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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. LoL, who has time for all that reading? I see the title and I comment. Sometimes​ it works, sometimes not so much.
  2. Didn't he bring in Brock Osweiller last season? Oh well, I guess there's a small poop stain on everyone's underwear.
  3. I agree. Miller has played well enough to give the coaches no worries. He was and is part of the #1 rushing O-line in the NFL. Plus they drafted Dawkins who I know they have plans for at RT but is really a Guard and can slide over when in a bind.
  4. It's kinda two fold. It's like watching your mother in law back off a cliff in your brand new Corvette. I'm glad to see a new front office that is more concerned with bringing in quality players that fit scheme instead of overpaying players who really don't want to be here. I'm glad to see a management that will handle the cap correctly instead of giving out ridiculous contracts. I'm looking forward to seeing a healthy and dicisplined roster on the field. Looking forward to accountability and less of stupid penalties. But I see .500 at best, but a step in the right direction.
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