimore could not come to contract terms with Simon, however." Reed can go. and 2 of our 3rd rounders. i would go for that. he is set to make 5.1 mil as a franchise player. can we make it so he only has a 3 mil cap hit for 4 years?
  3. they dont have to be dissatisfied to go after a probowl player.
  4. i saw several ads for it. but he wasnt on there, when i was watching.
  5. exactly. but what will he do when he sees a 3-4 defense?
  6. here is something i learned in college, besides how to drink: relativly new data colleceted from "frozen air pockets in glaciers" contain perfectly preserved air from a given time period when it was originally trapped there. these air samples were dated and show that CO2 levels naturally increase over time, and then result in a sudden "ice age", which drops CO2 levels, and then gradually rise again. this repeats its self over and over. some scientist think that the increased CO2 levels actually cause the ice age. back in the 80s scientists thaught that these green house gasses would decrease the globle temperature. caused by teh gasses creating more clouds and inturn decrease the temperature. (thats why areas like miami have a higher overall temperature than areas like equador). but now, many of those same scientists think the exact oposite, that green house gasses increase the globle temperatures. so thats something else to think about. increasing CO2 levels has been shown to be a natural process on earth. but after the industrial revolution, there has a "dramatic" increase in CO2 levels. basically increasing the levels faster than they naturally would. so you could say that global warming is a NATURAL process, slightly speed up by man. and will result in a ice age. so, for example, if its natural for the earth to gradually heat up 1 degree every 1000 years, with man's help we've cut that to 1 degree every 100 years. (but you can look up the exact number, remember im lazy.) but dont freak about the ice age thing, its only a 10 degree drop in average world temperatures, and those close to the equator would hardly notice. though the polar ice caps may drop down as far as tennessee.
  7. well, you can make out coastlines, and large forests. but i want to know what they are comparing it to. none of those astronauts were up there 50 years ago.
  8. VERY TRUE. that is very true. but to me, its not the volcanoes pollution that causes the air in large cities to be bad, or cause that big cloud of smog to form. i believe that cars produce the most man made pollution in america. (i read that somewhere, but im to lazy to look it up). and to me, thats a bigger problem than all the other man made air pollution.
  9. erosion is nature's way of trying to get in to balance by consistantly changing. hows that for a college education?? deforestation is a problem, but most if it is occuring in other nations, with larger forests, and done by poor people just trying to survive and support their families. i think things look alot diffrent to that guy.
  10. hell, honestly, ive driven a few times when ive had a few drinks. a stupid thing to do, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
  11. that will NOT happen. if anything POT will be legalized befor alcohol is illegalized. and even that will not stop people from making it and drinking it.
  12. i always loose count after 3 or so. so the only way i know how many ive had is when i go to get another beer from a 6 or 12 pack, and there are none left.
  13. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. have you ever seen water boy? in that picture JP looks just like adam sandler when hes about to hit a guy.
  15. im sure the contract is alittle diffrent for football players vs. tv stars. Dave wont be paying back any signing bonus.
  16. this just killed my day. i hope they eventually release the video already shot for season 3. you have to think, that since it got SO big, that it had to be difficult and stressfull to try and keep it at that level.
  17. i agree with both of those. i hear good things about Greer.
  18. i knew this, but a nice reminder anyways. and i thaught for SURE the first line in this thread would be: "I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance, by switching to geiko."
  19. b-ball players are WAY over paid. who likes b-ball anyways? football is a real sport.
  20. how many times has he been called, one of the best WRs in the game? how many probowls has he gone to? he deserves more than 1 mil a year. nothing would tick me off mroe, than making the probowl 4 years in a row, and know im making less than the 2nd round draft pick.
  21. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/3854126 "While the team did not lock him up to a long-term extension, the two sides came to an agreement for this season that worked out for both parties." sorry if already posted, i didnt see it.
  22. you should put a poll on your next report. so you can see how many people really appreciate these things. just have it 2 questions. 1) i like the report, keep them comming. 2) i dont like the report that way when 500 people vote for #1, you will know these things are appreciated. o, and i LOVE reading these things.
  23. pennington juking him for a TD is the only play i know of where i was really embarassed to say "thats my LB".
  24. my work computer SUCKs so bad i cant play the vids.
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