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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. that was good. it went a completyl diffrent direction than i thaught it would.
  2. and when the price drops, your going to have the most expensive gas prices in the country. (for about a week).
  3. if there were "other accomidations" im sure they could put the "refugees" there. but there might not be any. i would try to find another place for them. if a hotel has accepted money for a room, they should try there best to accomidate the guy who paid. most people understand the situation. and wont freak out if a guy whoes house just floated away needs a place to live. if no other place can be found for the refugees, than the hotel has to refund the money. so: a) try to find a new place for the refugees. b) if they cant, refund the money, and say.. sorry, didnt you watch CNN??? im sure that a neighboring city or whatever has hotels with space for them. im sure some people will get screwed. but most will be fine.
  4. wait for it.... wait for it.... wait for it.... you knew that was comming.
  5. people really do underestimate the value of wetlands. that said, people will be people. developing and trying to contain nature. the mississippi river mouth helps make that state the most polluted state in america. the mississippi river is a HUGE part of a VERY LARGE economy, for both the state and america. i know the US governement will buy ANY land in the flood plain of the mississippi river, just to take down the house, and restore the land. but people are people, and nothing will change that.
  6. can you see TO and Price on the same team??? THAT would be a damn offense. price really has to go back to the #2 spot.
  7. anyone think its more M. Vicks fault, and NOT P. Price's fault??? i do. but a team WILL give him a job. (but at a slightly less money).
  8. sorry about your friend. you are right about the overflow of water over saturated soils. mountain soils are usually think and can take alot of water. but once its completly saturated, the remaining water has to flow overland. this overland flow is MUCH MUCH faster moving than groundwater. it may take years for groundwater to flow just a few 100 feet. and we can meaure overland flow (ie streems or just waterflow over roads or whatever) in miles per hour.
  9. well the city is BELOW THE WATER LEVEL on a NORMAL day. i cant even imagin what its like now. its been sinking for years. some could say the people knew this would come eventually. sucks for them. but come on. when you step out of your house and look UP at a huge river, realize thats the way its always been, maybe you should think about moving.
  10. its true. anytime you "report" the news you have some bias in the way you present the information. and REAL news networks and organizations, try to present that information as unbiased as possible. but there is some always there. Fox News, just doesnt even try. in fact they do the oposite. like their goal is to take the information given to them and "spin" it in a way that pushes their opinions. and then they have the balls to say its "fair and balanced". or "we report, you decide".
  11. he got screwed. it wasnt his fault he was given bad info. they needed a fall guy, and they found him.
  12. just remember our new offense is more about ball control, running the ball. win by less than 7 points. he might go deep 2 or maybe 3 times to evans, if the CB comes up. i just hope he can hit the open wr.
  13. i dont see how fox news can call themselves a news station when they are so biased. the other stations atleast TRY to be unbiased.
  14. thanks for the links. but i dont think they show his death was related to his death. "49ers await word on cause of death" "Yes, it could be totally unrelated to his weight, but the fact remains that he was 6-3 and he weighed 310 pounds and probably should have been 210 pounds," Harp said. so they may be looking in to it. but they dont know if HIS death was cased by his weight. they just see that he was 300+ lbs. and are going with that.
  15. just becuase they are talking about a new contract, doesnt mean he will get paid very much. i HOPE they are simply offering him a low basic contract. noone is breaking the bank for that bum. and i would not give 2 ***** if he is gone. but no harm in talking, especially if its about a minimum contract.
  16. to be honest i dont care what he weighs, as long as he can do his job. the past few years, he was a bum. consistantly getting beat, and allowing big runs. last season, he was good on passing downs, when he came in to sub. i think hes good in pass rushing situations, but i DO NOT want him in there on a rushing down. and i dont think they have linked Herrion's death to his weight... (or did i miss that).
  17. we have to accept the fact that we will NOT be getting any more O-Lineman, this season. now I DO want to resign Clements. and i do think we should get him signed before next season. cus in FA, he will be looking to get PAID. just look at what some BUM CBs got in the last FA. but IF we sign Simon, i do not think that means we cant sign clements. other things can be changed, to get that cap space. if we sign simon, i will be very happy. and woudl seriously help us become a top 3 defense. (yes, i know we WERE a #2 defense last season, but what about this season??) DT is a position i am worried about. Edwards can come in on passing downs, but i dont think hes good enough to be in on "3rd and short" downs. (i remember a BIG run in the bears game). so if he can be had for less than the HUGE contract he MAY be askign for, hell take him.
  18. hes the best they have. we all saw hutchinson (sp?) play agenst us. he SUCKS. let the rookie try. hes still the worst starting QB in the NFL, but hes better than the last guy they had. there D is good, but i think they will still have the 6th overall draft pick next season.
  19. who cares if he can run block, he couldnt pass block to save......... the QBs life. over paid, overrated bum. who i was glad to see go.
  20. "OK, we'll call it a draw". got to love using monty python quotes.
  21. i didnt expect the french to help us get Sadam out of Iraq. they didnt even help get Hitler out of france.
  22. so they take 3 samples during a drug test. test 1 and save the rest?? ok, then they take the samples and test them now, to "fine tune the system", and an "anonymous" sample was positive. i like how they took "anonymous" and turned it in to "put name here".
  23. i think the ravens defense is really the best in the NFL. and with there RB, TE, and new WRs, there offense CAN be good. the only problem is that boller is not that good. the bills have a very good D, but not as good as the ravens. we have better WRs, but they got us beat at TE, and RB. (i REALLY like McGahee, but Lewis is still better untill McGahee gets his 1800 yards in a season). and then there is JP. noone knows. he could suck. he could be good. but in his first season as the starter, who knows. you have to expect problems. atleast boller has a few years under his belt. he MIGHT make fewer mistakes. (though i dont think so). i understand what they are saying. and see where its comming from.
  24. i want more pictures. just to make sure.
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