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  1. Ugh. Wish Bills would have just beaten us.
  2. Travis has said he intends to play until he can't do it anymore. That doesn't say much...clearly he's slowed down... I think he'll retire. He's OLD in football years. He does have a potential transcendent career ahead of him...AND....i have no idea if Taylor Swift ever wants to get married and have kids..but she is about to the point where she is either going to now step back a minute or two and start a family or she's not. That clock is ticking away. I tend to think she probably does want children at some point...soon. I can't think of a better retirement sceanrio than going out on the absolute top....having just been an integeral part of the 3peat..with 4 total rings and a hall of fame career....and at the absolute top of the Q ratings with your superstar GF..big time podcast....and so on. Charmed life. Coming back for one more year of football, when KC's cap situation is going to mean some big roster churn etc....I think now is the time. Travis plays his last game in New Orleans.
  3. I saw that too....and I think there is a little something to it...years ago, Mike Vick....having served his time for the dog thing...was about to sign with the Bengals...and he let it out of the bag that the league offices intervened becasue they wanted him with the Eagles or at least not in Cincy....I have no doubt they all get together and conspire to have certain things go a certain way.... All I am saying is for the NFL to be rigged in KC's favor....WHY would the other teams allow it? Why even pick KC to be that team? And clearly, having so many pissed of fans and gamblers CAN NOT be great for the leauge as whole so what is the end goal of rigging it this way?
  4. I am not that big a fan of "only losers complain about refs" Sports is often a reflection of real life...and in real life...we all have been involved in something at some point where we got totally screwed and things were decidedly unfair.....and that is entirely worth complaining about and taking action to make thnings better. In real life I don't recall having lost out on something with unfair circumstances and saying to myself...welp....i'll just shut up about it because only losers complain about things that aren't fair. ...hell no...I made sure people knew that I was given unfair treamtment and that it was BS.....it is normal...even expected that when these things happen....that there will be LOUD, complaints.
  5. I agree they need to fix the problems. They almost rolled out the chipped ball thing this year but didn't think they had it quite ready or something...it's comeing very soon. The full time ref thing...I understand the argument...but I am not sure the answer is ONLY to make these same guys full time refs...probably need to make them full time AND have a high standard of vetting and continuous training and testing these guys. ....need to be in good health..need good vision...need to be tested constantly on rulebook and they should have to have severall ALL HANDS ON DECK conferences where they review controversial plays and discuss and determine the right call etc...and same for missed calls that teams protest about. ....and even if you do all that...trying to determine in real time, at the speeds these things go....is STILL going t o be hard to do.
  6. There is likely a king of the moutain factor in play sure....Jordan got calls...Brady certainly did...Le Bron.....so if you want say KC gets the benefit of the doubt because it's the Chiefs, Mahomes, and Ried...I'll buy that. I would add to that, that bad teams DO NOT get calls....and probalby draw more flags for having the reputation of being bad teams. I will not agree it's rigged. ....and as I have poitned out...not every late, pivotal call is some out of knowwhere flag...some are acutal bad penalties..commited by the other team at bad times. ....but as it pertains to the Bills...the 4th down call...is the big call of the game...did he make it? I can't 100% say he did. If you asked me to look the video and make my best gues..I'd say he likely got the ball over the line at some point....and if that was the other way around...I'd be as pissed off as you guys are about it. ...but it was a close call and you are leaving it up to a ref to make a judgement.
  7. This rigged narrative is ....something.... WHY would the other 31 owners want to participate in having the Chiefs win by rigging things so they do? IF the other 31 teams think rigging is going on and not wanting to partcipate in it...why do they allow it to continue? WHY would you, if you are rigging things...set it up so one of your smallest markets is the big time team? Wouldn't Kroenke or the NY folks or Jerry in Dallas want to rig some of this in their favor? Wouldn't Terry and Kim make a case that they are building an expensive stadium, and it's their turn for some rigging to go their way? How does this all work and why? The Refs suck. They do. KC benefits from some bad calls....but to say it's all rigged....for KC? ....come on.
  8. I agree with all of what you say EXCEPT the highlighted..... As a Chiefs fan, I am biased of course....but as a Chiefs fan, the part that frustrates me is that we AGREE the refs suck. I will agree we get bad calls that go in our favor. What bothers me is no one notices or cares about all the times we get calls that do not benefit us. No one remembers those because we win. or have been winning. Also...some things that are ACTUAL CORRECT CALLS....get thrown into the bucket of "KC wins on controversial calls"....when there was nothing controversial about the call. A couple of those examples would be the AFCCG against the Bengals in a tie game late, the Bengals clearly unmistakabley shoved Mahomes WELL after he was out of bounds...like by at least 3 steps...the refs flagged it....it was a claear cut penalty....it was "Controversial" becuase it happend with like 20 seconds left in the 4th quarter and played a big part in KC being in FG range to win the game. That isn't an unfair call, or controversial, or rigged...it was an egregious penalty. And who could forget the PI VS the eagles last time the Chiefs played them in the SB. The DB got a fistful of jersey and stretched it out. That's a penalty....it happened with 2 minutes left in the game and contributed to KC being able to run the clock down before kicking the GW FG. ....but it was an obvious penalty...the DB said as much after the game...but yet it's "controversial". "rigged" and so on. Same game...no one talks about the Smashing hit Bolton put on the RB who fumbled and he returned it for a TD only be called an incomplete pass..... I can point out plenty of bad calls that didn't go KCs way. But....I othewsie agree....I would prefer these calls were not part of the games...I'd rather the outcomes be 100% about the play on the field, the players and the coaches. The NFL needs to find better ways to officiate games.
  9. .....regarding the 4th down play.... Let's assume it's called a 1st down. No one knows what happens after that......but the case is made it was a game altering play. Fine. I concede that it was a pivotal moment in the game and that it's possible the Bills go on to score 3,7 or 8. But, If you are going to call that a pivotal play becuase of the unkown "what might have happend" then you have to consider that the Worthy catch probably ended up working out in the Bills favor right? If that is ruled incomplete, insted of 1st and goal at the 5, it's first and 10 at the 20 instead (due to holding on Hamlin). KC MAYBE (we don't know what happens for sure) runs quite a bit more clock out before socring a TD to go up 21-10 and the Bills don't have the time to get the TD before halftime. I am not saying that is what would happen and I am not trying to diminish the importance of the 4th down call when it happend. I am simply saying, at that particular time and spot in the game, it's not the game changer that for example, the Rams Saints missed PI was when that happend..literally cost the Saints the game for sure. Also....it's noteworthy to me that there were 4 Bills fumbles in this game and the Bills recovered all 4. No one here has mentioned it at all....and how lucky/improbable it is to have 4 fumbles and recover all 4. The Chiefs had 1 fumble and it was also recovered by the Bills. I get it...those aren't on the refs....but they are potential game changing plays. Last...it has been menioned several times the Bills had the ball with 3 Timeout and 3 plus minutes left with a chance to win or tie. If you were offered that scenario before the game started, would you take that shot? With Josh Allen at QB? I would think Bills fans would take their chances with the ball, 3 minutes plus, 3 TO left and down 3. That's the time to shine. And finally one last thing....13 seconds may well have been it. Allen was heroic that game and would have/should have been a champion that year if not for the complete collapse that happend which had nothing to do with Allen. He was awesome and clutch that game.
  10. I will say this once again about the third down spot......that happened right in front of the Bills bench. AND if you take a minute and watch the replay....his elbow is down before he extends the ball. ....so again...the Bills entire bench was staring right at this in real time....IF they saw a bad spot, they surely would have challenged it...and I am sure someone is in Seans ear telling him they'd seen the replay and it was a good spot...no challenge. No need to wast the timeout there. If you disagree with this then make a case why there was no challenge flag thrown?
  11. There were 5 fumbles in this game.....1 by KC and 4 by the Bills..the Bills recovered all 5. There were 2 interceptable passes thrown by Allen. KC dropped both. Not every bouce goes KC's way.
  12. Even before 13 seconds happend, it was the best football game I'd ever seen......just an incredible game.
  13. ....That 3rd down happened RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BILLS BENCH... 1. they saw it live.....and if you pay close attention to video...the reason they probalby didn't challenge that spot was because Kincaids elbow hits the ground before he extends the ball. Surely they also have someone watching the game and replay in Seans ear saying yes or no to challenge...............and they didn't...........but................ 2. If you watched that and though the spot was bad....you have to challenge that! (I don't think it would have changed the spot and the Bills would lose a TO) 3. KC had been standing up to that Allen sneak over left guard all game....did they expect anything other than an extremely close judgement call on the spot after how that play had been going? Call a boot action with a run or pass option....that had been working all night..and Kc wouldn't have stopped it for no gain.
  14. ....(I know, I am not the guy you all want to hear from....but whatever) I agree with this....The Chiefs are a good team with a deep roster. The Bills have given KC ALL IT COULD HANDLE every single post season they've matched up..and always are just barely on the short end of the stick. It's not the time to reset or tear it down. You'd have to keep plugging away, trying to build more depth, and hopefully hit on a high impact player or two with all the picks. Getting the QB is the hardest part. you guys all know that. You have that part. Your O line is good which is one of the harder things to put together. I am not in Buffalo and obviously you guys are way more familiar with all of the dudes on your roster than I am, but from afar, I think the Bills do have some really talented guys worth keeping and building with. Allen (Obviously), Cook, Shakir...your O-line...I thnk Oliver is a very good player....Milano and Benford....but you guys are thin at depth on D...and your DB situation isn't so great. I don't quite understand the advocates for a reset....? You are consistantly 3 points or less away from the SB every year....what does a reset look like that is different and gets you there as opposed to plugging away at it and trying to improve the roster now? Is a roster purge really the answer? I can't see how that would be better.
  15. The holding was whoever was covering Kelce......away from the play....it was blatant.
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