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Everything posted by Brit

  1. With Shakir having a good game last week it might mean the Ravens do not concentrate so much of their D against Kincaid - so I will pick him on my O. Rousseau for the D as he is such an important piece to our run D.
  2. Just read Slow Horses by Mick Herron. Excellent spy fiction (the books that form the basis of the Gary Oldman vehicle on Apple+). Finishing off To the Lighthouse by Woolf. Good read, but not exactly my thing. Have recently finished a couple of non fiction books - Factfulness by Hans Rosling and Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker. Excellent books that show the world is improving (as opposed to the daily grind of sensational news stories that might make it seem otherwise). Both are full of facts and figures to show a more optimistic future than you might think. They also do point out there is still a lot of bad things in the world, just less than before.
  3. Well, the US law on incitement is broadly similar to UK law. (Brandenburg vs Ohio). Trump was impeached for incitement, for a more recent example. That was the crime for which he faced trial in the senate. So it is most definitely a criminal offence in the US. As for overzealous enforcement. The joy of deciding these cases is that the evidence is literally in black and white.
  4. Freedom of speech does have legal limitations. Always has and always will. This is true of every western nation. Even the USA. If you slander someone they can take legal action. If you libel someone you can take legal action. (Recent examples: Heard/Depp, Giuliani/false claims about multiple things, Fox News/false claims about voting machines). If you conspire to commit an illegal act - that is a crime. If you incite others to commit an illegal act - that is a crime. Freedom of speech does not protect you in such circumstances. This is not anything new. Julius Streicher was rightly hanged because of what he published, in the most extreme case. Those being investigated and prosecuted for incitement over things they wrote on various platforms will have their day in court. Similar things happened during the much more serious rioting in 2011.
  5. One thing it did was increase immigration on a large scale. Including the small boats (because, as part of the EU, there was an agreement in place we could send them back to France).
  6. Bit more info on these: Al Soaimi was a 15 year old. He was convicted of sexual assault. He received a suspended sentence of two years (if he offends again within a period of time he does time). He looks older in the pic because the trial and conviction were six years or so after the offences. He's still a turd though. The grooming gang he was part of also targeted a 13 year old, who said she as 15 (not that they wouldhave cared). They got 18, 13 and 5 and a half years. Melia is a full on Nazi. His conviction and sentence was for trying to stir up racist hate (anti-semitism) through his stickers and for his involvement in racially motivated criminal damage (presumably putting up the stickers on other people's property). Big fan of Hitler and Mosely. The offences were not really anti-immigrant, just general hate towards others. So the meme is deliberately innacurate. Would say I would vastly have preferred to have seen Al Soaimi's sentence to be actual jail and not a suspended sentence, no issue with Melia being behind bars.
  7. Same thing happened in the 1930s when far right anti-immigrant thugs stirred up by populists tried to march through an immigrant (Jewish) neighbourhood in London. The Jews fought back along with their 'antifa' allies (at least a quarter of a million of them). The marches did not go through. Same old ***** (AKA History repeats itself). To be fair about the Conservatives, they were just as bullish about Ukraine. (Although they were awful about just about everything else)
  8. Okay - let us tackle the grooming gangs part (since I am not going into everything right now as I have a life). Also, detailed refutation of specific points is quite a lot of work. This is the last point in the summary at the start of this linked article. The idea that asian males are disproportionately members of grooming gangs has been refuted. The data that forms such conclusions can be (and has been) cherry picked). There was a two year study looking at grooming gangs nationally and the conclusion was the rates of muslim men being involved in such crimes was no greater than what you would expect given their overall numbers in the population. An additional problem is this is also a very misleading stat, since it is targetting just one facet of these perverts. Paedophiles target children they can have control over in some way (and obviously have access to). For example - many white perverts in the UK have come from the entertainment industry (Saville, Ian Watkins and others), youth workers, sports coaches, religious leaders, teachers, etc. These positions gave them access to children who they had some control over and could then pick out the vulnerable ones. (This is true for pretty much everywhere, not just the UK). Among Asian perverts these routes were pretty much not open to them, but grooming gangs were. So they tended to gravitate towards this method to target children. Overall rates of prosecutions among Asians for these types of crimes in the UK is actually below the numbers you would expect. About 9.3% of the British population are Asian, 6% of prosecuted paedophiles are from that ethnic group. However, this is also misleading. I consider such perversions to be pretty much the same across all ethnic groups and have read studies that support this hypothesis. I suspect the disparity between prosecutions and the overall demographic percentages is just because a number of these scum are not being identified. I have used Asians rather than muslims for a lot of this since this is about immigration generally and those were figures I can get easily. However, the idea muslims are over represented in grooming gangs has been specifically refuted by those who actually collate the data. Also, NOT saying every stat is wrong either. But even correct statistics can be misused.
  9. Migrationwatch oversimplifies and is effectively propaganda from the right. When they were called out on this they threatened to sue. The person who called them out did not back down, and they never sued - becauese there was no chance of them winning. Nothing from Migrationwatch is fair and balanced. And the statistics they use are questionable at best. The fact they call themselves non political is nonsense. They are not far right, but they are definitely right wing. Elon Musk is a tit. Tommy Robinson is a lying far right thug who has in the past attacked other minorities.
  10. Most have assimilated. A lot of the problems we had with extremists stemmed from our security services thinking they had informants, when what they were doing was paying extremists for bull####. The wider muslim community for years were calling for action. There have been muslims in Britain for a very long time, and large numbers for longer than I have been alive. Other than the very recent immigrants they live in the same communities, integrated. They are our work colleagues, sporting colleagues. Our doctors. Nurses. Neighbours. Yes, some are #######. But now the security services have pulled their heads from the backsides and worked with the islamic groups organised plots have all but disappeared. As for the thugs on the streets - we had them in the 1900s when they attacked Jewish refugees fleeing pogroms in Russia. In the 1930s (again against Jews, with newspapers saying, up until 1938 (after the first camps had opened), send these so-called refugees back to Mr Hitlers Germany. In the 1950s when we had widespread immigration from the Commonwealth. In the 1970s when they attacked the gay community. In the 2000s when they attacked east European migrants from the former soviet block. Same story, same arguments, different targets. No, they didn't lose it over one piece of misinformation. They have always been here. Ignorance and evil is kind of like that.
  11. Motives for mass killers like this vary. Extreme politics / religion, personal grievances (real or imagined), violence for violence sake, among others. In this case the police are questioning the suspect, probably will not come out until the court case - which could be months away. However the one thing that has so far come out is that the killer is neither an immigrant nor a muslim (the so-called motivations behind the thugs on the street).
  12. These are tiny little disturbances. A few hundred or maybe a thousand individuals at the biggest. They are neo-nazis and fascists. People who are viewed as the scum of the earth by the vast majority of people in the UK. 'Going door to door arresting people' is bull####. Police have identified rioters and are going to specific addresses - like they would for any other criminals. The riots have been orchestrated using lies and misinformation. Claiming, for instance, the knifeman was a muslim refugee just off a boat - when they were born and raised in the UK and have no known Islamic ties whatsoever.
  13. Brit


    It is a great game and led to an explosion in innovative board game design. Fun, but there are a lot of newer games out there that are just as good.
  14. As of right now I would go for Moulds and Schobel, because I think both bring strength to one of the weaker parts of the current roster. If things change during the off season I could easily change this. If you asked during the playoffs last year I would be looking at 2 of the better LBs, the year before would be a couple of DBs. It will change year-on-year.
  15. Bills had multiple options they thought were of as at the same kind of level so they were happy to trade down, twice, as they could get more draft capital later on.
  16. Yeah, I think I was sleep deprived by the end of the season. (Stupid 5 hour time zone difference).
  17. Plenty of reasons that there is a difference in reaction. 1. Familiarity. Lots of people have been to Paris, not so many to Moscow. 2. Culture. France is an enlightened democracy with plenty of shared values. Russia is a totalitarian state run by a corrupt despot. 3. Coverage. Paris, as the capital of a democratic country, has a lot of news broadcasters and the amount of footage and reporting was enormous. Moscow is a totalitarian state with few foreign news teams (and limited in what they can do or where they can go). And the state run propaganda chanels are generally crap. 4. A lot of the pro-Paris stuff was from within Europe, whose nations are VERY closely tied to one another these days. Except for Putin's Russia and its satellite states, of course. 5. Unlikely to go to war any time in the next century vs Putin says in his statements that he should be ruling at least half of Europe and have troops in Berlin. So, yeah, there are major differences as to the reaction. With the Russian attack there is empathy for the victims but not the widespread outpouring of support as there was for Paris. It also does not help with the sympathy angele that Putin is blaming the west/Ukraine for the IS attack, which is complete bollocks.
  18. When the US warned about the possibility of attack it was (apparently) ignored. To quote Putin the warnings 'resemble outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilise our society' Literally three days before the attack.
  19. The alert was two weeks ago. And the Russians did stop one attack on a synagogue with four terrorists killed last week. The claim this is definitely a false flag operation could be correct, BUT it is more likely that it is Islamic State ####### and Putin is using it as an opportunity to 'justify' his war on Ukraine.
  20. The idea that a bunch of terrorists would flee to Ukraine is nuts - they would have to pass through the Russian front lines, FFS. So that is prime BS. (There are far easier ways to get the hell out of Russia, such as via the Baltic States or even into Belarus and moving on from there). Either this is the work of Islamic terrorists. Or it is a false flag operation.
  21. If he's fit, he's a fit.
  22. DL first, then WR in the second (depending on who is available) as things stand at the moment. We have very little in the DLine at the moment with all the FAs, and unless we have an eternal sign 1 year DL deals we do need regular input of fresh blood. WR depth is good in this year's draft, apparently, so a good WR can be had in the 2nd, DL on the other hand is much thinner. We will have to see what gets done in Free Agency, by the time the draft arrives our needs could be very different.
  23. Yeah, stressful and knackered. Great combination...
  24. We would lose another player on call-up. Probably Isabella, leaving us short in WR. No penalty as he was blocked into the Chiefs player.
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