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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. He's gonna have a great game against the secondary. He was dealing before the Hamlin injury. Just a slight miss to Beasley on the first drive.
  2. No argument. If Thompson who is half the QB Burrow is looked that decent, Burrow will dominate.
  3. I don't expect to see this Cincy team but I don't expect today's Bills team either. Looks like it'll be a shootout. This is the match up the NFL wanted and the officiating today kinda leaned that way. A lot of suspect calls today.
  4. Is this really a question? I'll play the Florida team in chilly Buffalo against a second year QB who just threw 4 INTS.
  5. Rush 4 and 2 guys get home and sack Burrow. What are the Bills doing wrong?
  6. Wow! What a BS call! No intent on that play.
  7. This weekend proves its a week to week league. All about the lucky bounces sometimes. We can definitely beat the Bengals. Yeah they're tough to stop, but so are the Bills.
  8. Don't they have a big battering ram named Dobbins? I can bet you that piece of turd Jackson is LHAO right now.
  9. Not really. Apple was left on an island and got stranded.😂 Sweet juke left Eli without his cleats
  10. Bills have scored 34, 35, 35 and 32 their last 4 games. That's usually good enough to win if a Defense is doing their part. Frazier and soft zone coverage will be the end of our season. You can't continue to play that crap against playoff teams. Our front 4 without Von is pedestrian and allows even the most novice of QBs time to make plays against our "bend not break" D. Please don't spew stats at me because we all know this group is underperforming and not putting lesser competition away.
  11. To be fair this win against Miami is very satisfying knowing they felt they had a chance, only to ***** it away and send them home with a moral victory. Unfortunately for them moral victories don't count in the post season😂😂😂
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