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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. Sometimes people get badly hurt during dumb fights. Childish disregard for the magnitude of consequences and the scale of variables beyond our control.
  2. Definitely did the same kind of thing as early as the 1st quarter IIRC; nudged the guy who often sits next to us to ask him who the #el! number 25 is. He looked it up and saw the new number assigned to Dodson. When did that number change happen?
  3. Sure, poor execution will derail just about any offensive drive. But featuring short and intermediate passing and efficient running against 2-deep defensive looks is a smart and necessary gameplan that does NOT mean the Bills CAN'T push the ball downfield or create chunkier plays when they get behind the sticks. It just means they're actively working to avoid those exact scenarios by more consistently taking modest gains. Allen 100% has shown an ability to function this way (calm, efficient execution) at an elite level over portions of the 2020, 2021, and 2022 seasons. From the playoffs of 2021 through the first handful of games in 2022, Allen was historically elite. I know that's only half a season or so, but wow. That level of talent combined with that degree of patience and precision (maybe culminating in the 2022 KC game...that can win a superbowl).
  4. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxUE985uiG7/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== (Video of him breaking a tackle on a 37-yard run.)
  5. LAMP alert: will be attending with my new bride after getting married Saturday. Strongly considering wearing our wedding attire from the night before to the game. Going to be all torn up after a banger backyard wedding. (If you know Jay's Artisan Pizza (which you should), then you'll probably appreciate that the founding Jay is catering our party (wife and him are friends from way back in their Wegman's days).) If you see a mustachioed ginger guy in a brown tux beside a woman out of his league...then I don't know, try to talk some sense into her.
  6. What's worse, truly: that Allen has suffered multiple undiagnosed concussions in 2022 and 2023 already, a la Tua in 2022, or that he has exhibited a regression of inexplicably poor decision-making over that same span? From 2nd half vs GB in '22 through NYJ in '23 there is a troubling uptick in WTF decisions by #17. Prior to that he had been playing at an all-time elite level over a 6-8 game span. Would be REALLY bad if the Bills were putting on those Mike McDaniel shades and missing some obvious head injury evidence. Super yuck.
  7. Criticizing others' intellects whilst committing three errors with what I suspect is a native language. THIS is what the internet is truly for 🤌
  8. It IS possible for Kincaid to be featured in the Bills offense much like Beas was before him withOUT that having a negative impact on Davis. I wonder how many of us would even accept Cole Beasley's 1st 3-year Bills production for Kincaid this season.
  9. But operating a jet-ski IS inherently dangerous no matter how any single person treats it. It's a powerful motorcraft that one rides upon at high speeds ON WATER which adds an unmistakably element of danger obviously lol
  10. I mean, your anecdotal evidence of riding a jet ski on a gigantic and lightly populated body of water during the several months a year when that's fun is...not super pertinent. I've ridden jet skis in places where there is some significant congestion (Merritt Island causeway on "Space Coast" of Florida, handful of lakes in north and central Texas, and a couple lesser Finger Lakes)...and the risk of something going quickly wrong for someone is pretty apparent. It is only POSSIBLY safer on a jet-ski than in a car due to the lopsided scale of how often we're in cars societally. So each of us is more likely to be injured in a car because of the exponentially greater EXPOSURE to those risks. It's NOT safer on a level playing field of factors AT ALL. Automobiles, at least, protect our bodies. Jet-skis do not, of course. Hell, my best friend's stepdad (when we were in high school) was jet skiing on the Niagara River when his own biological son crashed into him from the side (kinda like what Hines experienced). His leg got fully severed around the knee and he bled out and died, just like that. Riding ON a powerful motorized vehicle is inherently dangerous. Riding IN a motorized vehicle is also very dangerous, but at least your ACTUAL BODY doesn't get crashed directly into the way it does on a bike, motorcycle, jet ski, etc. The vehicle can bear enough of the brunt to keep you mostly safe in most scenarios.
  11. More important than what Basham does in New Jersey and what Teller has done in Cleveland is what Jonathan does here in Buffalo. And probably Lawson, too. That's the comparison(s) the team was actively making that led to the trade. Can't wait for the Bills to fully move on from both DE/DT tweeners they over-drafted in consecutive years purely due to perceived value and definitely not projected fit. Epenesa should have maybe gone to a 3-4 team who liked his size/length/weight and strength as a 5-tech, and Basham should have been drafted lower overall and maybe valued for his stoutness to reduce down to 3-tech in subpackages. I get the picks from a purely draft value standpoint, in a vacuum, but this ain't a vacuum. They weren't good fits for the Buffalo Bills. It could have worked, I guess. But it didn't. That being said, Epenesa will probably flash a few times in his final season with the team. His production last season was solid for a depth rotational edge.
  12. Leonard Floyd is a legitimate edge rusher, and Ed Oliver is probably an above average 3T. Rousseau is at least average at LDE with tons of upside. Daquan Jones, as you recognized, is understood to be an awesome-or-at-least-solid 1T. Add in the depth of Poona Ford at 1T and both Tim Settle and Jordan Philips at 3T, along with Epenesa and Jonathan and Lawson at the edge...and nowhere here have we even mentioned the week 5-London return of Von Miller... That doesn't sound AT ALL like a "bad" defensive line.
  13. Aside from most of 2020 (when our OL ranked fairly highly and Josh was Mister Zen, this is what defenses have decided NOT to do against Josh Allen). Turns out Allen will effing kill you like a barbarous surgeon savant if you let him operate free from duress. So teams have since mixed in all kinds of attacks, to all kinds of mixed results (mostly still in Buffalo's favor, but pressure and variety IS essential to speeding up Josh Allen's processing and getting him to turn the ball over). I'd like to see the Bills defense ALSO attempt to actively disrupt an elite QB's mental processing with variety and aggression. Seems to be more effective than backing off and surrendering plays.
  14. Bringing pressure early and often could play right into the Jets' hands, as I expect a ton of quick hitting run/pass mix that gets the ball out fast and attacks the field horizontally more than vertically. Attacking the Bills is about taking what the off-coverage gives you (outs, slants, "now" routes and screens galore) while establishing the run and run-action game. Best way to defend that? Good question.
  15. Players aren't "supposed" to interfere with fellow players' contract issues. It's just decent labor code not to eff with your "buddy's" pursuit of maximum value. Very uncommon, and for good reason.
  16. Maybe "good running" contributes to "bad tackling" on plays like this?
  17. I was multi-tasking during the game, unfortunately, so missed evidence of Cook pass blocking effectively. That's likely his last remaining weakness, at least from our limited vantage point. He never had a run like that. Wade had a couple one-cut sprints that flashed. The Evans run today really was Beastmode-ish, broken-field cutting and breaking tackles and running over dudes on his way to the endzone.
  18. If a WR's catch % is consistently below average, and also below other receivers that the SAME QB is throwing to, how can that be "mostly on the QB"? You aren't even considering Occam's Razor here. The simple, bigger picture objective truth is that throwing to Davis is Allen's lowest percentage option. (High reward, but too much risk for a high volume of targets.) Davis' avg depth of target, and resulting eye-popping yards per reception, means we really should have more tolerance for lower efficiency numbers, for sure. Gabe Davis HAS undoubtedly flashed some splash deep and red zone plays against man coverage (we can all immediately recall a handful of plays concentrated mostly in a few games). I just can't ignore his bizarrely flawed catching fundamentals at times (that reaching/clapping thing he does when coming back to the ball, especially) and the times when he's just WAY out of sync with his QB when reading and reacting to coverages on option routes (sometimes easier to pick up on in person at the stadium). You see a lack of separation on routes that aren't flags, posts, or flies. He kind of sucks, statistically, doing much else. Drops a LOT of passes. Interrupts an offensive "schedule" too often to be a high volume, true #2 option over the course of a season.
  19. Gave Davis still fighting the football. He is not a natural, consistent catcher of the ball. Will still have big moments because he's a specimen, but his fundamentals are shite.
  20. Doesn't feel like an accurate representation of the sentiment among those who were against re-signing Edmunds. I've found that most fans who wanted the team to move on from Edmunds felt like his lack of impact plays and his ineffectiveness as a blitzer made him unworthy of the contract he'd get on the open market. He's obviously assignment-sound and rangy enough to cover a lot of ground in coverage, but he's otherwise pretty unspectacular. Someone was going to overpay him, and I'm glad it wasn't the Bills.
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