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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. After two weeks of hard work since students have returned to campus here.... It's difficult for me NOT to jump all over individual cases of selfish or ignorant mis-use of masks...
  2. Poor little dear. I am pumped about football. Mahomes v. Watson is super intriguing. How Marcia Brady looks on a new team is masochistically intriguing. The list goes on. If the players and commentators want to advocate for human decency and equity, then I'm here for that, too.
  3. Just a thought: maybe we should read the OP and realize it wasn't crowning Moss at all. (No offense.)
  4. I suppose that can also be true. I'm no expert. But the term "gunner" really does denote the outside guys on punt coverage units.
  5. You're mixing up punts and kickoffs a bit here... Gunners cover punts. So they remain important pieces even though kickoffs have become a less dynamic part of the NFL. Your point isn't trash, though, as a powerful kicker like Bass can mostly (maybe 75-80% if he's above average) mitigate the need for great STs guys on kickoff coverage units in 2020. The Bills have been kinda terrible/mediocre here in recent years. Lots of kickoffs to actually cover.
  6. Why Fromm over Webb, though? Sincerely. If it's been discussed ad nauseum in this monster thread, well...just forgive me. It's what I would do.
  7. But his persistent lack of intel on the Bills offense could be part of why he was released...
  8. Rams, at Raiders, at Titans, at Chiefs?!?! First three are essentially average NFL competition (teams that likely go between 7-9 and 9-7). Slightly above-ish average QBs on teams not trending upward (unless maybe Nashville is somehow for real with Tanny...although I just can't see it). Similar to Bills in terms of W/L projections, but different trajectories. That bit in the reporting seems effing bonkers to me. Of course the Chiefs are nasty.
  9. And that...is how a person with integrity handles being a bit wrong. (How to act after unintentionally miscommunicating information.)
  10. Sincerely tried to pronounce that. Suffered a tongue srpain.
  11. This thread seems to be going in predictable directions. A lot of very smart people typing very smart things that are very inclusive of a broad range of perspectives. If the majority African-American players wish to strike without union approval in an attempt to force their white employers and their majority white audience to pay more attention, good. I'm with them. If some in that audience get turned off by that, well, I don't know. This nation is what it is, right?
  12. Cool if it pans out this way. Probably a BIT too early to make this kind of evaluation yet, though. Yeah?
  13. This has always been the Belichick doctrine, hasn't it? Minus the appreciation and "best of luck" sentiments, of course. Cut bait and re-cast. Sentiment and past performance be damned. I'm into it.
  14. Like Travis Kelce? Am I wrong, or does that elite TE seem to drop at least one gimme nearly every (prime time) game? Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things. We know, for example, that NE's Bearded Smurf, Julian PEDelman, has below average hands but still manages to be highly productive (and hate-able). There was definitely a playoff game last season in which Kelce dropped more than one pass early on (only to of course catch a s#!t ton of balls in the second half). Maybe I'm misremembering. It happens.
  15. Solid point. As someone else has pointed out, perhaps the advantage is giving the rookie ALL the reps moving forward. I still think it helps Hausch to be released sooner rather than later.
  16. Classy move to release the vet NOW, rather than later. Gives him a chance to catch on elsewhere...
  17. I expect McDaniels to ride Cam's physical gifts as long as he remains healthy. Lots of gadgety misdirection and RPOs and all that. They'll use him like a battering ram on shorter down-and-distance, whatever it takes. No long term investment to protect.
  18. The information he shared live WAS quite detailed and definitely violated the team's 2020 reporting rules. There is no question there. Unfortunately, Brown was fairly concise and well-spoken, and balanced out Tasker's rambling, recursive speech patterns on the air. I've always been a Chris Brown fan in that respect. Hopefully he comes back.
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