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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. Really holding out hope for a "Can't Understand Normal Thinking" poster.
  2. I forgive you. And I forgive the Bills and Sabres, too.
  3. Depends upon how famous you'll be by then. I'm hoping for big things from you...
  4. I'm here for you, Teef. Touch it. You need human contact.
  5. Buffalo sports is bottoming out in brutally slow, and painfully obvious, ways. This is, almost, rock-bottom. Buffalo fans, BBFS sufferers, we've almost made it. The end is near. Just took a lot longer than expected. "This," I'd like to suggest, "is where the healing begins." Leave all hope behind. Embrace the descent. It's remarkably freeing.
  6. Aw, big guy...c'mere and get your hug!
  7. I believe the appropriate response here is: Dilly dilly!
  8. We all mourn in our own ways. I don't tell you to lay off the saturated fats...
  9. In my twenties, when the drought was just getting underway, I used to play a drinking game to keep things interesting. Take a shot for every time the Bills get scored on and every time they turn the ball over. Kind of like solidarity with the team. Then, in 2007, I think, against the Patsies, I went half blind. I'm strongly considering bringing back this drinking game, as a way to punish myself for being a fan. Now, nearly 40, it will be sadder, and the next day will be much, much worse. I'll feel something like Kyle Williams must feel after getting beat up for 60 minutes, surrounded by back-ups and scrubs. Like an honorary member of this hot mess.
  10. Don't be so glum. It's good that Zay might be good. As fans, we want good things for the Bills, yes?
  11. Try not to beat yourself up about it.
  12. Very few of these players are worthy of the term "dilemma."
  13. Someone got triggered by a peaceful, respectful protest... Just get over it.
  14. Sometimes we realize, in retrospect, that our heroes are small-minded, arrogant, and kind of terrible people. You know, until they discover redemption.
  15. I support you in this endeavor.
  16. Got ourselves the life of the party over here.
  17. Does anyone keeping this hot mess going into its 14th page have any actual understanding of feminism as a critical theory? It's a useful, legitimate scholarly approach to deconstructing socio/political/cultural experience, and is in NO WAY connected to the popular misapplication of any misandrist (look it up) crap that men have been whining about for decades. In this country you're allowed to be a boorish cave man, like Cam Newton. But other people are allowed to give you s#!t for it. That's how it works. And none of it has much to do with what guys with pronounced brows and conveniently angry women call "feminism."
  18. You sound evolved. Lots of shallow thinkers in most threads, so...I'll take comments from "feminists (sic) men" any day.
  19. It was the other foot last year, if I'm not mistaken. This is an ankle on the opposite leg...I think.
  20. Everyone has a right to express themselves. Jim Kelly was an excellent football player who brought this franchise into national relevance in the late 80s and early 90s. That being said, he was also a privileged, philandering, misogynistic prima donna who discovered a moral high ground later in life when his own mortality unfortunately came into focus. While undoubtedly tough and resilient, he lacks empathy and intellectual flexibility, and accountability. He does not deserve the idol worship some grant him. Therefore, Jerry Hughes, go on with your bad self. Tell him if he doesn't like the team, he can find a new one. I recall Jimbo saying something similar recently...
  21. Like any lapsed Catholic I remain a steadfast masochist. Bring on the Denver D.
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