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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. The Bureau of Labor Statistic also estimates that there are another 9 million people not in the work force who would like jobs ... "The number of persons not in the labor force who currently want a job, at 9.0 million,declined by 954,000 in May, after increasing by 4.4 million in April. These individuals were not counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks or were unavailable to take a job" BLS Stats
  2. So, listing facts -- the number of deaths from covid 19, when the WH covid 19 task force met, and what Trump and Pence said -- makes me an idiot according to you and your pals Foxx and Reality Check? That explains a lot about why you support Trump.
  3. So, the 124,000 Americans who have died from Covid 19 and the approxiamtely 25-30 million Americans who have lost their jobs or the million of Americans who have lost their small businesses because of the pandemic are just "collateral damage" in a "war" against policies you don't like?
  4. April 27, 2020 56,502 deaths from Covid 19 - WH Coronavirus Task Force gives public briefing on corona virus June 1, 2020 98,536 deaths from Covid 19 - "Had long planned to have the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, a place I love. Now, @NC_Governor Roy Cooper and his representatives refuse to guarantee that we can have use of the Spectrum Arena. ... Governor Cooper is still in Shelter-In-Place Mode, and not allowing us to occupy the arena as originally anticipated and promised. Would have showcased beautiful North Carolina to the World, and brought in hundreds of millions of dollars, and jobs, for the State." -- Donald Trump June 25, 2020 121,809 deaths from Covid 19 - "If we didn't do testing, we'd have no cases" -- Donald Trump June 26, 2020 124,325 deaths from Covid-19 - WH Coronavirus Tast Force gives first public briefing on corona virus since April 27 - 11 states, including Texas and Florida, have paused or rolled back openings - US set a record high in covid 19 cases in a single day -- more than 44,000 - "As we stand here today, all 50 states and territories are opening, and safely and responsibly" -- Mike Pence - "We did slow the spread. We flattened the curve" - Mike Pence
  5. Obviously you missed Pence taking a victory lap on how well the US is handling the covid19 pandemic after the WH corona virus task force held its first briefing in 2 months (last one was April 27). He said that all 50 states were opening "safely and responsibly" when, in fact, several states, including Texas and Florida, have paused or rolled back opening because of surging corona virus cases.
  6. Allen will always be linked to Patrick Mahomes because the Bills passed on him in 2017. It's not fair for Allen but that's the way people will think of him unless he develops into a good enough QB to make his own narrative.
  7. Allen doesn't have an "obligation" to put it to rest, but unless he does so by becoming a great QB, it will likely follow him forever. FTR, if Mayfield and Darnold don't develop into great QBs, it's going to follow them as well, but what makes it worse for Allen is that the Bills also passed on another great QB in 2017.
  8. Jackson was the last pick in the first round, not in the draft. I've never heard anybody claim that the Bills were stupid to take Jim Kelly while Dan Marino was still on the board. However, if Kelly had busted (like Todd Blackledge who was taken ahead of him) or even been good but not great like Ken O'Brien, I think that the Bills would have been mocked for their pick and that Kelly would have always been unfavorably compared to Marino. The Bills are under even more scrutiny for drafting Allen because they passed twice on QBs who have had immediate success in the NFL for a lesser product. Trading away the pick that KC used to take Mahomes in 2017 and then using a fortune in talent and draft capital to move up to take Allen in 2018 when Jackson would have been available at the Bills original draft spot will haunt the Bills for the foresseable future unless Allen develops into a franchise QB who has a HOF worthy career. I think anything less, especially if he fails to become a top tier QB, will always be part of the narrative of the Bills of the next decade and of Allen's career. Very unfairly because he had no say in what team picked him, it will also be part of the narrative of Josh Allen's NFL career, too.
  9. I have, and I agree. East Tennessee is another garden spot. Rural poverty is pernicious because it's virtually invisible to most people just traveling through. Most of the Old Order Amish in sw NY and nw PA live much more luxurious life-styles than many of the poor people who live in shacks set back from the seldom traveled -- and often unpaved -- roads in this area.
  10. What the hell does federalism have to do with the POTUS leading by example like "just wear a damn mask"?
  11. Leaders lead by example.. Trump's "leadership" in the covid 19 pandemic is to deny its seriousness and blame it on "too much testing".
  12. Oh, yeah, Trump's "leadership and his CEO way of management is actually getting things done" all right, especially dealing with the covid-19 pandemic.
  13. Why would you think that competency and leadership would be necessary for a Republican candidate? You're still supporting Trump who has demonstrated rare competency and leadership during the covid-19 pandemic aren't you?
  14. Well, according to recent polls, it seems that it's many Trump supporters from 2016 who are "walking away".
  15. There are numerous hard core Red counties in southwestern NY and northwestern PA where living in a ramshackle trailer park is considered "lower middle class". I'm sure there are many similar economically depressed rural areas all through the US, but those are areas I know first hand. Still, rural folks keep buying the bullcrap the Republicans are selling.
  16. So???? Although In the 1920s and 1930s Italians, especially Sicilians, were considered by most "Americans" only a half step above blacks, this is 2020 not 1930, and there are lots of racists and bigots who are descendents of Italian immigrants.
  17. Excellent post! Oh, but you can ignore the Right's embrace of white supremacy over the last fifty years, especially in the last 4 years, in the guise of "freedom" and "heritage", right?
  18. If you don't believe it, then look it up. It will do you good to read something beside of RW shitsites.
  19. Of course the doctors and experts on the coronavirus task force haven't been asked to "slow down coronavirus testing" -- they haven't met since April. Fauci himself hasn't spoken to the POTUS in at least 2 or 3 weeks.
  20. There's nothing humorous about the death of 120,000 Americans from Covid-19.
  21. Calling me names doesn't change the fact that Trump's ill-conceived campaign rally in the middle of a pandemic was an embarrassing flop.
  22. De-Nial ain't just a river in Egypt, Trumplets, no matter how much you want to spin it or try to divert attention away from it. Your hero got his ass handed to him not by "the radical left" or "the evil Democrats" or the "mainstream media" but by Republicans with common sense who stayed away from his rally for any number of reasons, including recognizing that Trump doesn't give a damn about anything or anybody except himself.
  23. Really? What "white countries" besides Spain commonly use the first name Jesus? It's found almost exclusively among Spanish people cultures, but it's much less commonly used in "white countries" like Chile and Argentina than in "brown countries" like Mexico.
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