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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. That's an ez 1st down for Josh and his legs.
  2. Don't know whether to laugh or call the authorities.
  3. When he's right he does throws a tight and pretty ball.
  4. It's a family message board. Trying to be nice.😋
  5. My God, their O line is worse than ours. Where's Herbert's awareness?
  6. It's lucky stuff like this that makes me dislike them even more.
  7. How does Tua keep getting away with lucky crap!
  8. This team is so badly coached. Staley could be Dead Man Walking..
  9. He just said he can see Miami in the SB! I just threw up in my mouth. 🤮
  10. TONY ROMO AND JIM NANTZ!! We are 4-0 when they call our games this year!
  11. Maybe we won't stop KC offensively, but I also doubt they stop us. They're not all that and playing in that joke of a division certainly helps.
  12. Tre White did not look good today. Got beat on some 3rd and longs and visibly shyed away from contact. He clearly bailed out of the way of the receiver in the 4th with a full head of steam. He wanted no part of it.
  13. I still think we would've lit them up if the weather was favorable. The rain/sleet really leveled the playing field.
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