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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. WTF? There is so much flawed medical commentary in one post to refute. Please cite a peer-reviewed study that supports using hydroXYchloroquine (fixed the spelling for ya) in any way to combat COVID-19. It would be great if you were correct. There ARE drugs that help treat patients infected with the virus, but the one you're pushing is not among them. HOWEVER, I completely agree that the NBA is absolutely a contact sport and that those guys swap all kinds of spit and snot repeatedly. You're spot-on there. But that's why the bubble is the key.
  2. You strike me as a skeptic, rather than a medical professional. I live with medical professionals, and try my best to keep up on what the peer-reviewed scientific community is learning and sharing about this novel coronavirus. You're absolutely correct that long term health effects of COVID-19 have not been studied and reported upon due its recency. But you're positing a false equivalency when you lump it in with "any severe respiratory infection" with respect to lung damage AND you're using a red herring by focusing on lung damage specifically, when the post you're responding to focuses on deleterious cardiac issues. Also the stay-home-if-you're-immuno-compromised-or-scared argument you shared previously is NOT one shared by public health officials or medical experts, because it's not about each of us protecting ourselves...it's about each of us protecting society by not contracting and spreading the virus. So I'm suggesting your points are slanted away from science. And that downplaying the virus and our responsibilities in this time of crisis is how the NFL could lose the season, and many people could unnecessarily and prematurely lose their lives. Which often gets lost in all this: people are dying when they don't have to. We should really try to prevent that. And maybe the NFL is going to discover its plan is not insular and cautious enough to be sustainable. (I sure hope not, by the way.)
  3. Everyone knows it's spelled "D'oh!" D'uh... ?
  4. Thanks for clarifying. That was gracious of you, and transparent. I'm going to have to shrug my shoulders at Covid levels in waste water as an indicator of anything, because I've not yet seen a single scientific source point to that metric as meaningful (or at all). Seems like we can't responsibly glean anything from that data without some kind of expert support for doing so. And as for the numbers you've come up with on your own, it's difficult for anyone else to find significance in them without transparent evidence and methodology. I appreciate your efforts, but it isn't apparent how accurate or meaningful that effort is without support.
  5. Can you help me understand where your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are coming from? After looking over the link provided, I'm not seeing any of the specific numbers or conclusions you're sharing in those two paragraphs. After you help me see the origins of your data (and thank you for doing so), could you do me one more favor? Can you help us all better understand or contextualize how useful/accurate sewage studies are in tracking Covid cases (and more specifically Covid death rates, which you cite in your post but I don't see cited anywhere in the article linked)? Thank you. I can be a bit careless in the wee hours of the morning, so I appreciate the help in verifying the stats you've cited in your post.
  6. So...WITHOUT having any idea what's being said by anyone, you felt it necessary to cut in and chastise us for what we MIGHT be saying? How's the weather up there? P.s. not a lot of judgment for players opting out right now. Which you'd know if you took two minutes to scan the discussion before wagging your finger at everyone.
  7. I guess how Vernon Butler performs actually matters now.
  8. Imagine if more people reacted to the world around them like your sister did that night? Empathically. That moment was my first heartbreak, truly. I was in seventh grade. It is burned into my psyche forever. I was hurt, too, and the person I felt really bad for was myself. So cheers to your sister. (Obviously the downtown rally celebrating the season, when Norwood stepped to the mic, displayed the fans' widespread appreciation, so maybe Bills fans in general were a forgiving, graceful lot after only the first SB trauma.)
  9. I really think this is a sober, safe projection. I also really hope for more passing production than this, primarily in completions and total yards. The problem is that 29.56 attempts per game (the A/G above) seems very McD-ish (a slight tick above the 2019 Bills A/G), which is where a CORRECTED LONG BALL could be the key to increased production. As many here before me have pointed out. In 2019 Josh Allen missed on (either overthrew or didn't read) some explosive plays. Enough to justify a more optimistic projection for 2020, perhaps, if we think he'll miss fewer explosive opportunities (because of more and better skill players AND his own progression).
  10. What about the facts--that Prescott's numbers over the past two seasons are STRONG and also that his overall production improved considerably LAST season--gives people here so much pause? Is it really just that the young, media-derided QB of the Bills went into Dallas on national holiday TV and had an efficient, effective, WINNING game with a signature play or two? Prescott didn't play poorly in that game at all, and was in fact far MORE productive. I think his stat-line for that game would give thirsty Bills fans chubbies for days. So what is it? Why not Prescott? (I know his team hasn't won anything forever. What else?)
  11. But like, don't. Because you're the Jets, and I want you to be bad. So..no, Logic. Shhhhhhhhh....
  12. This quote needs to be repeated. Doesn't matter if you like McD's coaching or not. Strong prose here.
  13. But wasn't THAT the point in the game where championship teams historically seem to go for the jugular (I don't have data)? THAT specific drive, post-turnover? Usually the very next play, even? Capitalize on the sudden change and put the damned game away, if you can. THEN go conservative. That's how my armchair philosophy of game management has evolved watching football VERY closely for 3 or 4 decades. I'll bet most see it similarly. It's a cliche, to go play-action, deep shot on the 1st or 2nd play following a turnover in neutral or plus territory, but it's one that persists. It's when momentum feels real. Sudden swings seem to affect players and/or coaches at times. Defenses seem susceptible to the big or chunk play following a turnover. But football is all so complex and inter-reliant, and witness reliability so limited, it's difficult to know if our perceptions are accurate without data/evidence.
  14. You could also help them to not be bigoted or insensitive. And maybe you are. But that would take care of the issue right there, and they'd still get to waste their time on social media like everyone else.
  15. As a lover of Van Miller's everything, is it okay to question how much effing drama and suspense he added to seemingly ordinary play calls? I seem to remember a lot of (and please consider each dot to be like a tenth of a second): "Kelly takes the snap...................surveys the field.......................***** his arm......................**at this point crowd noise often indicates a development in the play that has yet to be narrated**..................the pass is in the air....................AND HE FINDS REED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELD FOR A FIRST DOWN!!!" Then he'd give this succinct, effective, energetic recap quickly before the Bills ran up to the line and got off another play in rapid succession. I remember, let's call them pregnant pauses, in his play-by-play. And we liked it.
  16. I wonder who else in the AFCE uses a similarly complex and difficult-to-learn offensive playbook from the NE/E-P tree? Sure do feel sorry for that team, I'll tell ya...
  17. You're conveniently only acknowledging the older, more etymologically-literal definition. There is another, official, completely legitimate and in fact more often used meaning of the term. Don't be dishonest (or oblivious). If teams were required to actually HIRE based on "race," rather than simply interview, then these new rules would be problematic. As someone else pointed out earlier in this thread, there is potentially some problematic territory with respect to what, exactly, constitutes a person's "race." If we're being annoying and technical, one could argue that many/most/all persons have some degree of "racial" diversity in their ancestries. Of course, that line of thinking tries to overtly sidestep the obvious and important social constructs and historical implications of race in the U.S. The NFL so often triggers anger from certain cultural tribes in our country, and maybe we should all just relax and realize no one is being harmed when the NFL strives to correct or at least recognize an institutional/cultural bias that continues to work against well-qualified "minority" candidates.
  18. I endorse this message.
  19. I'm going to skip ahead after reading the first page of posts and just say this: you Tom Brady apologists, especially in light of this newest malfeasance, are a special breed.
  20. I have also made many, many terrible decisions. I just happen to be both quite gifted at driving and at speaking with authority figures, and...maybe more importantly, I'm a ginger, which is about as white as a person can be. Never overlook the advantage that provides when dealing with police.
  21. Dammit I loved the NBA and specifically the East in the 90s. Was a Knicks fan, which was tough. But what a physical and emotional contest back then.
  22. I really needed that.
  23. I think GreggTX raises a number of valid concerns. I don't really agree, but I cannot tell him he's wrong about his takes.
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