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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Well, even with the house nearly 2/3 empty, nobody in the crowd was social distancing or wearing masks. They all crowded together in the lower levels, leaving the upper sections empty. More importantly, it's Trump's own words that not only make him a "Covid-19 hypocrite" but a Covid-19 denier. What would you expect from people who worship a draft dodger who threatens to turn American cities into "battle spaces" and sics National Guardsmen on peace protesters after scurrying to his bunker in the WH for an impromptu "inspection"? He's still employed, so what's your point? Actually, the name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew name Yeshua via the Greek. It's related to the name Joshua, which is fairly common in English speaking cultures. Jesus is not all that common in Spain, but it is widely used in Latin America as a boy's name. The Spanish Inquisition with its forced conversion of Jews coincided with the rise in popularity of the name as well as the establishment of Spanish colonies in the New World. Many converted ex-Jews -- called New Christians -- moved to the colonies in order to lessen their chances of running afoul of the Inquisition. FYI, North African Muslims, the Moors, occupied the Iberian peninsula from the eighth through fifteenth centuries. Europeans didn't consider them "white" (see The Merchant of Venice for how Elizabethans viewed Moors). Apparently Trump and his Trumplets only recognize the existence of one amendment -- the Second Amendment. Everything else in the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights -- and especially the First Amendment -- doesn't matter.
  2. This ain't a new thing, especially for supporters of civil rights and social justice campaigns. You've just got your panties in a wad because usually employees expressing reactionary ideas get away it because the execs of too many companies share those reactionary views. Now, they literally, can't afford to continuing doing that.
  3. From the article, Melissa Rolfe “lost the confidence of her peers, leadership, and many employees who no longer felt comfortable engaging with her,” a statement from Equity Prime Mortgage said." She wasn't fired because she was the stepmother of Garrett Rolfe. She was fired because she was saying, doing, and/or wearing something at work that brought complaints from her co-workers. She's not the first nor the last person to suffer that fate because their words or actions offend/upset/anger their bosses or their co-workers. It happens all the time.
  4. You're the one who claimed to be "shocked" that the SCOTUS rendered a decision against the proposed Trump policy before the election and implied that they were somehow helping the Democrats by doing so ... as if the SCOTUS was supposed to help Trump get re-elected.
  5. If the proverbial shoe fits .... Actually, I used the term "Trumplet" on PPP before first_and_ten wandered into this forum several days ago, and I know exactly what it means: an individual who has surrendered his/her better self and rationality -- if he or she ever had either -- to the worship of Donald Trump. For the answer to that, consider who they worship. Well said!
  6. The common denominator among Trumplets is their lack of functioning brain cells, probably from being immersed in far right wing cesspools for so long and so deeply just like their hero, the Liar in Chief.
  7. "Framed by our intelligence agencies"? How do you know? Because the Liar in Chief said so? ROTFLMAO!
  8. It was only about $413 million in 2018 dollars. Trump's Wealth
  9. So whines the cretin planning to vote for the draft dodger who threatened to turn US cities in "battle spaces" and then had the National Guard tear gas peaceful protestors so he could march across the street for a photo op for his re-election campaign. Don't brag about supporting the Constitution and Donald J Trump for re-election. They are mutually exclusive.
  10. It's not like we haven't had experience with pandemics before, most notably the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918. On September 28, 1918, Philadelphia officials ignored the Spanish flu pandemic and held a massive Liberty Bond parade attended by tens of thousands. Within 10 days, a 1000 Philadelphians were dead from the pandemic, and by March, 1919, more than 15,000 Philadelphia residents had died of the disease. St Louis closed schools and theaters and banned public gatherings, and had only 1/8 of Philadelphia's death rate at the height of the pandemic.
  11. How, exactly, is voting an incumbent politician out of office somehow considered "trying to remove him from office based on made up BS that violated the constitutional rights of multiple American citizens"? If you're referring to impeachment, well, I suggest you investigate the impeachment of Bill Clinton in the 1990s if you want to talk about politicians violating "the constitutional rights of multiple American citizens".
  12. Where did I wish anything upon anybody? I'm not the one denying reality by doing just the opposite of what even his own health officials are recommending just to stoke my ego. It's the Liar in Chief who's wishing death and illness on anybody, in this case, his own supporters ....and he's covering his own arse by requiring all those 20k maskless Trumplets in attendance at the BOK on Saturday to sign a waiver.
  13. I think Trump, his sycophants, and his true believers, maskless, all gathered in an enclosed space for 3-6 hours in the middle of a pandemic can only be a good thing for the country. It will undoubtedly raise the IQ of the Republican Party by weeding out a whole lot of morons.
  14. The SCOTUS is NOT an arm of the Trump re-election campaign, sweetie.
  15. De-nial ain't just a river in Egypt ... it floods out from the Liar in Chief and his worshippers whenever they open their mouths ... or type on their keyboards.
  16. I understand the distinction but I think that Roberts would rule the same way no matter who the POTUS was if he or she acted the same way.
  17. Let me get this straight ... removing statutes of white supremacist "heroes" who fought against the US more than 150 years is "erasing history" but dismissing whites massacring hundreds of blacks a century ago as "irrelevant to today" is NOT "erasing history". Viva the hypocrisy of the Right!
  18. The US has had a form of universal health care for more than 50 years in the form of Medicare for seniors. All seniors who qualify for Social Security also qualify for Medicare. It's not free but premiums are very low compared to private insurance and it covers 80% of medical costs for most seniors, and 100% of med costs for very poor recipients as well as those who are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans. I would support a Medicare-like system expanded to the entire US population. People would pay somewhat more in taxes but much less in health insurance premiums. As for open borders, I'm not naive enough to believe that that's a viable policy. However, I think that the US should streamline the immigration process to make it easier for people who wish to come to this country permanently to do so. The reason that there's so many "illegal" immigrants is because it takes years for ordinary people without political or familial connections to get permission to enter the country permanently. The POTUS is not just "anyone involved in a case". He is the head of state, and not a private citizen. The POTUS' official actions are always reviewable by the SCOTUS. Like the whites who murdered hundreds of blacks in Tulsa in the worst race massacre in 1921 right?
  19. Sayonara! Ciao! Au revoir! Adios! Hit the road, Jax, and don't you come back no more! Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out. I hear Paraguay welcomes your kind.
  20. I suppose equating an outdated brand logo with art is simply a reflection of the cartoonist and his supporters' fundamental ignorance.
  21. Except that none of the recent killings of black men and women were involved in any violent crimes, and in none of the cases were the cops involved were victims of violent crime or were their lives in danger. Maurice Gordon was killed during a traffic stop. George Floyd was apprehended for supposedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill. In the case of Rayshard Brooks, he struggled with the police, took the tazer, and shot it at the officers, but he was running away from the police not toward them. A tazer is not a deadly weapon. The protests aren't about the police shooting blacks involved in violent crimes. They are about police killing blacks who were guilty at most of petty crimes or traffic violations. They are about lesser incidents as well as in this one that just happened: Teens arrested for jaywalking
  22. Brooks was shot in the back twice while he was running away. There is no way that there's an excuse for that. The officer could have just let him run away and collected him later as they had his personal information and his car. It's attitudes like yours which continually excuse the use of excessive -- including deadly -- force by police officers against citizens in general but black citizens in particular that perpetuates unnecessary police violence.
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