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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. AT LEAST 2 of these should HIT HARD for ANYONE with a heart. Of course I know which are the best two.
  2. Not sure defensive performances against the New Jersey Jets and the Rookie QB Broncos (who can't run the ball) are reliable measuring sticks come playoff time, but it's definitely not BAD news. That one drive in the 3rd quarter that saw Nix scrambling for yardage, their only promising drive all 2nd half, seemed to be EXCLUSIVELY the result of Bills pass rushers losing lane discipline and giving away escape routes. That kind of dumb aggression will get severely punished by Jackson and Co. Gotta stay smart and in your lane next week.
  3. Allen (AND possibly several of his teammates) getting snubbed is an AMAZING DEVELOPMENT for the Bills playoff outlook. JA17 has ALWAYS been hugely motivated by his snubs, going back to high school. He absolutely cooks as an underdog. Part of the reason I don't hate his admiration of Tom Brady: Brady's best attribute was his Jordan-esque, petty NEED to prove doubters wrong. Allen has some of that chip on his shoulder, but without being a ragingly unlikable prick. Predicting Allen to be a MONSTER in these playoffs makes sense for those who have been paying close attention to him. Look at this year already. "Turnover machine" was the dominant narrative. Followed by the "no supporting cast" and "rebuilding/retooling year" and "window closing" tropes. Way back when it was "can't teach accuracy." I LOVE the snubs.
  4. Or into that good night. (Definitely do not go GENTLE, for the love of Pete.)
  5. That's essentially what it will have to be, from what I can see. Appreciate ya. Different approach: What's the latest deal with getting into Hammer's Lot? I haven't parked there in some years. Does one need a pass (I remember getting a printable pass once in the past) or can you just queue up early AF and get in? How early before it fills up?
  6. Mahomes already had a more dynamic, rotational throwing motion (had done some pitching of course), but what he had was AWFUL footwork and pocket movement under pressure (always drifting backwards and/or looking to escape out the back door, which is the rookiest of habits). Rodgers was clearly an okay athlete and a decent QB, but I'm not sure his complete overhaul into one of the best spinners of the ball ever (plus elite pocket manipulation--that hop forward to help his blockers regain advantage, followed by a hop backward to gain some separation) was foreseen by many? I thought in his prime he threw the best overall ball I've ever seen. Though I hate to admit it now. Allen had major inconsistencies in his fundamentals and decision-making when drafted. And somehow he gradually fixed himself even without a redshirt year or four, or a QB whisperer coach in Buffalo. Almost like his bad habits weren't as deeply ingrained/conditioned due to relatively limited reps, and therefore were readily able to be reprogrammed with proper design and regimentation. His ability to install and repeat new mechanics and habits, under duress, has been impressive to watch over the years. His athleticism and grit has probably bought him more time to do so. I wonder who are some intriguing 1st rounders who genuinely could have developed under more favorable circumstances?
  7. The issue is my mother's mobility. She's an effing trooper, but is dealing with pain and a considerably slowed gait as a result. That trek from ECC ain't hitting like it used to LOL. So a closer lot could be worth the logistical headaches. Appreciate the insight. (We parked at Bert's for the 49ers game, I think? ECC was having issues with its card reader.)
  8. Hell yeah. Generations of effective logistics. No need to change a thing.
  9. Appreciate it for sure, but Lake Ave is north of the Stadium, and Lot 1 that I'm considering empties onto Big Tree, which is south of Highmark. Abbott is closed to traffic just north of Big Tree. So I still need to figure out if I can simply cross Abbott going west on Big Tree. If I'll be allowed to, or if I'll be forced to head east on Big Tree towards the 219.
  10. No, we're heading west to Route 5 ultimately (via some other roads) and then north. Just wondering if I can get there from a Lot off Big Tree that's just east of the Abbott intersection. Worried the egress might be forced left (east) towards 219. Not many people come and go from the other direction (Rt 5), so I'm not surprised there isn't much guidance being shared yet.
  11. Considering Highmark Lot 1 for first time this week. Usually park at ECC because we Northtowners avoid traffic by using the route along the River and Lake. Leaving Lot 1 which empties onto Big Tree, will we be allowed to turn RIGHT (heading west, instead of most people who will turn left and head east towards 219) onto Big Tree and then cross Abbott to continue on to Southwestern? I'm not sure how what traffic pattern restrictions we might run into. Thanks, fam.
  12. Incoming: hostile debate over elite WNY high school rankings (football-related and not). Let's go.
  13. Okay, fine, I support Keon Coleman for PR. LFG
  14. LOVE nerding out on this stuff. So cool. "Rotational athletics" (referenced by Allen in vid) encompasses a range of popular American sports, and the fundamental best practices of rotational throwing (and swinging) actually run counter to how many youth QBs have been taught to handle the ball and throw. Think of what Rodgers (I know, forgive me) looked like in college: classic football drop-back fundamentals with two hands on the ball, up really high around his damned ear hole, and then a mostly over-the-top motion and release. What has always been called "classic" with respect to NFL QBing. (Helps with ball security and clearing the first line of defenders, but not at all "correct" from the more general perspective of human body biometric optimization.) Then think of what Rodgers became known for in the NFL: lower/multiple arm angles and absolutely spinning the ball. Never before had I seen such a fundamental transformation in mechanics. I've always been obsessed with how top athletes throw the way they do. Really had a lot of respect for the way this particular athlete worked on his game. Of course, he had like FOUR seasons to perfect his personal craft before we really saw him again lol. Ha, pulled a sneaky on ya. But you get the drift.
  15. Your 2nd point definitely undercuts anyone's feelings of injustice for poor Minnesota. However, your first point is mostly just an appeal to tradition, and doesn't make a lot of sense that teams from other divisions should be penalized by how bad some other division is. THEN AGAIN lol, the first rule of the NFL regular season is Win Your @#$% Division. It ain't fair, but it does make for some high stakes intra-division regular season matchups.
  16. Remarkable back-and-forth. Mostly brought to you by mediocre offenses/QBs. Just wow, though. ND should have left in the backup QB. This is apparent to most fans, yes?
  17. Whammy Wings™️or no things
  18. It would/should, but nothing trumps the almighty dollar. Just think of the poor shareholders!
  19. Even though you added something with Nick Wright in it AFTER I gave a positive reaction, I won't rescind my "Thank You." Should, though...
  20. Clapping is much louder and more disruptive. If every fan just clapped on defense the stadium would be incredibly loud. Add in some screamers and we'd be deafening. McDermott knows what I'm talking about... I don't fully understand the towel nonsense. Not to mention, at that Pitt WC game last year, this kinda short Yinzer dingbat was angrily spinning his yellow rag but was hitting the Bills fans in front of and behind him. Got a little heated eventually.
  21. Got more detail on what's entailed in this on-field banner-holding business: it's gonna eat up nearly our entire tailgate. "Check-in" is at 10:45 AM, and we don't get to our seats until after kickoff apparently. Gonna be a sober Wildcard round for this fan. Logistical question: anyone know if leaving lot 1 onto Big Tree, we would be allowed to turn right/westbound onto Big Tree and cross Abbott to get out to Southwestern and our route up the lake and river? We normally park at ECC so getting west is easy-peasy.
  22. Love all this for the most part. Only note (and it's a pedantic one): Miami IS paying Hill and Waddle lol. Otherwise you're breaking it down real nice like.
  23. Pedagogically, one could probably (depending on the grade-level/subject and the instructor's curricular autonomy) justify the integration of community-based engagement and critical reflection. Edit: turns out this is about teaching Sunday school. Just deleted a whole bit about it being a win-win to either reinforce the answering of their hopeful prayers, or an appropriate punishment for and the resulting lifelong guilt from their sinful existences.
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