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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. July 7, 2020 - US sets single day record of 55,274 new cases of Covid-19 while Covid Donnie claims "we're in a good place" in regards to the pandemic.
  2. If it wasn't "real", why did Trump and his sycophants try so desperately to prevent the book from being published?
  3. None of which even remotely resemble the one in which the United States of America exists in 2020.
  4. What has any of that to do Covid Donnie's lies about the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic?
  5. The last time I looked, 1% of 3 million -- nearly the number of confirmed covid-19 cases in the US as of today -- is 30,000. There have currently been more than 130,000 deaths from Covid-19 in the US for a death rate of about 4.4%, which is a much higher death rate than in several European and Asian countries. You might look up exactly what IFR -- infection fatality rate -- means before you use it. It's a ratio that uses estimates of the number of undiagnosed cases as well as actually diagnosed cases to measure the severity of an infectious disease. It does NOT mean that only x of diagnosed cases are likely to result in death. Most importantly, "harm" is not a synonym for "death". That's only the worst outcome. About 20% of individuals who test positive for Covid-19 end up in the hospital. About 20% of hospitalized individuals end up in the ICU. Several studies of asymptomatic Covid-19 victims has shown a significant percentage suffer lung damage similar to that of "walking pneumonia". Many individuals who contract Covid-19, even younger people, take weeks or months to recover. Pregnant women who contract Covid-19 are likely to end up in the ICU. The good news is that Covid-19 does not seem to spread in utero, so babies can be born virus free. Most rational people who have half a brain recognize that Covid Donnie and his sycophants inhabit an alternative universe.
  6. Of course it was a "mistake" ... whoever did it left Melania Trump (then Melania Knauss) in the cropped photo but with Covid Donnie's hand around her waist apparently blacked out.
  7. According to Trump, "99% of Covid-19 cases are harmless" despite soaring hospitalization rates threatening to overwhelm health care systems in several states including Texas and Florida. The families of the 129,576 victims of Covid-19 might also disagree.
  8. Luckily my dog isn't bothered by loud noises ... the noise has led my cats to retreat to the house before dark, though, which is rare on warm summer evenings.
  9. I've heard lots of what sound like M80s in neighborhood but no sirens. It's early yet, though.
  10. Do you know what fickle means?
  11. Carter is nothing like Trump. Carter's failures as POTUS stemmed from simply not being good enough to deal effectively with the challenges that he faced in office. That's not traitorous or criminal or evil. After leaving office, he gained stature for his many humanitarian endeavors in this country and around the world. His has always been a voice for compassion, and he'll be remembered as a good man if not a good POTUS. Trump's failures as POTUS stem from his narcissism and stupidity. He'll be remembered as the worst POTUS, easily outdistancing James Buchanan and Warren G. Harding, who chose to ignore the worst crisis the country has faced in the last seventy years in order to stoke racism and division in his quest for a second term.
  12. Trump was "protesting, rioting and looting"? I thought he was simply doing what he always does: demonstrating his unfitness for the office of POTUS.
  13. Has every race in America been enslaved for 250 years, deprived of their rights as American citizens for another 100+ years, and subjected to widespread racial violence up to the present day? The Black national anthem, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" is a poem written by James Weldon Johnson in 1905 and set to music by his brother J. Rosalind Weldon. It was named the "***** national anthem" by the NCAAP in 1919. It's included in more than 30 different hymnals and is sung in numerous churches across the country, and not just in black churches. That you and so many white Americans have never heard of the existence of a "Black national anthem" is a reflection of how much of the history of Black Americans has been buried.
  14. Obama didn't visit there in the midst of a worsening pandemic that's already killed more than 129,000 Americans despite the warnings of public health officials.
  15. July 4, 2020 - 129,437 Americans have died from Covid 19 July 4, 2020 - Covid 19 cases are rising in 37 states July 4, 2020 - Covid 19 cases are dropping in only 1 state, Vermont' July 4, 2020 - Despite protests from Washington, DC mayor, Muriel Bowser that it will spread the corona virus, the Trump administration will still hold the Fourth of July celebrations on the National Mall.
  16. Yes,pullbacks of the reopenings is sooooo nonsensical because 128,000 dead Americans and the tens of thousands more to die from Covid 19 are just collateral damage in the crusade to prove that Donald Trump is the greatest POTUS ever.
  17. Where's your sense of humor, Trumplet? Does it strike too close to the truth for you to see the humor in it? ?
  18. July 1, 2020 -- US recorded more than 50,000 new Covid 19 cases.
  19. June 1, 2020 98,536 Americans had died from Covid 19. July 1, 2020, 127,299 Americans have died of Covid 19. 28,763 Americans died from Covid 19 in June, an average of 958.8 per day. 22 states have rolled back reopenings as cases surge in 37 states this week. On Wednesday, June 30, in an interview with Fox Business, Trump claimed in his Fox Business interview Wednesday that he still thinks coronavirus will "disappear" someday. Trump said, "I do. I do. Yeah sure. At some point. And I think we're going to have a vaccine very soon too." In talking about the economy he claimed, "We're headed back in a very strong fashion. ... And I think we're going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that's going to sort of just disappear. I hope."
  20. Sorry to get your hopes up, but I thought that those posters who were right back in March ought to be acknowledged. If you read back through the thread, the posters picking Cam to go to NE weren't all that numerous. There were probably more who thought that Cam would never end up there.
  21. Sadly, I concur. Point A - the covid 19 virus affects people differently. Point B - there are some indications that even people who are "asymptomatic" are/can be affected long term. Point C - young people spreading the virus to other people who may be more vulnerable is the major concern. How do masks "give people a false sense of security"? IMO, wearing a masks constantly reminds you of the other things that you should be doing to stay safe -- social distancing, washing your hands, staying out of crowded indoor places. Most teams if not all have coaches and other staff who are older and may have underlying health conditions. Furthermore, unless players are quarantined from their families for the season, they can very well spread the virus to their parents, grandparents, and pregnant wives or girlfriends. What about their coaches? their parents? their grandparents? their pregnant wives? their children who may have underlying health conditions like asthma? At least there's a vaccine for that, although there are numerous individuals who are too stupid to get it.
  22. Winner, winner! Chicken dinner! These posters all called Cam to the Pats in March! Congrats, dudes (and dudettes if there are any of that persuasion)!
  23. New York's infection rate from covid19 testing has fallen below 1%. New York has recorded it's lowest number of covid 19 cases since the pandemic began. It has also recorded its lowest 3 day average deaths from covid 19. There's been no "spike" from the days of massive protests over police brutality.
  24. The first job of the POTUS is to lead the country. In the worst domestic crisis that the US has faced in the ninety years since the Great Depression, Donald Trump hasn't just failed to lead, he's REFUSED to lead. He pretends it's not serious. He's repeatedly undermined the CDC and state and local public health efforts with his words and his actions. Exactly. The problem with Trump is that he's has no instincts to be a decent person. He's totally focused on himself and what he wants. He simply doesn't care how many Americans die or how badly the economy tanks as long as he gets his desire du jour: a second term. How about starting by following the recommendations of the CDC instead of doing just the opposite and encouraging others to follow your lead??? Keep trying to defend the indefensible, both your own words and Trump's words and actions.
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