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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. You're not exactly blessed with brilliance, eh? Sorry. That's redundant.
  2. I've been wondering about the upside of granting him his release, from the team's perspective. Your suggestion is interesting: maintain honorable relations with player agents for the sake of future operations. Makes some sense.
  3. I approve of this discussion.
  4. The initial infraction is mostly meh in my book. A public figure with his own human faults and frailties is not above ridicule, however callous the offense, or vulnerable the target. But a mea culpa shows integrity, nonetheless. It's all good, or none of it matters anyway, or whatever.
  5. Sounds like a plan. Or, consider my counter-offer: let's have ONE massive, sprawling thread that spans double-digit pages and swallows all shades and nuances into one unified behemoth. There can be no middle ground in this life!
  6. Agreed. He has a big "tackle radius." (Which isn't a thing, but should be.) I HAVE heard his style of tackling used as a criticism, however. Maybe on draft night? He's a grabber, someone said, rather than a hitter.
  7. All right, everyone. Shut 'er down. Enough with all this discussion nonsense...
  8. You're thoughtful.
  9. I suspected and, admittedly, feared Beane's sincere interest in Allen for a long time. Who remembers, or better yet, knows the source for this off-the-record Beane quote from sometime last season? "We hoped the kid from Wyoming would fly under the radar but it doesn't look like it's happening now." Reported unofficially on WGR at some point, if I recall correctly.
  10. I guess I can sum this up easily: I strongly disagree with your post. Every point of it. Maybe Ducasse goes. Maybe. The rest seem like iron clad locks to me.
  11. The primary piece of Bellichick's coaching that I admire (and it pains me to admire him) is his willingness to IMMEDIATELY make in-game adjustments. Sometimes it seems like the first couple drives are diagnostic in nature, and once he and his staff accurately assess the opponent's plan, they set about countering that plan. Obviously that's not always necessary, or at least major adjustments aren't always called for (based on well-scouted gameplans and/or superior players/execution), but I've seen countless clips of him meeting with coaches and position groups on the sideline, detailing changes in approach and with specific techniques. Halftime is a great opportunity to lay out more comprehensive plans for the final 30 minutes, but I don't think waiting to tweak or adjust or even scrap certain gameplans makes any sense.
  12. You know what "carpetbagger" means, right? Now, I haven't seen his domicile to say whether or not he's unpacked or planning another job-hop in the near future, but the post you've quoted has nothing to do with ability or experience...
  13. A pitch count is fair and smart for a man of his age playing a collision position.
  14. I see a lot of people down on Alexander. I get it: he's old and doesn't have the best change of direction and therefore not good in zone drops. But he made impact plays throughout the season (forced fumbles and run stops), and was an absolute BEAST in the playoff game. I think he offers a lot to this team with his versatility and leadership.
  15. ^^^Reasonable take. I'll miss Brandon's business, personally. Had some amazing experiences serving major Bills celebrations over the last six years; McD and B are much less public about their affairs...
  16. Maybe, but they had a non-relationship when it came to roster building. I directly overhead Whaley laugh (to a few select scouts/personnel guys) about signing Jarius Wynn (remember him?) despite Coach's assessment that he "can't play." Whaley, that first year at least, was actually right about Wynn.
  17. Then again, morally bankrupt leadership (however effective: i.e. Russ securing a continuing stadium lease that was/is VERY costly to break) is no longer sustainable in an era of information transparency. Charming A-holes are on the ropes.
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