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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. October 8, 2020 - The U of Washington's IMHE projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 7, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 935. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 903. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  2. Guess what, human beings are social animals. Contrary to popular fantasy by survivalists, people can't survive well as isolated individuals for very long, and any time two or more people get together, somebody has to be a leader. Doesn't matter if it's a family or a clan or a nation. People need to be in a group and the group needs a leader. That is hard-wired into our DNA just as it is into the DNA of any other social/pack animals. Electing leaders consistently yields better results for more people than any other ways of selecting leaders. It requires citizens to get off their asses, register to vote, and then actually cast ballots, not just in presidential elections but in state and local elections as well. While voting is a citizen's right, it's also a citizen's duty. No system is perfect, but unless you've got a realistic alternative, then you have to deal with what you've got and try to make it better.
  3. That's generally true but no writer in American history has been a more eloquent advocate for American ideals --"Jeffersonian democracy" -- and more hypocritical ... than Thomas Jefferson. If his written words didn't echo through American history down to the present day, his actions wouldn't be particularly noteworthy. George Washington was also a slave owner, but he freed all of the slaves he owned in his will. It was not an uncommon thing for slave owners to do in the early 1800s. Jefferson only ever freed Sally Hemings' 4 surviving children, at least one of whom was his own son, and that occurred only toward the end of his life in the 1820s. His last son was freed from slavery in 1826, two years after Jefferson's death. While Jefferson waxed poetic about "yeoman farmers", he himself lived and spent like the grandest British aristocrat. He went into debt building Monticello, collecting his library, filling his wine cellar, etc -- and he stiffed many of those "yeomen" who never collected the full amounts he owed them -- just like many petty lordlings in Europe. Although Jefferson was instrumental in getting the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution, as POTUS he used the power of the federal government, mainly the 1797 Sedition Act, to attack his political enemies, especially in the press. Jefferson was an advocate for small government and for limited government that stayed only within the powers granted by the Constitution, but he didn't hesitate to purchase the Louisiana Territory in 1803.
  4. The strong anti-war/isolationist sentiment in the country during the 1930s and into the 1940s was a real problem for the Roosevelt administration. It's possible that if Germany didn't declare war on the US the day after the Pearl Harbor attack that the US wouldn't have gone to war against Germany until much later if at all.
  5. I think cancel would be that the game simply isn't counted. A forfeit would give the team that caused the forfeit to have an additional loss while the team that they were supposed to play gets an extra win.
  6. You are assuming that teams are only getting infections because they broke the rules. Maybe that's true for the Titans, but that doesn't seem to be the case with the Patriots. Moreover, the Raiders, a team that definitely broke the rules, has had like 1 positive test so far. Covid is extremely easy to spread because people are infectious anywhere from 2-4 days before they show any symptoms (apparently, including testing positive). Whether the virus gets into a team seems to me to be much more about luck than anything else. All it takes is one contact with the wrong person at the wrong time.
  7. Good post. I guess I'm saying that FDR concentrated too much on Germany while not giving Japan enough credit for trouble making. He thought Germany much more dangerous than Japan, and some historians have attributed this to Americans' general racist attitudes towards Asians. Moreover, the US was involved in an undeclared war with Germany in the North Atlantic because it was providing military escort for the US ships carrying war supplies to Great Britain, and that's where FDR and his advisors believed fighting would start. Meanwhile, Japan was fighting in China and threatening parts of eastern Asia like Vietnam and the Dutch East Indies. The US imposed an oil embargo and some other sanctions but misjudged what the Japanese would dare. I agree that Ford deserves an honorable mention for handling the "Nixon problem". Nixon was a polarizing figure over the Vietnam war coupled with an administration repeatedly embarrassed by scandals (Nixon's first VP, Spiro Agnew, resigned after being indicted for graft and later found guilty and served prison time). Ford had to pick up the pieces of the mess Nixon left behind, including an economy that was mired in "stagflation".
  8. If a team can't play because of Covid-19, just not count it for both teams. It would essentially be like a tie. I don't think it's fair to penalize 1 team with a loss and gift the other with a win. Example: 9 wins 16 games .5625 9 wins 15 games .6000 10 wins 16 games .625 10 wins 15 games .667
  9. That's an excellent story! It's amazing that John Tyler who was born 230 years ago and took office 139 years ago still has a living grandson.
  10. October 7, 2020 - The U of Washington's IMHE projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 710. October 5, 2020 - 210,195 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 470. October 4, 2020 - 209,725 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 390. October 3, 2020 - 209,335 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 644. October 2, 2020 - Covid Donnie admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center with Covid-19. October 2, 2020 - 208,691 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 883. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 903. September 30, 2020 - 206,905 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 939. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. September 29, 2020 - 205,966 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 22, 2020 - 201,810 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 15, 2020 - 195961 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 8, 2020 - 190,084 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. August 25, 2020 - 178,755 Ameicans have died of coronavirus. August 18, 2020 - 172,970 Americans have died of coronavirus. August 11, 2020 - 164,603 Americans have died of coronavirus. August 4, 2020 - 156,133 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 28, 2020 - 148,056 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 21, 2020 - 140,908 Americans have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  11. I believe that SDS posted that DR was permanently banned in the WTF thread.
  12. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in awhile.
  13. I rate my Presidents by how they faced the crises in their administrations. Some presidents didn't face any significant crises, so I don't consider them at all. Very few faced two crises while in office. Off the top of my head, only FDR and GWB (9/11 and the Great Recession) faced two. I would have preferred that FDR would not have run in 1940 (he initially didn't intend to), but I also understand why he did so. With the the war in Europe, he and the party leaders were worried about the isolationist sentiment within both parties. As it was, the isolationists in Congress made it difficult for the US to properly prepare for self defense -- although the US instituted the first peace time draft in 1940, monies for equipment weren't appropriated so US troops used whatever WW I surplus equipment that was on hand, and some units "trained" with wooden rifles.
  14. The Righties are operating under the delusion that they own PPP, and they're in high dudgeon because some of us Lefties have shown up and refuse to be intimidated by them.
  15. My top three in chronological order: George Washington because he not only set the precedents and institutions for the Executive Branch that continue to this day such as addressing the POTUS as "Mr. President" not "Your Excellency" or some other grand title and the Presidential cabinet; established the supremacy of the federal government to enforce federal law (Whiskey Rebellion 1794); and most importantly, retiring to private life after two terms when he could have easily continued as POTUS for life. Keep in mind that immediately after the Revolution, there was considerable sentiment, especially among the veterans of the Continental Army, for Washington to take over the government. Washington refused that. Then in 1796, he chose again to voluntarily step down. He set the US on the path to successful republicanism when it had never been done before. Abraham Lincoln because he not only held the country together in its greatest constitutional crisis, but also supported laws that were major contributors to US economic prosperity for the next century, including the Homestead Act, the Morrill Act, and the Pacific Railroad Act. Although he fully expected to be defeated in the 1864 presidential election, which would mean that the South would have been allowed to leave the Union, Lincoln refused to postpone or otherwise use his office against his opponent, George B. McClellan. Franklin Roosevelt because he successfully dealt with two separate major crises, the Great Depression, the worst economic collapse in US history, and WW II. His New Deal included seminal legislation that established social security, gave American workers the right to unionize, set a national minimum wage, and limited and regulated child labor. FDR's positive achievements during the Great Depression were somewhat tarnished by his attempt to pack the Supreme Court in the late 1930s. His leadership during WW II was more problematic. He failed to take the threat from Japan seriously enough. The internment of Japanese Amercans, most of whom were US born citizens, was simply stupid war hysteria fed by racism. FDR's running for election in 1944 was probably a mistake because he was dangerously ill, which was hidden from the American public.
  16. Well, dude, if you didn't keep posting in threads I happen to be reading and/or responding to my posts, I wouldn't see your posts and/or get notifications that you quoted me. You'll just have to learn to deal with it -- or learn how to use the "Ignore Function". I ain't goin' nowhere, especially not to accommodate you.
  17. Why am I not surprised that you mock a suggestion that civility would promote real political discussion?
  18. I "let emotions override" my ability to be rational???? LOL. IOW I'm not a sociopath like the current occupant of the WH and many of his sycophants.
  19. Ever hear of "the bully pulpit"??? Look it up.
  20. If Covid Donnie showed caution it would be an admission that he was wrong about Covid-19, and he couldn't possibly do that. Like the Pope, Covid Donnie thinks he's infallible. Back in 2016 Covid Donnie claimed that he could shoot someone and his faithful followers would still vote for him (Trump's Boast ). Now he's betting that they'll risk their lives to show their loyalty.
  21. No, he looks he got run over by the Mean Joe Green and his pals from the Steel Curtain If you've lost your job and can't find another one because of the economic dislocations caused by the coronavirus, then Covid-19 dictates your life. If you've lost your business because of the economic dislocations caused by the coronavirus, then Covid-19 dictates your life. If you are a hundred thousand dollars or more in debt because your health insurance didn't cover all the expenses from saving your life, your spouse's life, or your kid's life because of Covid-19 infection, then Covid-19 dictates your life. You and Covid Donnie can wax poetic about not allowing the coronavirus to dictate your lives, but millions of Americans don't have the luxury of being economically immune from the consequences of the pandemic.
  22. Another hour, another return from the ranks of the "I'm PO'd cuz I didn't get my way" fraternity.
  23. Read the WTF thread. Read this thread. Concentrate on the posts from SDS and the numerous denials that DR did anything remotely against the rules. Check on TYTT's post in the WTF thread asking other posts to retaliate against SDS. The DR defenders have created their very own conspiracy theory that SDS and the mods are banning members because they don't like their political views. PPP is part of a private MB site. It has rules set by the owner. If you (generic) don't follow the rules and get penalized for that, take your medicine like an adult and move on. If your cyber BFF/soulmate/hero/god figure gets permanently banned because he refuses to obey the rules there's nothing you can do. If you don't like it, then don't post in PPP or leave the entire site.
  24. Unfortunately, HBF, this probably isn't going to help, but good try. The DR defenders refuse to accept that he was banned because of his own bad behavior, and they're unwilling to accept anything but a complete and abject surrender by SDS of his right to moderate PPP in any way. You cannot reason with some people.
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