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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. So you're telling me you'd rather take a 50% chance in OT with heavily falling snow rather than taking a 100% TD lead with less than a minute? Yes, I'm willfully giving the ball back. A TD lead with 34 seconds left and forcing noodle arm Tua with no timeouts to drive Miami most likely 75 yards in heavy snow. What are the odds? And even if they did score a TD which is so highly unlikely, whats worst case? They tie it going into OT and you have your 50/50 scenario anyway. Look, it worked and I'm glad it did. And because it did many will swear it was the right move. But please don't act like nothing bad couldn't become of it. As a Bills fan we've seen enough over the years scenarios that have gone against us no matter how unlikely. Of course it's JMHO..
  2. Your opinion and you're entitled. Easy to say now but I'm sure you'd keep it to yourself if the final play had a botched snap, missed kick or fumbled. I mean the weather conditions were perfect, right? Look at the feedback, plenty agreed and disagreed.
  3. Growing up in Connecticut I went to many Jets and Giants games in New Jersey in the late 90's and early 2000's. It's like night and day. Giants fans: Mostly a mix but older and respectful and know how to drink responsibly. Some playful banter and gentle ribbing but far from hostile. Knowledgeable. Jets fans: OMG!!! Worst experience possible. Bunch of inebriated and immature punks that provoke you all game hoping to initiate a fight. Don't bring a wife or girlfriend because you will definitely be defending her honor. And they hate Bills fans mainly because we usually leave that place laughing after giving them a thorough arse whipping. Now that I live in North Florida I've also gone to some Jags games and its not too bad. Some trash talk but what can you really say as a Jax fan.🤣 Bills fans are well represented in the area and usually take up over 1/3 of the stadium.
  4. And though it's been said many times, many ways...... How the *#$@×! did we lose to this guy playing QB?!!
  5. Jags IMO are a much better team at this point in the season.
  6. Doesn't it help us more if the Jets win since they've beaten Miami and worsens their chances? Why? Titans suck. Rather see them in than a Jags team hitting their stride.
  7. Hamlin as game as he's been filling in admirably has been the weak link. His angles are horrible which more times than not lead to massive games. Having Micah would really improve our chances for a SB but I won't hold my breath. He's gonna do what the doctors recommend and no doctor is gonna clear him this soon.
  8. Obviously don't know if he was sick in some capacity but remember guys. Life is short and precious. Too short to hold grudges and bad feelings towards friends and family that were a big part of our lives in some way, especially during the holidays. Talk, look past, forgive and make amends before it's too late. People can't hear what's on your mind and in your heart when there gone. RIP Franco.😪 Looks like heaven will have their own Immaculate Reception when you show up.👍
  9. It's very hard for Front Offices to build an "All Around" team in today's cap era. Especially more so when you have a franchise QB that makes 40+ a season and maybe one or two other skill players making top dollar. It's a lot easier to build an all around solid team when you have a QB on a rookie contract that's already established himself as one of the best. It's a very small window to capitalize. Of course it's JMHO....
  10. Discussion was about maybe going more 4-3 base instead of Nickel in attempts to slow down Fields and the run game. Milano and Edmunds are a given. Not bad thinking there bud. I like the concept. Don't know if Frazier finds it applicable but I like the thought behind it. Their WRs should not require Safety help, especially in the conditions expected.
  11. He doesn't scare me as much as our inability to tackle and penetrate opposing O lines.
  12. Has to be Klein alternating with Dodson. We need thumpers and Bernard is too light and inexperienced. He looked horrible when he got the start.
  13. Their whole offense is Fields and all he's concerned about is breaking the QB rushing record. Their pass game sucks and outside of Fields their running game isn't great neither. This kid is scary in the open field but also loves scooting past defenders down the sidelines for 1st downs. Hopefully Frazier realizes this is the game to predominantly go 4-3. They can handle the Bears passing game with 4 DBs.
  14. They got some really funny stuff going on their site right now. I love the one that says, "We have a better team, better coaching and better QB than the Bills now and moving forward". I kid you not😂 Pure comedy gold.
  15. I usually find your posts on point but I'd like to know why you find him one of the best in the league. Lately his in game adjustments just haven't been there.
  16. I think their argument is that you can't make that call in that particular moment because it's a possible game deciding play. In some cases I would agree if it's borderline, but as you mentioned it was far from borderline. Blatant hold and he never looked back for the ball. That's a pretty easy call to make regardless of what's on the line. You got burnt, don't look for help from the refs. Play better D.
  17. God I hate the Chiefs. Struggling to beat the worst teams in the league yet portrayed as juggernauts. Unreal.
  18. It worked but I thought it was the wrong play. That decision was all about Tyreek Hill taking up real estate in McD's head. This was not Mahomes in Arrowhead in favorable conditions. It's Tua in Buffalo on snow. If you can't stop that from scoring a TD with less than a minute and no timeouts then we'll you're not a championship team. Of course it's JMHO, glad it worked out.
  19. Josh won't win it this year but last night was the perfect example on how no other team depends on their QB more than Josh. Defense was 💩. ST's were 💩. Coaching was 💩 Yet Josh with his particular set of skills willed this team a victory. His arm strength, running ability and overall awesomeness was on full display that final drive.
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