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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. If that person presented the information as fact rather than opinion, yes. The primary tactic for presenting opinions and/or outright lies as "fact" is citing sources that claim factual knowlege when it's only belief or even an outright lie -- like denying that the Holocaust occurred. Example: About 2003 at the height of the hysteria over terrorism because of 9/11, I was on another MB where a poster insisted that Muslim terrorists were bringing nuclear weapons across the Mexican border into the southwestern US. He cited a website run by this guy who supposedly was an "analyst" for the CIA in Iraq, at least that was what his internet bio claimed. The analyst supposedly got his "info" from an article on another website which he also owned under a different name. The "article" with the supposed specifics about the missiles was behind a paywall on a site owned by some organization that was headed by the supposed analyst. It was all a scam to get fools to part with their dollars by going around in circles.
  2. Booooooo hoooooo! This thread has turned into a non-stop self pity party for all the indignant Righties who suddenly finding themselves sharing PPP with posters of different political views!!! To quote Covid Donnie, "It is what it is".
  3. PPP isn't a "community". It's also not a religion or cult where everyone shares the same beliefs. It's a sub forum on a privately owned site where all members are allowed to express their opinions on politics, and yes, the owner certainly has the right to remove lies posted as facts and punish the poster(s) of such if they do it continually. Referencing some obscure site that posts lies -- such as Holocaust denials -- as facts doesn't absolve the PPP poster of his/her responsibility for honesty. If you can't deal with that, then perhaps you shouldn't post on PPP.
  4. Soooo ... another one bites the dust???? Who knew that a few lefties (ie, anybody left of the Trump nutwing of the GOP) could wreak such havoc on the petty tyrants entrenched on PPP?
  5. ROTFLMAO! When faced with resistance to his stupidity by a few other posters, the brave alt rightie tucks his tail and slinks off to hide in his bunker where he can spin his conspiracy fantasies in peace. Promises, promises, promises. FTR, who else besides DR got banned recently?
  6. This is NOT your sub forum/forum/site. It's privately owned and operated, so if you wish to post here, then you have to follow the rules -- rules which you agreed to when you joined. If you don't like the rules or the way a sub forum is being run, then leave. It's really easy: just don't read or post on that sub forum. Bull manure. Nobody forced DR to post whatever he posted that was the proverbial last straw. He screwed himself and he has nobody to blame but himself ... and if you're honest with yourself, you know that's true. Pot meet kettle. In this particular thread, it's been an almost non-stop sob session by Righties about "the invasion of the 'OTHERS'", ie, anybody left of the Trump nutwing of the GOP.
  7. Better than the chances of the Raiders players following league policies and local regs on Covid-19 IMO. I think McDermott always runs a tight ship, and with what's happened this week in Nashville and NE, I think that everyone on the Bills -- administrators, coaches, players, and support staff -- will be diligent about taking precautions even in Vegas.
  8. Cry me a river. Maybe if you learned to express yourself without resorting to insults, name-calling, and other ad hominem attacks, you and your pal DR wouldn't get suspended/banned. Whine, whine, whine. See my response above to Hedge since it applies to you as well.
  9. ROTFMAO. This "sub forum managed itself pretty well" in the past because the insults and bullying from the Righties here discouraged many posters with opposing ideas from coming here. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the anti-racism protests, and Covid Donnie's total mismanagement of the US response to the pandemic, posters with opposing views started coming here -- and some of us aren't intimidated by the cyber bullies who ruled PPP for years. If you can't deal with the changes, that's your problem ... and don't let the door hit you in butt on your way out if you wish to leave.
  10. Three million more Americans voted for Clinton than for Trump in 2016, so a majority of American voters didn't want Covid Donnie. Trump won because of the Electoral College.
  11. I have no idea since I'm not privy to the forum administration. Maybe he had been collecting points and maxed out. All I know is that he and TFR were sniping in that thread, and then Foxx started this thread. Maybe both of them got suspended/banned.
  12. Since DR was suspended in the not too distant past for his bad behavior on PPP, he obviously didn't learn anything from his previous run-in(s) with the mods.
  13. I think DR might have been suspended because of his posts in the thread about what the long term effects of the coronavirus might be on Trump's fitness for office that The Frankish Reich started this afternoon. Most of them were simply attacks on TFR rather than disputing or commenting on what had been posted.
  14. October 3, 2020 - 209,335 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 644. October 2, 2020 - Covid Donnie admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center with Covid-19. October 2, 2020 - 208,691 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 883. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 903. September 30, 2020 - 206,905 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 939. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 3, 2020: 842 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 23-29, 2020: 594 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 16-22, 2020: 836 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 9-15, 2020: 840 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 2-8, 2020: 641 September 29, 2020 - 205,966 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 22, 2020 - 201,810 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 15, 2020 - 195961 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 8, 2020 - 190,084 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. August 25, 2020 - 178,755 Ameicans have died of coronavirus. August 18, 2020 - 172,970 Americans have died of coronavirus. August 11, 2020 - 164,603 Americans have died of coronavirus. August 4, 2020 - 156,133 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 28, 2020 - 148,056 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 21, 2020 - 140,908 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus. June 1, 2020 - 98,536 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  15. Poor ol' DR ... he never learns.
  16. That's your opinion, and you're welcome to it but it doesn't change mine.
  17. Really? I thought it was somebody who gets suspended for bad behavior on PPP. Except that Trump actually has contracted covid-19, which raises his chances of dying significantly. According to yesterday's CBS Evening News, 15% of people over 65 who get infected die. That Covid Donnie is 74 and obese makes it likely that he suffers from one or more chronic diseases that are considered covid-19 co-morbidities -- hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, COPD, liver disease, etc -- common among the elderly. I think that his chance of dying is more than 10%. Hey, sonny, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... This is not particularly surprising. Covid Donnie's previous "personal physician" claimed he was in such good health that he could live to be 200.
  18. So... old people don't count??? Well, guess what, if you're not old now, you'll get there eventually. FYI #1: I only heard the stats on Covid-19 and the elderly yesterday when a doctor interviewed on CBS News was discussing why Trump was being taken to Walter Reed. FYI #2: I don't want Covid Donnie to live on for a decade or so knowing that he lost the 2020 election because of his stupidity and arrogance in handling the coronavirus.
  19. The death rate from covid-19 among people older than 65 is 15%, and something like 80% of the 200+K deaths from Covid-19 are among people over the age of 65. At 74 and obese, Covid Donnie likely suffers from some common chronic conditions that affect the elderly like hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, COPD, liver disease, etc that make him very vulnerable to coronavirus complications.
  20. Trump does not deserve compassion because he has shown none to anyone. His handling of the coronavirus since February has demonstrated that he's a sociopath who will sacrifice anything or anybody for his own personal gratification. His politicizing of precautions to prevent/limit the spread of the coronavirus has unnecessarily brought death and suffering as well as economic disaster to millions of Americans. His response to the pandemic as POTUS has been reprehensible. Most of those 200k people who died from covid-19 didn't deliberately play Russian roulette with the virus as Trump has done for months. Trump isn't a Covid-19 victim but rather a victim of his own stupidity and arrogance.
  21. October 2, 2020 - Covid Donnie admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center with Covid-19. October 2, 2020 - 208,691 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 883. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 903. September 30, 2020 - 206,905 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 939. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 2, 2020: 908 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 23-29, 2020: 594 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 16-22, 2020: 836 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 9-15, 2020: 840 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 2-8, 2020: 641 September 29, 2020 - 205,966 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 22, 2020 - 201,810 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 15, 2020 - 195961 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 8, 2020 - 190,084 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. August 25, 2020 - 178,755 Ameicans have died of coronavirus. August 18, 2020 - 172,970 Americans have died of coronavirus. August 11, 2020 - 164,603 Americans have died of coronavirus. August 4, 2020 - 156,133 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 28, 2020 - 148,056 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 21, 2020 - 140,908 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus. June 1, 2020 - 98,536 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  22. My reference was to being "lucky" was about the original hiring of Beane as GM in 2017 after Whaley was fired. Beane's resume didn't really suggest that he'd be as astute at team building as he's been. His background as assistant GM in Carolina was mostly involving personnel and logistics, yet he and the people who answer to him have proven to have good eyes for talent. That suggests that Beane's real strength is finding good people -- like scouts, coaches, etc -- and letting them do their thing but it wouldn't necessarily be a talent that would necessarily stand out from the experience he'd had before he became the Bills GM.
  23. And you and your ilk classify anyone who disagrees with you as a "socialist" and every program that benefits anybody but millionaires as "socialism".
  24. The chances of catching Covid-19 and dying from it are less than the chances of the same from the flu -- at least according to Trump supporters. Of course, that's if you're young and in good health without any serious health issues. For a 74-year-old man with likely underlying health issues related to aging and obesity, it's a whole different ball game. IMO, a stint in Walter Reed's ICU for a couple of weeks and a months long convalescence (which is what many older people who contract Covid-19 experience) might be a good thing if it taught him some humility, but I'm skeptical that Covid Donnie is capable of learning anything.
  25. Exactly. IIRC, the Steelers turned from perennial doormat to perennial contender back in the late 1960s when Dan Rooney took over control of the team from his father-- and that was a decade or more before free agency and the salary cap and building a good team was a lot harder. Conversely, the Washington team has pretty much been trash since Snyder took over. Infamously, Robert Kraft bought the Patriots, acquired Bill Belichick as HC and chief personnel guy, and let him do his thing for 20+ years. That worked out pretty well. An owner needs to be committed to winning but recognize that he's not a football expert and cede the major decisions over to a GM/HC who knows what he's doing. The owner's job is to find the best football guy to build a team -- and not be afraid of sending that guy packing if he turns out not to be the right guy -- like Jimmy Haslem did to John Dorsey in Cleveland. I think Pegula's experience with Rex Ryan made him realize that he wasn't up to running an NFL team, so it easy for him to give Beane full control of the team after he fired Brandon, which turned out to be a great move for the Bills and their fans going forward. Sometimes it's just plain better to be lucky than good.
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