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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. You're pumping up a team that hasn't made the postseason since forever. They finally get a creative offensive mind and some talent at WR and all of a sudden they're Bill Walsh and the 80s 49ers. Their D is garbage. This team without their entire starting secondary still held them in check. Allen and Co. on an off day still put up 500 yards. They're improved, yes. But they are not SB contenders. Nope! Let's see the warm weather speed demons in Arrowhead or Buffalo. If not, do you really see Allen having trouble in Miami on a 50 degree day in January?
  2. Here ya go! FinHeaven.com Go hang with your people. Don't come back crying when they go 0-3 after 3 roads trips (SF, LA and Buffalo) and are 8-6 fighting for the 6 seed.
  3. Can't hurt having Tre back and lining up a former pro bowl vet on the other side. Might take some pressure off Dane as well.
  4. Unfortunately everyone thought the first 2 games were the standard, not the exception. Heck, even losing by 2 in Miami with half our starting D in 105 degrees putting up 500 yards of offense was impressive. Nobody wants to see the lull that every team goes through. Heck even Pats fans wanted to run Belicheck out the last 2 seasons. McD has done an exceptional job with all the injuries the team is dealing with. Still in prime position to make a postseason push. Baltimore went through similar last season and immediately circled the toilet. Not this team 👍
  5. Coaching did win us this game. Bad coaching on Campbell's part that is.
  6. I guess in the grand scheme of things he's made some great chicken salad with the ingredients he's been given.
  7. Maybe if you weren't so selfish and lent Beane your Crystal Ball we wouldn't be in this mess. 😥
  8. Correction, 7 days. I forgot they got Thursday Night.
  9. The Lions have one of the worse defenses in the league against the pass and run. And even though the Lions offense has played well as of late, outside of RB maybe I'm taking the Bills offense all day. And even if I did agree with you GB it doesn't take into account the Coordinators and their lack of production and uninspiring play calling
  10. This is what gets me. Even with all the injuries the Bills more times than not are fielding a more talented team on offense and defense. Why are they having so much trouble lately scoring TDs and getting pressure on opposing QBs? Opposing teams as of late look so much more motivated than Buffalo. Our coordinators have been lackluster as of late. Predictable and unoriginal. Screens are getting sniffed out, quick crossing strikes are met with hands up in the passing lanes. Defense should've sacked Goff 5X with their starting the Guards out. Keeping Jackson in majority of the game while getting destroyed constantly. Winning these last 2 games under unfortunate conditions and quick turnaround was admirable. They got 10 days til their next game and it's a big one. Hopefully Dorsey and Frazier draw up some goodies for a solid stretch run.
  11. Meh. Doesn't have the same ring to it. 😂
  12. Say what you want. Bills are 3-0 in games Romo and Nantz called this year. Good enough for me.
  13. Jackson has been absolutely putrid this past month.
  14. Wow. How did that happen? I mean they only run that quick strike slant only 10X a game. Jesus Dorsey!
  15. Another Thanksgiving defensive injury. Watching this is really gonna boost Tre's confidence.
  16. I won't say they shouldn't take some blame but a lot of times it's because they're trying to do too much to make up for lack luster D.
  17. Amazing how this D is so highly rated yet they just don't pass the eye test. I hope people start realizing it's not the offense that's bogging down this team.
  18. This D has the tendency of making mediocre QBs look sensational. Offense scores TD and Defense starts getting gashed again. Hopefully we get another out of nowhere turnover.
  19. Why don't I feel comfortable on 3rd and long with this Top Defense?
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