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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. I'd be all for paying Milano top LB pay, if he played like a top LB. He doesn't have the resume to make such demands. He's a scheme specific player who lacks " thump" in run defense.
  2. Not totally off base. He has shown toughness and elusiveness in spurts. I think any RB is gonna have it tough behind this O Line. We just don't have the road graters for a competent run game. Plus most of the offensive scheme is geared to the passing game. I do think it's time to move on but I wouldn't be surprised if he thrived somewhere else with better blocking.
  3. Him and Poyer are the least of our worries as far as the secondary goes. Imagine how much better they'd be with a more formidable front 7 and pass rush.
  4. Yeah! No compound break and it's probably not even a weight bearing bone right?
  5. Out of the 3, Hill is probably the expendable. But what he brings as far as speed and elusiveness is truly special. Kelce is the straw that stirs this drink. Without him he makes every one else accountable. He is by far the best TE in the league and probably this generation.
  6. If I was Mongo I would've fell to the turf and stayed there until the trainers came out. Make them review what caused the player to fall and address it then. Sure it's a petty move but the game may have been different without Jones out there.
  7. A lot of their positions are plug and play. As long as they keep Mahomes, Kelce and Hill as the core it'll be pretty hard to stop this team in the near and forseeable future.
  8. This team needs a back bone. They were bullied all day waiting for flags that never came. Never matched their intensity and got their spirit broken.
  9. After all the BS from KC I'd sure as heck tee off on Mahomes a couple times. Bet you'll throw the flag then!
  10. This ^^ In all fairness it's really hard to defend all that talent on Offense but then pair it up with great playcalling specific to a players skill set and it's an unstoppable scenario. Even if you know what's coming you'd still have a tough time defending it.
  11. Chicken 💩 playcalling. Somebody tell the staff there's no game next week.
  12. That punch thrown at Mongo was blatant yet everyone saw it except the refs.
  13. Josh has thrown 2 picks that have been dropped. This seems to much but this is where a competent running game would help and we have nothing. KCs 3rd string RB is better than what we have.
  14. KCs gonna bring massive pressure this drive to rattle Josh. Has to stay calm or we'll get steam rolled by their momentum.
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