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Everything posted by Brit

  1. Lot of hate for guys in red uniforms here. Guess it's always been an American thing...
  2. Could just have many of the games at Jacksonville. Pretty much a neutral field there the rest of the time.
  3. Bonobos. A type of great ape. Our closest animal relative. Might explain hippies.
  4. Yeah - a busker plays the theme tune from the cartoon in one of the movies (the first one?)
  5. Yeah. New Orleans. My memory is kinda fuzzy from when I was there too...
  6. Who is this LB? What have they done with the real Klein? On second thoughts, keep him.
  7. I've told people this exact same thing a million times.
  8. Saw some in the Northern Territory in Oz. No bison though.
  9. Bates and Williams can play guard as well. Nsekhe could move in to RT and Williams to Guard. Hopefully not everyone will be out though...
  10. Not missing it though!
  11. Midnight. Goddammit.
  12. Beasley hurt - questionable to return (radio injury report)
  13. Going to go with home town girl gone bad: The Ogress of Reading. Convicted of seven. Four more bodies found in the cellar of one of her old addresses. But active for decades. Probably killed hundreds, maybe as many s 400. All young kids and babies... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Dyer
  14. 4th place allows teams to play in the big european trophy next season. Talking a lot of extra income (I think around $100 million for Manchester United), those kinds of sums are a big deal (especially since players join clubs mostly by paying large transfer fees).
  15. Pretty much the definition of brave. Be scared of doing something with real risk, and then doing it anyway for the good of others.
  16. Obama Richard Dawkins Stephen Fry Brian Cox (physicist, not actor) Salman Rushdie
  17. The Young Ones. Black Adder. The Good Life. Bottom. The Comic Strip Presents.
  18. The city of Auckland - the urban area rather than the district (which is larger) - has one third of the total population of New Zealand. Yes they are going to have less cases as their population is smaller. But they acted far quicker than other governments and are already reaping the rewards.
  19. Pretty much a certainty, I'm afraid. This is a worldwide issue, not a US specific one. I am aware of one death (two doors down) that is almost certainly COVID19 (guy came back from a holiday in Italy just as this started, developed a fever and cough, died but never even went to the docs). He had not been tested then and it is unlikely he will be soon (if ever) since we also do not have enough tests for our health care workers let alone for those we can do nothing for.
  20. Who knows when the US will start levelling. With Florida and other states only now just starting to put in measures there may be some weeks ahead before any kind of slow down on a national level kicks in.
  21. Bravo. If I ran 8k I would be coughing and spluttering so much I'd be rushed to the ICU !
  22. I would say this is likely. The Chinese ignored the early stages of the outbreak and millions passed through the area before the lockdown. I imagine deaths and cases are both higher, although with their lockdown it is possible that the numbers of new cases are now very low.
  23. 969 deaths in Italy in the last 24 hours. I imagine the UK and US will see similar figures in the coming week or two.
  24. And there are still people saying he has changed his position and attacking him rather than reading what he really said (if we keep up this social isolating then we could reduce the death toll to only around 20,000 (!!!)). And now Boris the Clown has the virus. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52060791
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