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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. He's paid to be a franchise LT and got destroyed. The team and Josh put their faith in him to hold the point of attack just for a few inches and he failed miserably. Josh should've gone right away from Simmons.
  2. He did make some clutch throws on 3rd down to keep drives alive that eventually burned us. Can't believe they couldn't plant him in the dirt a few times to rattle his rhythm.
  3. They'll win the division easily but they'll be lucky to grab the 4 seed. They played their butts off tonight but do have a tendency to play down to their competition. Plus they're always getting hurt.
  4. Good point, Golden opportunities missed. Titans game plan would have changed down 14 early instead of 6.
  5. All I know is if you score 31 points, 34 if you kick the chip shot FG you should win the game considering you supposedly have the top defense in the league. I know Henry's a handful and I expected him to have a big game but when is this team gonna stop making Tannehill look like Joe Montana? He's the most sacked QB in the league and we couldn't get him once? NOT ONCE!!! But please go ahead and blame the guy that went 35/47 for 353 and 3 TD's
  6. Weather conditions are quite ideal for the offense and kicking game.
  7. 👍 This is the type of game and player (Henry) Edmunds and Oliver were drafted for. Thump vs. Thump
  8. Don't forget Star, Moss and Smoke though he's no longer with us. Now we also have Rousseau, Boogie and Sanders to boot. Btw: Edmunds played last year's game.
  9. It really is. I know Nashville is a popular destination for us but it truly is amazing how well this fan base travels. Truly hardcore! I was raised in the NE so I basically just took in every NE, NYJ and Giants game I could. Really looking forward to J-ville this year.
  10. You're right, what was I thinking? Every flag I've seen against Buffalo has been unquestionably correct. 😂 I don't care about the whole "they're bad on both sides" argument. I only care about the Bills. I can live with legit calls but we've seen plenty of head scratching bogus penalties. Many getting thrown well after the result of the play on 3rd and 4th downs.
  11. Awesome! Seems like the NFL really enjoys assigning the most over officious jerks to work the Bills games.
  12. Sometimes a mechanic is only as good as his tools. Bills= Dewalt Fins= Harbor Freight
  13. Browns are in trouble! Kareem Hunt carted off. Apparently he hurt his kicking leg!
  14. Baker is working on a vet minimum contract. 😂😂😂
  15. The Debt Collectors or The IRS DEFENSE Bills are due, so we come after you!
  16. True. But when was the last time we had a snow game? I like the name though.
  17. This isn't one of those games you greet upon return. We're 5.5 favs in their house. We're suppose to win. The Chiefs were more a monkey off your back, get over the hump situation. The Titans are more like swatting an annoying mosquito.
  18. I posted this in the predict the score thread but it seems better suited here. Like many already I'm predicting a 40 🍔. I really feel the Bills will be looking to embarrass the Titans if given the opportunity. Last year the Titans put the Bills and NFL in a pickle because of their carelessness. And on top of that suffered no repercussions for their team being so irresponsible. And then had the audacity to be braggadocious about the victory to boot. The Bills are going to show them they don't belong on the same field. I expect things to get chippy as the Bills run up the score. Bills by 3 scores 42-17 Bills
  19. C'mon Rich! When was the last time you paid for a meal? Really? Great interview. Loved when he asked, Josh winning against the Chiefs had to mean something extra for you and your team mates right? Josh: Yeah, it meant we won our 4th game of the season. Rich: C'mon Josh, I can't accept that for an answer. Because Rich likes to refer to Josh as the Mandalorian on his show it would of been so cool if Josh answered, Well Rich, This Is The Way....
  20. If the kid keeps this up I see a ROUSSEAU jersey in my future.
  21. Like many already I'm predicting a 40 🍔. I really feel the Bills will be looking to embarrass the Titans if given the opportunity. Last year the Titans put the Bills and NFL in a pickle because of their carelessness. And on top of that suffered no repercussions for their team being so irresponsible. And had the audacity to be braggadocious about it to boot. The Bills are going to show them they don't belong on the same field. I expect things to get chippy as the Bills run up the score. Bills by 3 scores 42-17 Bills
  22. Set your time forward. I think your clock is a year off.
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