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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. Why do so many think Russell Wilson is small? He's 5'11" and yes that may be shorter than some QB's but he's also 215-220lbs. That's pretty good mass on someone that height. One of my favorite scenes. Rocky: It's my lucky shirt, it brings me luck. Micky: You know what it brings, it brings flies
  2. If Murray took one of the hits that Josh is accustomed to he'd go on IR. Its a double standard. Guys like Josh, Cam and Big Ben will hardly draw a call (well maybe not Ben) because a lot of times they will take on contact or slide what might be considered too late. Murray as you mentioned played baseball and has great sliding technique. And because he's so small if you make contact with him it almost looks deliberate, like you're bullying him. If you slide into a person who's coming at you full speed how in the heck is he supposed to avoid contact?
  3. Curious to see what the responses will be. One is 6'3" 230lbs and the other is 5'3" 130lbs🤣 One runs like a cheetah and the other runs like, well a Buffalo.
  4. Dan Orvlosky has also been back pedaling a bit too on his initial perception of Josh.
  5. This! I've watched it numerous times and obviously Knox didn't expect that. If he stayed back he actually could've made a play on the ball. Instead when Josh was going down he ran to where the play was in the event in case the ball came out. It's actually what players are trained to do. Instead we have another GIF for haters to enjoy. Also Lamar threw a terrible endzone pass to a wide open TE Andrews yesterday. Well off target over his head. Not as bad as Josh's but bad nonetheless. And he was flat footed in the pocket, not rolling to the left against his body. But because Andrews made a sensational leaping one handed grab it's no harm no foul.
  6. Agree. With where this team is right now talent wise and where their window is to compete they just don't have enough time to waste developing a WR1. Davis does look promising though.
  7. Yeah, and he actually gave some of them back.😄 Diggs is the X Factor. His presence is really gonna allow Daboll to get creative with the rest of his offense because he draws so much attention. Not every opposing D will be as stout as the Jets D. Once Daboll is able to establish Motor and Moss the offense will really hummmmmm....I would not be surprised if Joshs' line seasons end would be 4100 yds 40TDs total (8 rushing) at a 65% comp. Reasonable? I think so.
  8. Okay, made a mistake. he's 0-1 in first rd and 0-1 in 2nd rd. I've corrected the error. It gets foggy this time of night at work. Did you agree with the rest or did you just want to spot check my post. I usually do but like I said, I'm at work. Appreciate the correction though👍
  9. Josh is his own worse enemy. Stop making stupid mistakes, make the easy throws and hold on to the darn ball! The criticism is justified, unfortunately they only focus on the shortcomings and not the progress he's made. The bad throw everyone is enjoying was really bad. He was throwing into the wind and put too much on it while on the run. No excuse for missing that. Lamar had a similar play where he overthrew his TE in the end zone but his wasn't as egregious and the receiver made a spectacular leaping one handed grab. I can guarantee you if Josh threw that pass the narrative would have been "what a horrible throw, his TE saved him on that one"! Just like his completions to Brown (off the shoelaces) for a TD and to Beasley (big gain he had to catch falling) but would've been a TD with a better throw. Lamar is 0-2 in first rd playoff games. Deshaun is 0-1 in first rd playoff games and blew a 24 point lead in the other. Yet they praise those players without a negative word to be said. Draw your own conclusions why. Are they better players than Josh at this point? I'd say yes, but can we acknowledge they have shortcomings as well or is that against today's rules?
  10. Man I can't say one way or another how I feel about this. I mean I know he was a good player at one point in his career but he was God awful the last few years with the Jets and that's being kind. Nobody has bothered bringing him in, even at the vet minimum. We already have one reclamation project in Norman and that's not going well. I'd pass but I defer to McBeane and Co.
  11. Beats talking about Josh's fumbles and over throws every ten minutes.
  12. He made 2 of 4 but let's face it, the first was a blown call. Wet surface? Bad hold? Maybe. My only concern is if he's inaccurate in a empty home stadium what's he gonna do when he gets iced in a loud fan frenzied environment on the road?
  13. Hopefully the offense can build another big lead so they can sit later in the game.
  14. I thought his game plan was excellent. Only one punt the whole game. Kept moving the ball methodically in the 2nd half even up 21 points which is what we want to see over conservative play. Jets run D was tight as usual so that tells you the passing game was on point. At least 16 points were left on the field but that's not his fault. More games like that and he'll have HC interviews in his future.
  15. I'm sure Billy would've appreciated it 😄
  16. I don't expect a difficult game. The only time Miami's D line got their hands on Cam was when they tried to grab his chain at the end of the game. Their run game was non existent and Fitz was well, Fitz. I expect the opposite of Sunday's game where the Bills carve them up in the run game while Josh has a conservative passing effort. Now my tune might change depending on the availability of Edmunds and Milano.
  17. Yeah, but only 2 of them threw for over 300 yards!!!! That's still an important stat right?
  18. Josh's fumbles and Daboll's fascination with designed QB runs in the teeth of a defense are concerning. I'm really pleased were 1-0, but so is half the league at this point. If those sloppy miscues cost us the game the tone around here would be so different. We saw the good Josh and bad Josh yesterday. I'd say 85% good 15% bad. What makes the bad dangerous is the momentum swing it creates. Fortunately for us the Jets are not good enough to capitalize in that scenario, but other teams on our schedule are. Dabolls gameplanning was flawless. The Jets D made the team one dimensional and they still couldn't stop us! The Bills only punted ONCE! And not until the 3rd when the game was pretty much decided. I'm thrilled with where Josh is right now in his development. Many fan bases and pundits forget it's only his 2nd full season as a starter. He fixed his INTs last year and hopefully he fixes the fumbles this year. Be pleased with the win, the 300 yard performance and the great D Virg, but aspire for better cause that's what will bring a SB. You want some comedy radio? Listen to Jets Sports radio today. My sides are splitting right now! 😄😄😄
  19. Him and Cam really make me think mean thoughts.
  20. Maybe. But when your defense gives up 3 consecutive TDs in the 1st qtr. it kinda puts you behind the 8 ball regardless of weapons.
  21. Can't get on Daboll too much on this game unless those fumbles were designed runs called by him. For Pete's sake the team only punted once and that wasn't until the 2nd half! Jets posed little resistance this game. They made the offense one dimensional and still couldn't stop it. Gotta tip your hat to the OC.
  22. I only worry when runs in the middle of the field. When's running to the sidelines and pylons I get excited 😆
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