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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. I'm not upset he left. I'm not surprised he got the mega deal he expected. I am surprised he got that offer from the Pats before they took care of their own DB (Butler) who I feel is a better player than Gilmore. You can't help but think Belicheck knows that Gilmore would excel on better team as did Hogan. But I don't understand why they placed more value on Gilmore than Butler. Nobody would be talking about their fourth SB win if not for Butler. Not Brady, Butler.
  2. ------------------He would get flagged for unsportsmanlike every time a DB tried to tackle him. It would just not be fair, but fun to watch for sure.
  3. Don't mind seeing a drop in run production if it means an increase in pass production. Imagine how much more effective the run game would be if teams feared TT's passing abilities.
  4. I've never wished prosperity on any AFCE division rival. Heck, I even disliked the Colts when they were in the division.
  5. OK, just for accuracy. At the time of retirement over a 15 year career Reed was 4th in Rec Yards, 6th in Rec TDs, 3rd in Receptions.
  6. I'm sure it will set record book sales............... In Boston
  7. ------------------- Well then, read it again. The Nazi comment was in response to my post, not part of my post.
  8. I never called anybody anything. Read my post.
  9. Noob? LOL, just cause I'm new HERE doesn't necessarily make me a noob. Can't tell if your praise for Brant was sarcasm or not. But, anyone who doesn't know Bennett is not in the Hall or thinks Reed doesn't belong in the Top 45 WRs can't be too credible a source. JMO
  10. I understand that this is just one persons opinion but you would think that someone who is compensated for his sports acumen have a little something called "knowledge". Here's his list of the 45 greatest LB's. http://www.nfl.com/photoessays/0ap3000000816217/gil-brandts-greatest-nfl-linebackers-of-alltime Scroll down to #23 where you will find our beloved Biscuit. I have no problem with the ranking as it seems about right but see if you notice the discrepancy listed. Also in his list of 45 greatest WR's of all time he omits HOF'er Andre Reed. I realize that I'm a Bills homer but I honestly can't think of 15-20 WR's before I get to Reed. Thoughts? Discuss.
  11. -------------Preston isn't going anywhere. He's a natural 4-3 player on a rookie contract. He may not be retained, but he's not getting cut. As far as surprise? How about Tolbert and Wood.
  12. Ragland undoubtedly is the better athlete. Both will see playing time obviously. To what extent scheme will play, who knows? Football is football, you can either play or you can't. I do believe Ragland will have an easier time adjusting to a 4-3 than Brown did fitting into a 3-4. Preston is rather slow, but smart.
  13. ----------I respect your opinion so let's agree to disagree. I'm sure they're plenty here who feel as I do about Gilmore. I guess I'm just the only one willing to debate it. Once again I never said he wasn't a good player because we know he was. We saw what he could do when motivated. But what we ended up seeing was mediocrity.
  14. ---------------Sour grapes? No. Did you not see his expression on draft day? Buffalo made him an instant millionaire that day but he looked like someone ran over his puppy. Did you not see all the finger pointing at other DBs when he got roasted by #2 and #3 WRs? Did you not see the patented Gilmore shoulder hit on receivers that allowed them to bounce off his rubber body for big gains after the catch because he didn't actually want to tackle? Sour grapes are reserved for players you actually want to retain by leave anyway. No one wanted 5 more years of what Gilmore was putting out with the Bills. Will he perform well in NE? I have no doubt he will because the whiner got what he wanted. Money and a chance for a ring. I said in the first line of my post he has all the tools. I want players that want to be here. Genuine players get paid, whiners and quitters get sent packing.
  15. _-----------------------Even though he had the tools to be a top flight corner Gilmore just never embraced Buffalo. He did not want to be here and played with no heart at all. Just waited out his time for a payday. What makes me upset is when a FA goes for the jackpot he usually lands on a desperate team overpaying for players. Not only did he Rob us of quality years but now he gets rewarded with a monster contract on a monster team. Bums like him don't deserve that kind of good fortune. I've grown to dislike him very much.
  16. Who has the least amount of trips to the locker room with an injury? None of them are worth a damn if always hurt. I'd like either but I'd probably go with Decker though I like Maclin's potential in the offense especially if Sammy goes out. Decker is the ideal #2 where Maclin when healthy is a #1. Outside of his shoulder Decker is dependable. Maclin has knee issues. In McD I trust.
  17. How is it what it looks like? It's a team option, not player option. Bills can walk away after year one.
  18. He wouldn't be a terrible option if they whiff on Maclin.
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