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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. Thats funny stuff right there from a fan base that claims to have one of the best run organizations in the NFL.😆😆
  2. Dolphins fans before Covid announcement: This is our year! We're better on defense than Buffalo and have a future MVP at QB. We are peaking and nobody wants to play us. Fins up!! Dolphins fans after Covid announcement: I wasn't expecting much this year. This team is still a year or 2 away. We're really not on Buffalo's level right now. We were playing with house money anyway. I'm so proud of this team. Fins up!!
  3. That was the best pass we've thrown all night!
  4. You are correct, the D is better from a statistical perspective, but the Bills offense has over the last 6 or 7 games (outside of Pitt maybe) jumped on teams early forcing them to play catch up and abandon the run. Playing right into the true strength of the defense which is obviously coverage. Teams have proven the Bills can get run on if they can't take over the game quickly. Snacks would have been a nice run stuffer to have if anything just to put teams in more 3rd and long situations.
  5. I guess the Beasley injury has shifted the priorities. Too bad, would've been a nice acquisition for the playoffs.
  6. FredEx was always good for a solid 2-3 yards regardless of situation.
  7. The last 5 games have been won by a margin of 10 points or more late in the contest. The opposition at this point is deflated and know it's over. It's easy for a RB to salt away a game when the other team has given up. Let me see him or Motor do it in a competitive game that's within a score. That's when imposing your will in the run game is impressive, to me at least.
  8. Sing it with me! You don't tug on Superman's cape, You don't spit into the wind, You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger, And you don't talk $#÷T to Diggs!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
  9. They need to sell out on the run. It's obvious they can't throw. Make Cam beat you.
  10. You would think they'd play the run better considering Cam can't pass
  11. That's the Jefferson I've been expecting all year. Hope he's the one that shows up for the playoffs.
  12. There are plenty of other NFL forums that will allow you drop f-bombs to your hearts content, this isn't one of them. If you're truly a Bills fan and peruse the message board often you would know this. We like it this way. Considering your post rating you're either a troll or bandwagoner. The Bills fanbase is not the classless bunch of moronic idiots other fan bases like to portray us as. Most of us can hold our own in any sports debate intelligently without calling your mom names or make degrading comments towards your city. If you are truly a fan then welcome, hang around, its a pretty cool forum.
  13. Can't actually say until the season is over. Went in thinking AFCE Champs as the low water mark. ✔ A playoff win I'll consider "where we should be" AFC Championship would be ahead of schedule. SB Appearance or Victory. Over achieving. JMHO
  14. Stupid play call. You needed the FG at some point. Now you got nothing.
  15. I hate Tennessee but how does the ref not call that. He obviously OOB
  16. This game kinda reminds me of how a Cat plays with a mouse before it actually kills and eats it. GB= Cat Tenn= Mouse
  17. Trying not to but I really wanted KC to get that loss. Atlanta fumbles in the RZ, drops an INT in the endzone and then misses a ez FG. They and the Dolphins have lived a charmed season for sure this year.
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