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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. More concerned about their defense and run game. All of which are the major contributors to Jones' development. His intelligence and accuracy are impressive. His arm strength, mobility and running ability are not. Spot on!
  2. All solid points Hap. As I mentioned I'm not down on the Defense as it pertains to their overall production as a unit. The results speak for themselves. In those 4 games mentioned I just couldn't get past the fact that our Defense couldn't do to them what they were doing to us which was making him uncomfortable. They're exceptional in coverage and limiting the rush sans Tennessee. Put they still can't put opposing QB's on their back outside of the Dolphins of course. In our 3 losses they have a combined (3) full sacks and (2)0.5's. Zero against Tennessee in which at the time Tannehill led the league in sacks taken. That's the game that really frustrates me and the only one the D had no answers. To score 31 and lose with this D is bonkers😏 Maybe I should just take out my frustration on the common denominator in all of our losses which is our O Line.
  3. Thank you for your service. Retired Law Enforcement. Served 21 years.
  4. Lumps? Don't think so bud. You want to debate this? I can hold my own on any topic you wish to discuss. And I can do it without insulting or trying to intimidate anyone. You want to play the tough guy on a message board? Cool! You could be an ex Navy Seal with a 3rd degree black belt (though those types never brag) and you know what it means. Absolutely Zero! Spewing that nonsense online just makes you look foolish. You know, like some kid in his parents basement yelling for more meatloaf while playing FortNite. I too regret it came to this but man did you come in scorched earth or what! It was an opinion, nothing more. Agree or disagree. Express why, preferably in a civil manner and move on.
  5. 😆 Well then, I take it you don't agree. Please explain for the class what strategy concepts you're referring to from your apparent playing career for the rest of Sunday drunkards since you're so intellectually superior. 😏 I never questioned the schemes that are employed, they are statistically a top D. I just questioned the physicality of the unit when opposition gets chippy. I've followed this team and football since "81 so I'd like to think I know a little more than this Jack character you mention. Sensitivity training maybe an option here. I knew this post might ruffle a few feathers but dang dude you brought it pretty irate. I guess this is where you'd tell this beer swilling know it all you'd kick my ass if you weren't behind a computer keyboard😤 Cool👍
  6. I've pretty much gone through these last 2 seasons under the impression that this Defense is more finesse than physical. Playing an "opportunistic" style that hopes and succeeds in creating turnovers. Whether it's mentality or scheme to me is unknown. Games like KC in the AFCCG and Pitt, Tenn and Jax this season. These teams have imposed a physicality on our offense at the beginning of games and I feel our D did not match it. Jax doesn't produce offensively so our D looked good. Coincidentally we've lost all of them. This is the main reason NE concerns me. They punch you in the mouth quickly and if you buckle, they sense it and the feeding frenzy begins. They need to stop looking to the refs for flags like crybabies and smack'em back harder. Let them know the Bills are not pinatas. I know it's a little bonkers to knock one of if not the top defense in the league. It's more about how other defenses approach our offense. I'd like to see this D send a message to opposing offenses when they get a little chippy and aggressive.
  7. Tampa, NO, Dallas and Chargers. Those are the only competently decent offenses they've played this season. They've lost all of them except the Chargers game where they won by 3 points. That's why.
  8. Don't devalue the prestige of winning a Championship because the name or league structure or place in time. That team and those players received rings and a Championship trophy just like the teams of the current era.
  9. I remember it pretty clearly. It was after the most disgusting game of professional football I've ever witnessed. The 6-3 embarrassing loss to the Browns. I looked over to my best friend who's also a fan and said, if he doesn't get fired after this I have no hope for this franchise.
  10. What are you smoking? Their wins are against Zach Wilson 2X, Davis Mills (3pt win), Sam Darnold, Overhyped Herbert (3pt win) and Baker Mayfield. And they lost to Tua! I get it, wins are wins but he's not carrying this team. He's doing what's asked which is be a Game Manager and make no mistakes. To his credit he's done it well albeit against suspect competition.
  11. Until Jones shows me he can beat secondaries deep I'm not too worried. He greatly depends on the run game to keep him in 3rd and manageable and the defense for favorable field position. Not hating, it's what they ask of him and he does it well. Don't know how sustainable that plan will be when they play tougher teams deeper in the season. I want to see him carry the team on his back when the burden is solely on him.
  12. I'd rather play the Titans instead of: Baltimore KC Chargers Pats True story. Agree. Those teams can stop the run and make Tennessee one dimensional.
  13. On IR. Can't recall whether he's got 1 or 2 more games left.
  14. Spencer Brown makes the difference. Not because he's elite or dominant but because he allows Williams to play Guard which allows Ford to play on the bench.
  15. Teams I'd like to play in the postseason. 1. Pitt 2. Indy 3. Cincy 4. Raiders Teams I'd rather not. 1. NE 2. Baltimore 3. Chargers 4. Tenn Kinda indifferent about KC
  16. No help from the others. NE win, Tenn win, Indy win. At least Pitt tied.😅 Guess we'll just have to not lose the rest of the way.
  17. Can't think of a team more fitting of the title " paper tiger" Mayfield is not very good. Pats game will be a good one. Jones hasn't played a D like ours yet. If Buffalo can hold their run game I like our chances.
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