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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. You think they're successful? 😂😂
  2. True. But it does make it a little more difficult when deciding who's active and inactive on gameday. No sense in activating Stevenson if McKenzie is handling kick returns. I was actually surprised to see them both active yesterday. I expect that to change moving forward when all the Covids come back.
  3. We are about to witness hypocrisy at its highest level from Arians. Don't know if I blame him though. He has obligations to the organization and players to put the best product on the field. And it's not like Brown is a pariah on the street waiting for a call. He is currently on the roster.
  4. This^^^ Rather see him used more in the offense. He's a great gadget player you have to account for.
  5. He does no doubt. At this point I think Gabe should be the starting #2 with Sanders and Beasley sharing snaps in the slot and Sanders spelling Gabe at the #2.
  6. 3 points tops. After coming back down to earth against the Colts and Mac showing rookie flaws I think the spread hangs around the 3 range.
  7. This ^^^^ It's a lot easier to pull off a play in that situation when the opponent is out of options and needs a stop.
  8. Well, at least he wasn't asked to kick fg's.
  9. Agreed. We could've gone 1-15 for the last 15 years and accomplish the same stat. 😂
  10. Spencer Brown was the LT on an offense that scored 31 points on a down day against a top defense. Is he a franchise Tackle? Probably not, but for a rookie he's a serviceable starter at RT for the foreseeable future. Gabe Davis, nuff said! Get him on the field and keep him there. Daboll's playcalling, especially in the 4th was and has been 🐔 💩. Predictable and Conservative. Major step back for him this season. Defenses have a clue now on how to slow down the Bills offense and he has not adjusted accordingly.
  11. Agreed. But what I was pointing out is this team as currently constructed with its weak undersized O line and lackluster RBs makes tough sledding in bad weather, especially against teams that can pound it on the ground and play solid D.
  12. Yeah well you got a Thurman Thomas and Kenny Davis lying around anywhere? Cause that's what's needed if this team is to compete in inclement weather.
  13. Cam making plays, finding the hot receivers. Are you freaking kidding me!
  14. This D has to be gassed! No break, no 1st downs, no time killed. Awesome coaching and playcalling
  15. He's more concerned with killing time instead of moving the chains and going for the kill shot.
  16. Watching Gilmore's face is incredibly satisfying on so many levels.
  17. It was. Was the flag on the shove on Josh or the extracurricular?
  18. To be fair Carolina's D is pretty good. Plus having a rookie at LT who's not an LT isn't helping.
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