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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. just shows how bad our offense is. i dont see how they can cover both moulds and Evans, while also stopping the run.
  2. Bugger Off thats a great song. Bugger off you bastards bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Like a heard of bloody swine who refuse to leave the trough You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off You've be a splendid audiance oh my time has past Now dont you all be letting the door hit you in the ass You've been a lovely audiance but enough is enough We'd take a drink kindly if you'd all just bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Like a heard of bloody swine who refuse to leave the trough You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off Here to barkeep and waitresses been serving you your beer They've put up with your noxtious breath and stupid drunken lears Be leaving all your money on the table when you go For all you'll have a throbing head and nothing else to show Bugger off you bastards bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Like a heard of bloody swine who refuse to leave the trough You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off Here's to all the lovely people who might be waiting for the band And thinking one of them might make a charming one night stand Oh please dont take offence this songs not ment for you And we'll be happy to oblige you when this nasty job is through Bugger off you bastards bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Like a heard of bloody swine who refuse to leave the trough You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off So now your promising the ladies a night of loving bliss When truth be told your far too drunk to stand up staight and piss So give it up you bloody sots you'll not be getting laid And the sooner that your out the door the sooner we'll be paid Bugger off you bastards bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Like a heard of bloody swine who refuse to leave the trough You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Bugger off you bastards bugger off Like a heard of bloody swine who refuse to leave the trough You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off
  3. part of the appeal of the "throwback" unis, is that they are only warn once or twice a year, if that. its a "treat" to play in them. kinda like getting a piece of candy as a treat, or snack. it wouldnt be as good, if you ate candy as your 3 meals a day. but as for the NFL not allowing it, its their league. and yes it has A LOT to do with sales of jerseys. if they only played in the "throwbacks", then sales of the regular jerseys would fall. and people would start buying the "new" throwback unis. the NFL probubly doesnt have that many throwback unis on hand. what would they do with the old ones?? its a buisness thing. and i think the NFL would do a little more than jsut fine ralph 10,000 a game, if he continued to break the rule. they would probubly increase the fine after each game. hell, he would be deliberatly and repeatedly break a NFL rule.
  4. it wasnt a T-Shirt. it was a White shirt, with the NFL logo on it. as long as it is NFL clothing, its cool. they dont make NFL suites.
  5. DT. but that depends on how Anderson has developed. but right now, that what we need to take with the #1. or a TE that can run routes and catch a pass.
  6. i would take an incomplete pass over a sack any day.
  7. if you wear the unis all the time, then they are not "throwbacks". if you really dong like the unis you have, maybe you should change them, insted of always wearing the old ones. and you are right about the home team can wear whatever color they want. thats why the road team usually brings 2 unis to the game. its another part of the home field advantage. i bet the bills wear dark unis at home in the snow.
  8. H A R R I N G T O N hes more innacurate, (off the top of my head). and you also have to take in to account, that if noone is open, he will throw it away, or throw to a place where only our WR can get it, usually resulting in an incompletion.
  9. it seems willis runs better without a FB. but defenses will continue to stack the box untill losman proves he can consistantly beat them, which he hasnt.
  10. my roommate (a giants fan) wanted to call up and just say, "is this Smith?...who is that at the end of the table, is that Jeff Hostetler?? WIDE RIGHT B word!!!" and then hang up.
  11. he had some very long punts. but he doesnt have the touch to drop it at the 5 yard line. i saw 1 punt go very short, but all the others were very deep.
  12. we were only supposed to wear them on opening day. but when game 2 was in tampa, they wore white, making us wear darks. and the throwbacks where the lightest dark unis we have. we wont wear them again. but it was nice to see us win atleast once with them.
  13. you usually dont see anchor wearing those types of clothes. but im glad she did. and she has alot of makeup on. why is it that when a woman looks HOT, everything she says matters less and less?? i dout her cooworkers take her seriously.
  14. these 2. i just want to win. but if he doesnt play, than our defense will win the game for us.
  15. he had some nice throws. the deep one to evans was GREAT. but his accuracy on the other throws were less impressive. im hoping that the bucs D just scared him, and he felt that he HAD to throw it to a place only his WRs could catch it. the final drive of the game, he settled in and trusted his WRs. thats when he got most of his completions in the bucs game.
  16. maybe, but they didnt loose like we did. we had NO offense. NONE. our "greatest defense" let a rookie run for 6 and 8 yard gains like it was nothing. when we find a way to stop the run, and get JP to throw accurate passes to WRs ill be happy.
  17. and in this day and age, i would be happy to know he likes that kind of thing.
  18. let me just say.... GODDAMN!!!!
  19. i dont care about excuses. as long as we get a win, i dont care. we need every win we can get.
  20. they did show the cheerleaders more. i liked that. but did anyone notice, they showed 1 girl most of the time, and she had a little belly. not exactly thin.... but as they say, i wouldn't kick her out of bed.
  21. to me the weakest teams who we havent played yet are Miami, Denver, and N.O. Atlanta is atlanta. but maybe Vick wont play... Oakland has Moss. K. City looks like a SB team. Bengals looks like a division champ. i have to say, our schedule lookes alot harder than it did 2 weeks ago.
  22. Division games in BOLD Houston Won 22-7 @Tampa Bay Lost 3-19 Atlanta 1:00pm @New Orleans 1:00pm Miami 1:00pm N.Y. Jets 4:15pm @Oakland 4:15pm @New England 8:30pm Week 9 BYE Kansas City 1:00pm @San Diego 4:15pm Carolina 1:00pm @Miami 1:00pm New England 1:00pm Denver 8:30pm @Cincinnati 1:00pm @N.Y. Jets 1:00pm ok, after 2 weeks of games, we are starting to see how teams are playing. so i would like to hear yalls opinions on these team. and which teams the bills can realisticly win.
  23. i think JP knows how D. Carr feels now. but the bucs have basicly the same defense we have. we didnt do anything well on offense. atleast he didnt throw an INT, though IMO, 3 should have been caught. but im not freakin out like lions fans should be.
  24. that was a good movie. one of those you watch when it comes on the TV.
  25. hes a rookie. 2 games into the season.
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