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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. That's the site that I got it from. It changes daily as the situations in the states change.
  2. That number is one of several numbers from studies trying to determine how deadly an infection is. It varies depending by location and by the demographics of the population studied. The Infection Fatality Rate is NOT the same as the Case Fatality Rate, which is the number of confirmed deaths from a disease divided by the number of confirmed cases of that disease. Infection Fatality Rate
  3. Testing Positivity by States Today's stats: 18 states Including the District of Columbia had positivity rates of less than 5% while 33 states had positvity rates higher, including Arizona (24.70%), Florida (18.71%), South Carolina (18.06), and Texas (17.08%). July 15, 2020 : more than 137,000 Americans have died of Covid-19 while Covid Donnie visited Atlanta today without wearing a mask and without talking about Covid-19;
  4. July 14, 2020: 3,407,798 cases 136,252 deaths States with positivity rates above 25% (1): Arizona 26.46 States with positivity rates above 15% (7): Mississippi 18.88 Florida 18.73 South Carolina 17.53 Texas 16.94 Alabama 16.54 Georgia 15.77 Idaho 15.33 States with positivity rates above 5%: (25) States with positivity rates below 5%: 19 (includes District of Columbia)
  5. "Cases" have always been confirmed cases. It's a hard number, not a combination of confirmed cases plus a reasonable guess at how many infected people there are. That's the Disease Infection Rate I believe. Moreover, define what you mean by "reasonably healthy".
  6. July 12, 2020 -- While Florida set a record of 15,299 new Covid-19 cases in a single day and 35 states saw increases in Covid-19 cases, the White House has started a campaign to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci. Update: Trump just tweeted that the CDC was lying.
  7. Really??? The number of total deaths from Covid-19 divided by the number of total Covid-19 cases, which works out to about 4%.
  8. Bull manure. The POTUS is the head of the Executive branch of the US government so he's the ultimate boss of all federal employees except for those who are employees of Congress or the federal court system, almost 90% of all federal employees. US Office of Personnel Management July 12, 2020: Total US coronavirus cases is 3,292,934 with total deaths of 135,140 for a death rate of 4.1%.
  9. Still whining about Covid Donnie being "powerless" I see. If Trump can fire federal employees, he can mandate they all wear face masks and social distance at work. If Trump can pressure states to open businesses and schools despite rising infection rates, he can pressure states to mandate wearing masks and social distancing.
  10. By long standing US federal law, the child of a US citizen is a US citizen even if born outside the US unless he or she chooses otherwise by renouncing his or her citizenship. Since Obama's mother was an American citizen, he is an American citizen by birth regardless of his father's citizenship or where he was born, just as the late John McCain, who was born in the Panama Canal Zone. A birth certificate is NOT a prerequisite to becoming POTUS, citizenship is, and no other major party presidential candidate except Obama has ever been even asked to show anybody his/her birth certificate. None of the POTUS born before 1900 had one, since the recording of births -- and deaths -- by local governmental jurisdictions only began after the Civil War. Before that, that information might be kept in church baptismal records if the family's church was a denomination that believed in infant baptism but those records could be easily lost in fires, floods or simply the closing of a church. It's why the practice of recording births and deaths in family Bibles developed in the US.
  11. Right-o ... and Hitler wasn't an anti-Semite.
  12. Awwwww .... poor Covid-19 Donnie!!! He is SOOOOO constrained by his respect for the Constitution that he can't even wear a mask in public to provide a show of support for public health officials but he can threaten to "pressure" states to open schools without regard to soaring rates of infection!
  13. July 10, 2020 - US sees record day of new Covid-19 cases with 66,627. Trump says "US getting back on track". July 11, 2020 - California announced that its prisons will release more than 8,000 prisoners to allow more room for social distancing.
  14. Then let him say that not make a snide remark that simply reenforces the typical lies that xenophobes repeat about current immigrants. Illegal immigrants do not qualify for government aid, including welfare. They may receive assistance from private sources, which also helped down-and-out immigrants in the supposed "good old days". Legal immigrants are either supposed to have already have jobs waiting for them or have sponsorship by another individual (usually a spouse or other family) or a private group who guarantees to keep that immigrant from landing on welfare for several years after arrival. Even immigrants who are granted political asylum seldom are given welfare. FTR, many Spanish speaking individuals who receive welfare are US citizens, primarily from Puerto Rico.
  15. That's unusual for them to identify as "Scots Irish" but given the religious persecution of Catholics at the time by Cromwell, they probably converted to Protestantism and laid low for self preservation. According to my family lore, my Polish maternal grandmother's father or grandfather was a Polish Jew who converted to Catholicism at some point in the 19th century to survive the progroms instituted by the Russian czars.
  16. Ooops! That's what happens when you assume that someone located in the Southern Tier has connections to Jamestown! Swedes also settled in Michigan in significant numbers, although not in the numbers that they did in Minnesota and other parts of the Upper Midwest.
  17. What's false about it? All you supposed "conservatives" claim you're not racists but you not only refuse to acknowledge that Blacks in this country have legitimate grievances against the justice system -- and have had them for decades -- but then you try to legitimize race baiting as "conservative thought". BULL MANURE! If the police were stopping and killing white men for the same supposed "offensives" and at the same rate that they've been killing black men for the last two decades, all you white "conservatives" would be up in arms over "police brutality" just like you got your panties in bunches back in the 1990s over Ruby Ridge.
  18. And Europeans haven't demonstrated hatred of each other over the last 2000 years? In the last 106 years, Europeans did their best to annihilate each other twice. Italian/Swedish is a common mix in the Jamestown area where about 50% of the population have some Swedish ancestry, while Italians have been a major ethnic group in Jamestown since the early 1900s. While Lord Protector of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales in the mid-17th century, Oliver Cromwell dispossessed thousands of Irish Catholics and replaced them with Scottish Protestants. That was all part of the widespread religious warfare throughout Europe in the 17th century, and the source of "The Troubles" that erupted in Northern Ireland in the late 20th century. Isabel Wilkerson's The Warmth of Other Suns is a prize winning book on "the Great Migration", which saw millions of Southern Blacks leave the South for the Northeast, Midwest, and Far West between 1915 and about 1970. So, do you want a medal???? The fact is that until the early 1920s, EVERYBODY who came into the US was LEGAL because there were no laws limiting entry into the US except for illness, disability, or mental incapacity, in which case you were sent back to Europe. For several decades after the 1920s, the US allowed largely unrestricted immigration into the US from Western Hemisphere countries. It was only in the 1980s that all those descendants of European immigrants in Cali, Arizona, and Texas began worrying that those brown people from south of the Rio Grande who picked their crops and cleaned their houses for slave-labor wages were staying in the country rather than returning to Mexico and points south.
  19. To summarize -- "Ah ain't no racist, but them Nigrahs are just so ungrateful fo' us freein' them from slavery 155 years ago!"
  20. The ironic thing is that doing the right thing -- not politicizing Covid-19, insisting that states only open when they met the metrics established by the various public health experts, and leading by example by simply wearing a mask, not encouraging mass indoor gatherings, etc -- would have made Trump appear to be a competent leader dealing with a great crisis rather than a meglomaniac who doesn't care how many Americans suffer so he can be re-elected. That he was too stupid and too narcissistic to put anything above his own wants has demonstrated to the American people just how unfit for the office of POTUS Trump is.
  21. Since I'm not a Trumplet, I've got a whole lot more cylinders in my brain than 1. I was simply responding to the OP's whining about hiding earnings.
  22. July 9, 2020 -- the positivity rate for coronavirus in NY over the last 7 days has fallen to 1.13% while the positivity rate in Arizona for the same period is 26.81%, in Florida 19.06, and in Texas 15.59. Multiple states report record deaths and coronavirus hospitalizations. Trump continues to claim that the rising coronavirus cases are because of increased testing despite the fact that the number of positive case are rising faster than the rising number of tests. Trump -- "We did everything right." "We saved millions of lives."
  23. However will tax cheats, criminals, and other ne'er-do-wells hide their $$$ if they can't use cash to hide their transactions?
  24. Trump was an undergraduate at Fordham when he transferred to Penn to finish his undergraduate degree. That's what he needed the SATs for. Did he actually complete his degree at Penn? He would have needed to score well on his GREs to be admitted to Wharton. Did he actually attend and graduate from Wharton? Trump's bragged on his great academic record but he's never produced his college transcripts, so who knows?
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