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Everything posted by ch19079

  1. adult swim on cartoon network. usually somewhere between 11 pm and 1 am.
  2. i never thaught much of the show. who wants to watch a mechanical chicken. then last week i actually watched it and found out that its just a bunch of random clips. it is funny.
  3. we will not be cutting P. Price. i dout we will cut Wire either. He plays great on special teams. but everything else good about right. it would be nice if McCargo could win the starting job in camp.
  4. http://www.freeenergynews.com/Directory/Br...s/WaterFuel.wmv saw this on another site. the link is to a news clip of a man and his invention. it really does seem to good to be true. here is a link to their website: Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc. http://www.hytechapps.com/presentation/#page=1
  5. we will only cut vincent if our draft pick can out shine him in camp. bu i dout that will happen this year. we dont need another RB. we have a-train, we dont need henry. rodgers will get signed cheap by someone quick. i dout it will be the bills since we have so many WRs as it is.
  6. hes wouldnt be a bad backup. they need a good one because most dont think donte will start the season.
  7. jeanne tripplehorn used to be very hot a few years back, but she looks like she had a few kids since. the youngest (3rd wife) is probubly the hottest. i like them young.
  8. i would like him more if he wasnt called for holding as much.
  9. "Linebackers are a special breed. They like to torture small animals, drink blood and eat children for breakfast."
  10. thanks, i just learned a lot. but i dont see how a team can have 2 "3-tech" guys on the field together. (tripplett and McCargo). both would be lined up on the outside sholder of the OGs. on a run play the C would not be touched untill he hit a linebacker.
  11. clock work orange. a strange !@#$ing movie.
  12. if hes recieving oxygen and nutrients then hes not really "surviving" hes just hanging out in a pool.
  13. christopher will end up killing himself. paulie will will live through the series, but will have canser and be given a short time to live.
  14. DE is weak after shobel, and our O-Line is not the best either. Clements is here for atleast 1 more year. i think we have decent CBs all the way down the depth chart. RT is locked down by Peters, but the LT is still questionable. Gandy is average at best, but i dont think there are any quality OTs left in FA. ROG is locked down by Velerr..whatever so thats ok, but the LOG is up in the air. we will see how the former panthers OG plays. i dont see how signing any more OGs would help. TE is weak because we dont know what our young TEs can do. but again, none in FA. basically i dont see us signing any big name FA.
  15. teams want to go in to the draft not having to draft a paticular position. that would give them options and allow them to take the best player available. but in our case we didnt have that option. we needed a SS badly. so bad in fact that if we traded down and didnt get whitner, we would have been really screwed. so in our case, it was not worth the risk. take the giants for example. they traded down thinking McCargo would have been there at 32nd overall. but we traded up to get him, and they were forced to draft a DE that they didnt really want or need.
  16. they should also mention that the 4th best DT was not nearly as good as McCargo.
  17. i would rather go 4-3 Spikes, Fletcher, Crowell I would rather have Kelay on the field over Posey. that should tell you how i feel about posey.
  18. i remember several tackles for loss by Crowell. he played great for us last season. if spikes is healthy, i see crowell moving to the other side and taking Poseys spot.
  19. we either sink or swim with JP. we need to give him 16 games to prove what he has. Nall was the #3 QB in GB, so i just dont see him winning the starting job in camp over JP or holcomb. but if the coaches decide to go with holcomb afte camp, we should look to drop JP. this is the deciding year for jp.
  20. IMO, neather did a great job. after the 1st round, the draft became secondary to them talking about whatever they wanted to talk about. i watched both espn and NFL network to see which team drafted which players. i expected comments about each player since there is a 15-10-5 min gap between just about every pick. but instead i got to watch as they say, "o, the bears selected so and so from some school" and then go back to talking about what they were talking about. in some cases i could hear them announce a name in the background but since the people were talking i couldnt hear and i had to wait the min or 2 before i was told who was selected. and after the 1st round i didnt always know who they were, so i had to wait the 15 min before they showed a 5 second clip of the player.
  21. lol, if all our top 4 picks become starters then yes its a A. i cant imagin our D being good with out clements (who wasnt mentioned) and king as a starter. it will be an A if both Whitner and McCargo eventually become probowl type players.
  22. why? so he can be replaced by a 4th round draft pick in his rookie year. come on. Vincent will be the starting FS at the start of the season.
  23. great info, the only problem i see in this new D, is that Fletcher can not cover anyone. so one of our best defensive players is not doing what he does best most of the time, in fact he would be doing what he does worst most of the time.
  24. he was average at best. he got called for holding atleast once a game. and any 10 yard loss basically ended our drives last season.
  25. he may be a tweener, but he will play SS not CB. he was not drafted to replace Clements. do you expect a 3rd and 4th rounder to start next season? i hope not. we needed depth at FS and we got it. we needed depth at CB and we got it. we needed a starting SS and we got it. we also needed a pass rushing DT and we got him too.
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