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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. I can see it. The Ravens DBs absolutely mug receivers before the ball even leaves the QBs hand. Hope the refs call it if its obvious. Sure hand checking is a given but man they are aggressive.
  2. I've watch the Ravens/Titans game over. Quite honestly I didn't see anything other than their run defense that stood out. Tennessee's defense is not very good and they still kept it a one possession game without Henry being a factor. Lamar looked pedestrian outside a couple chunk run plays. His passing was shaky and he took a few sacks when contained in the pocket. We've let a lot of teams run for big numbers this year and they still lost. Even Arizona should've lost with their big run numbers. If Josh and the O don't turn it over, I like our chances.
  3. Blessing in disguise Mrs. Diggs. Stefon would have never developed into the WR he is today with Flacco or Jackson at QB.
  4. Man! I had him all wrong. I thought he was a casual observer with some modest appreciation. That man is PUMPED for this team. That was freaking awesome! Hope we take this one cause I'd love to see how he follows that up. Go Bills!!!!!
  5. Being in Baltimore Maryland he probably thought " crabcakes" is what they called the hookers Downtown. 🤔
  6. Baltimore had 12 possessions that game. 3 TDs, 1 INT, 1 FG and 7 punts. The 3 TDs came on drives of 24, 51 and 75 yards. They need to make Baltimore drive the field and make them earn the points. Going 24 and 51 yards to start a drive isn't going to cut it. This isn't the same Bills offense, unfortunately it's not the same Bills defense either. Hopefully they show up tomorrow.
  7. My concern is the Baltimore CBs. Peters and Humphries are extremely physical and handsy. They grab, push and pull WRs all the freaking time. They go by the mantra, " hey, they won't call it every play, right?" Last game against the Colts the refs basically swallowed their whistles. They let them play. They let the O lines hold more than usual and allowed physical play in the secondaries. Actually made for an enjoyable game. If the refs let the DBs get physical and disrupt routes while Josh is trying to make things happen it could be a long day for the offense. Hope they call it both ways if that's the case.
  8. If the Bills win I won't give a rats arse who they give credit to. Just win.
  9. What I find funny is when they start praising Lamar all they keep doing is continue to loop the same TD run. Over and over and over😄 Lamar is an exceptional athlete but the I'm not convinced he's an exceptional thrower of the football. Ravens can very well win but I'm pretty sure it'll be at the hands of the defense, not the feet of Jackson.
  10. I agree GB. I like to defer, unfortunately I've noticed the last couple of times we've deferred the opposition has been able to drive deep enough against our D to the point that if/when they punt they pin us deep. This starts a cycle of bad starting position if the Offense struggles to get started. I'd accept and hope to score early and force Baltimore to hold serve. Worst case pin them deep.
  11. 😄 Agree on the play clock. We're talking less than a second. The Tackles on the Bills O Line have stood up as the ball is getting snapped all year to get better position on pass protection. I think it's only been called in one game this year.
  12. No judgements, but I can only assume you're one or more of the following: Young Single No Children No obligations No liabilities No worries If you are, I'm actually kind of envious. Good luck with future employment. Go Bills!
  13. Don't care, I'm not writing the check. But if I had to guess they'll all use each other as leverage. It will be based on D. Watson's current contract and once the first one signs they'll go from there in negotiations. Josh will likely be first as he has shown incremental improvement every year and has displayed all the things you want in a long term franchise QB. Also I think Josh genuinely wants to be here and might go " contract friendly" ala Mahomes to retain as much talent as possible. JMO.
  14. Never been the biggest fan of Kiper but man did he nail his evaluation on Josh and never backed off it. Made McShay and his haters look like total idiots. Watching that "know it all" smirk on McShay and knowing what we know now is pure gold.
  15. He did play well. No doubt the jumpstart the defense gave him did wonders for his confidence. He played with tremendous swag after that 1sr qtr.
  16. What do mopeds and Offensive Lineman have in common? 😂
  17. The only magic I saw Saturday was the disappearing act the run D put on.
  18. Baker's a pretty decent QB when the defense spots him 21 points from 3 turnovers.😄 Now can he carry a team without the head start?
  19. Plus the fact that it takes time for a TE to find the soft spot. Without getting to the QB quickly just increases his chances to get open. Receiving TEs usually chip a rusher before falling into coverage to find open space. Rivers had the cleanest jersey in the stadium Saturday.
  20. Juju Shuster should be cut after this game. Just his antics alone have cost the Steelers this season.
  21. How can you not want the Steelers after this performance so far. Remarkably they laid down against Cleveland Week 17 so they can play Cleveland and this is what you get.
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