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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. It's really hard to like that guy. Not only do you have the best QB. Not only do you have the talent. But more times than not you have the refs. Show a little class and take the higher road. That being said, EF Cincy!
  2. That's tough guys. He had a full head of steam chasing him. Hard to pull up on that but it was a legit call.
  3. Not bad.. Wooden Nickel Rematch Remorse Smoked Buffalo Disrespect Served Cold
  4. OUTCOACHED AND OUTCLASSED Its that simple.... No team should come in your house which is considered to be one of the more dominant home field advantages in the league down 3 OL starters and do what they did. Totally embarrassing and Frazier needs to go after last year and now that display of ineptitude Sunday. Especially after Baltimore gives you the blueprint on how to slow Cincy the previous week. Too stubborn to change with the evolution of today's NFL offenses.
  5. A Rook can't move diagonally. A Bishop can't move vertically. A King can only move one space at a time. Players can only carry out the game plan being called. I swear I can't recall the last time I saw a team so out coached than I did on Sunday. The Bengals coaching staff took McD, Frazier and Dorsey behind the woodshed and beat them senseless, and then probably did unspeakable things to boot. Outside of maybe WR they aren't the better team IMO, but they were the better coached and we were all witness to it.
  6. On point. Couldn't agree more with this assessment.
  7. I'd like to be in their shoes right now. Guarantee they'd be saying the same about us if roles were reversed.
  8. Running the ball when coverage drops back or when the game is in control is a sign of a good running team. Running the ball effectively when the defense is expecting it is. You know, the way Cincy did to us. And they're not even a great running team. Sad 😪
  9. Better let Vegas know then. They got KC and Buffalo again as favorites in the AFC for the SB next year.
  10. Been a fan since 81. Seen the good and bad but never wavered with my loyalty to this team. I still enjoy this team even if it ends on a sour note most years. We have the most physically gifted QB this team and perhaps league has ever seen and I'm gonna ride on the JA17 bus until the wheels fall off. Go Bills!
  11. What blows my mind is that teams usually put out some blue print as to what schemes neutralize particular offenses. I.E San Fran and SD against Miami or Baltimore against Cincy last week. And yet Frazier and McD are so enamored with this predominant Nickel D that they're too arrogantly stubborn to adjust to schemes that actually work. It's maddening and should be a fireable offense.
  12. That Sam Martin looks like a keeper. Everyone else can go.😂
  13. Not having his running mate this season and Tre's injury really hurt our secondary.
  14. You know I must say personally I'm not as disappointed as I thought I'd be. Kinda felt this teams been playing with house money most of the season.
  15. I don't think they will. They have not been all that impressive as of late and Kermit is hurt.
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