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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. July 26, 2020 - 146,453 Americans have died from Covid-19. July 26, 2020 - US deaths again top 1,000 a day. July 26, 2020 - California and Florida have both passed NY in the number of cases, all with more than 400,000 cases. Texas is fast approaching 400,000 cases.
  2. So, high income/wealth should put a person/family above criticism for how he/she/they manage their finances -- unless, of course, they're pro athletes, especially NFL players? If you had actually read the op-ed piece -- or understood what you read if you did read it -- you would realize that it was about the small segment of relatively wealthy people who cry poverty. How, exactly, do children get to choose about who their parents are? Family situations are the primary determinant of whether people make "good decisions" as adults, especially family economic status and family structure. Children born into families in good economic situations simply have significant advantages over children born into poor families that enable them to find success. Individuals born into dysfunctional families, wealthy or poor, frequently make poor decisions, but wealth frequently buffers those individuals from the worst consequences of those poor decisions while poverty tends to amplify them. You've got the proverbial horse before the proverbial cart. "Successful people" weren't living in Ferguson BEFORE the riots.
  3. July 25, 2020 - US death toll from coronavirus reach 145,446. July 25, 2020 - US deaths topped 1,000 for the 4th day in a row. July 25, 2020 - Some hospitals in Texas have been so overwhelmed by coronavirus that they are sending patients deemed "too sick to save" home to die.
  4. July 23, 2020 - Covid Donnie posed with a photo op with a youth baseball team without a mask in sight. July 23, 2020 - Covid Donnie canceled the RNC in Jacksonville. July 23, 2020 - Covid Donnie admits that schools may have to delay opening "a few weeks". July 24, 2020 - US deaths from Coronavirus stand at 144,305 with deaths topping 1,000 nationally for the third day in a row. (Johns Hopkins Data Charts) July 24, 2020 - US Bureau of Labor announced that new jobless claims last week rose 1.4 million, up from 1.3 million the week before. July 24, 2020 - Latest Quinnipac University poll shows Biden leads Covid Donnie in Florida by 13 points, 51-38, and that Floridians disapprove of Covid Donnie's handling of the coronavirus 59-36 percent. (Biden widens lead).
  5. July 23, 2020 - US deaths from Covid 19 surpassed 143,000. July 23, 2020 - More than 1000 daily deaths for the second day in a row. July 23, 2020 - Covid Donnie claims to see "the light at the end of the tunnel" and that there would be a ""cure soon" and that testing is "overrated".
  6. ... and having to pay another trillion or three to keep the economy afloat because the rampant coronavirus is forcing 30+ states to halt or rollback opening.
  7. Ummm .... that article was from mid-April -- 3 months ago when there were "only" about 22,000 deaths from Covid-19 -- and it's no longer in New York. Maybe Covid Donnie should send it to South Florida where the ICUs are maxed out and the health care system overwhelmed by the coronavirus. If Covid Donnie can send federal agents into cities to "deal with rampant crime" without consulting state and local officials why the hell can't he send that hospital ship to Miami-Dade without his boy DeSantis asking for it?
  8. That's my point ... to remind you and the rest of your fellow coronavirus deniers that the pandemic is real and deadly. Enjoy. July 21, 2020 - Deaths in a single day from Covid-19 topped 1,000 for the second time since the start of the pandemic. July 21, 2020 - Covid Donnie not only stuck to the script at his "news briefing" on Covid-19 but said that "things will get worse before they get better" and that Americans need to wear masks when they couldn't social distance. He did promise that the response to the Coronavirus that the administration was working on would be "a great one". July 22, 2020 - US deaths from Covid-19 reached 142,092. The U of Washington revised its projected death count by November to about 218,000, down from about 224,000, because of the increase in mask mandates throughout the country.
  9. They even traded up to "grab" Graham before anybody was stupid enough to do so. Wilson was easily the second best QB prospect in the 2012 draft behind Andrew Luck, and the absolute only knock on him was that he wasn't 6'2" or more. He wasn't well known at NC State but he played well enough there to merit a first round slot but at Wisconsin, he absolutely lit up the Big Ten, including leading the Badgers to a Rose Bowl win. Thinking he'd last past the third round was absolutely stupid.
  10. July 21, 2020 - US deaths from Covid-19 are 140,908 this morning. July 20, 2020 - Covid Donnie tweeted an pic of himself wearing a mask and claiming that some people think it's patriotic to wear a mask, and that nobody was more patriotic than he was (despite dodging military service in his youth). Then later that evening he was filmed at a fund raiser not only without his mask but with most of his sycophants without them as well. July 21, 2020 - Covid Donnie is going to hold a "briefing" on the coronavirus pandemic ... except he's apparently not invited any of the members of the WH coronavirus task force to it ... and now it apparently won't just focus on Covid-19. Anybody want to bet it' will not just another declaration of how great a job Covid Donnie's doing putting out "the embers" of Covid-19 that quickly degenerates into another incoherent rant against all Covid Donnie's "enemies"?
  11. I voted it will be delayed because I'm not an optimist when it comes to the US response to Covid-19. I don't see the positivity rate dropping down to below 5% for 14 consecutive days, which is the "safe to open" metric set by the WHO, for most of the states where it's already high. Only the Bills, Giants, Jets, Pats, Lions, Bears, and Vikings play in states that meet the WHO criteria. The Seahawks, soon-to-be-renamed Washington team, Eagles, Steelers, Bengals,and Browns play in states with rates between 5 and 6%, so they conceivably could meet the criteria by September. Together, those relatively "safe" states make up only about 40% of the league. The Cards, Raiders, Bucs, Dolphins, Jags, Cowboys, Texans, Falcons, and Saints, almost a quarter of the league, play in states that have positivity rates of 10% or more as of today, July 21. (Testing Positivity JHU ) These numbers change day to day but with the politicizing of responses to the pandemic by the federal government and some state governments, expecting positivity rates to sharply decline before September in the states where it's currently above 10% just doesn't seem likely.
  12. Really? Look up James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwermer, Medgar Evers, Allison Beth Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer, and William Schroeder.
  13. Only in the alternative universe you've concocted in your sick brain.
  14. Lucky for us Americans, the colonists back in the 1770s didn't follow your sage advice.
  15. July 19, 2020 - Deaths from Covid-19 surpass 140,000 since March. In an interview over the weekend with Chris Wallace of Fox News, Covid Donnie claimed ... ...But when you talk about mortality rates, I think it's the opposite. I think we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world. ... Look, I take responsibility always for everything because it's ultimately my job, too. I have to get everybody in line. Some governors have done well, some governors have done poorly. They're supposed to have supplies they didn't have. I supplied everybody. ... Many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day. They have the sniffles and we put it down as a test. Many of them -- don't forget, I guess it's like 99.7 percent, people are going to get better and in many cases they're going to get better very quickly. ... No country has ever done what we've done in terms of testing. We are the envy of the world. They call and they say the most incredible job anybody's done is our job on testing, because we're going to very shortly be up to 50 million tests. ...It's going to disappear and I'll be right. FOX News Sunday interview transcript
  16. Deaths from Covid-19 April 27, 2020 - 56,502 June 1, 2020 - 98,536 June 25, 2020 - 121,809 July 12, 2020 - 135,140 July 18, 2020 - 139,748 Projected Deaths by November 1, 2020 - 224546 Johns Hopkins Data Charts Projections for Covid 19
  17. New York got hit first, and lots of mistakes were made because of ignorance. One of the things that Cuomo did right was mandate that all New Yorkers where a mask when outside their homes before any other governor did. Unlike dumbasses like Trump and his sychophant DeSantis, Cuomo didn't declare victory in May and ignore the CDC's benchmarks for a safe reopening. Consequently, as of July 17, New York's 7 day average positivity rate is 1.2% from an average of 3.3 tests per 1,000 population while Florida's 7 day average positivity rate is 18.1% from an average of 3.0 tests per 1,000 population. Johns Hopkins Testing Overview
  18. Don't have to be "hypothetical" ... just look at the governors of New York (Cuomo) and Maryland (Hogan).
  19. News flash: opinions posted on Twitter are exactly that, opinions, and as we all know, like buttholes, everyone has one. PS - Chuck Woolery apologized for his rant about "everybody is lying" above the coronavirus on July 13 and then deleted his Twitter account after his son tested positive for Covid-19.
  20. July 16, 2020: the US set a new record of 75,469 new Covid-19 cases. According to his WH sycophants, Covid Donnie will address the pandemic next week. He's apparently too busy this week trying to discredit Dr Anthony Fauci and hide Covid-19 statistics by funneling them through HHS rather than through CDC which has been responsible for gathering and publishing disease statistics for about 20 years.
  21. So, people aren't really dying in record numbers from Covid-19? Florida hospitals aren't really converting regular beds into ICU beds to deal with the pandemic? There aren't really counties in Texas and Arizona readying refrigerated trucks to serve as auxiliary morgues? If the Covid-19 pandemic was a war, the 137,000+ Americans who have died between March 1 and July15, 2020 would be more than the number of American military personnel who died in any US war except for the Civil War and World War II ... including the Revolution, WW I, and Vietnam. In fact, the 137,000 deaths from Covid-19 is more than 10% of the total number of American military deaths in all wars since 1776. US Military Casualties
  22. That's the site that I got it from. It changes daily as the situations in the states change.
  23. That number is one of several numbers from studies trying to determine how deadly an infection is. It varies depending by location and by the demographics of the population studied. The Infection Fatality Rate is NOT the same as the Case Fatality Rate, which is the number of confirmed deaths from a disease divided by the number of confirmed cases of that disease. Infection Fatality Rate
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