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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Just because you'll hold your nose and vote for Trump even if he's behaving like your batshit crazy uncle, don't project your views on others.
  2. October 9, 2020 - Public health officials, including Dr Deborah Birx, warns of a troubling increase in coronavirus cases in the Northeast. (Dr Birx warns of new Covid-19 threat)
  3. Well, don't let facts get in the way of your partisan story line. The Electoral College has resulted in 5 elections where the winner of the popular vote wasn't elected: 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016. The 1824 and 1876 were decided by deals made in Congress and the 2000 election was decided by the US Supreme Court. So much for the having "worked as intended until 2016 when the Dems cried foul".
  4. The direct election of the POTUS is about 1 man (or woman), 1 vote. If you live in New York or California and vote for Trump, your vote doesn't really count because the Trump voters are so out numbered by Biden voters. If you live in Mississippi or Wyoming and vote for Biden, your vote doesn't really count either because Biden voters are so outnumbered by Trump voters. If you live in Florida or Pennsylvania, who you vote for may very well determine the election so your vote counts more than the votes of some other American voters; in 2000, GWB won Florida by 537 votes and won the EC by 5 votes although he lost the popular vote by about half a million. Without the Electoral College, all votes would count equally regardless of the voters' states of residence. As for the small population vs large population argument, that ship sailed long ago. This is not 1789 when states were isolated and there were significant differences among them. This is not 1920 when half the US population lived in urban areas and half in rural areas. This is 2020 when 80% of Americans live in urban metros. We are one nation with a predominant national culture. We should elect our national leader on that basis rather than pretending to be just a collection of disparate states. That issue was settled back in the 1860s, and how we elect our president should reflect the reality of modern America, not an outmoded eighteenth century fear of direct democracy.
  5. Why is it "bullschiff"? Covid Donnie has gone off the deep end. Whatever limited amount of self-control and sense he had in the past has vanished since he tested positive for the coronavirus. First he leaves the hospital to go joy riding around Bethesda, Maryland so a few hundred of his supporters can stoke his ego with their signs and flags. Then comes out and belliicosely declares there will be no coronavirus relief package until after he's re-elected followed by his back-tracking the very next day. Now he spent hours ranting about a non-existent coup and demanding arrests of his political opponents on Twitter. Those are the actions of a sane leader, a man with the authority to trigger a nuclear holocaust?
  6. Time to read up on American history. The Compromise of 1850 was hammered out to keep the number of slave states and free states equal as territories in the Lousiana Purchase, the Mexican Cession, and Texas Annexation became states. It maintained the balance of power in the US Senate but it also enabled the South to force the two political parties of the time, the Democrats and Whigs, to nominate presidential candidates who were acceptable to the South as candidates needed southern electoral votes to win the presidency. It averted a civil war in 1850 but set the stage for the Civil War in 1861 because during the late 1840s and through the 1850s, the population in the North and West (we would call that the Midwest today) exploded, especially with an influx of immigrants from Ireland and Germany who didn't want to compete with Black slaves or were philosophically opposed to slavery. In the election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln won a majority of EC votes (180) although he won less than forty percent of the popular vote against 3 opponents, which caused the southern states to secede.
  7. You're good with the POTUS ordering his political foes, including his current opponent in the presidential election, to be arrested three weeks from that presidential election because he claims they orchestrated a "coup" against him???? Seriously??? And he rants on this for hours on Twitter??? The coronavirus -- or those experimental drugs they shot him full of -- appears to have fried most of the limited number of working brain cells Covid Donnie has.
  8. The rioting and looting happened back in May and June. The suffering from Trump's politicization of the coronavirus response reminds voters every single day of his compete and total incompetence to deal with a crisis.
  9. Kamala Harris isn't the factor that Right Wingers think she is. The 900 pound gorilla in the room is Covid-19 and Trump's failure to deal with it effectively. The tens of millions of American voters who've been adversely affected by the continuing spread of the coronavirus aren't voting for the cretin who's maintained it's no worse than the seasonal flu and that they should just suck it up.
  10. Methinks Covid Donnie has "recovered" from the coronavirus as mad as any poor 19th century hatter ... Trump demands his political foes be arrested
  11. Since I've never expressed any of those sentiments, you're shooting blanks, but carry on if it gives you some jolliles.
  12. What the hell do you think the Compromise of 1850 and Bleeding Kansas were all about? The price of beef in St Louis?
  13. Generally it would, but the Electoral College too often distorts majority rule. This isn't anything new since it mucked up the election of 1800, contributed to the sectional troubles over slavery in the 1850s that resulted in disunion and civil war, and has given two presidential elections to candidates who did not win the popular vote since 2000.
  14. You sleep with flea-ridden dogs, you end up with fleas. Too many conservatives have given tacit approval -- and some have even given very vocal support -- to the extremist ideas of the Far Right in order to increase their power so they have nobody to blame but themselves for getting lumped in with the Right Wing Nuts. Somebody's stuck in the Fifties. Covid Donnie's bestie is Vladimir Putin. He wants to be the American Vlad. I'm sure that Covid Donnie's sycophant Barr came up with that justification. Covid Donnie has read about as much of the US Constitution as he has the Holy Bible ... zilch.
  15. Very simply, the US Constitution was written 231 years ago, and the US and the entire world has undergone profound changes during that time. What was acceptable in 1789 is no longer accepted -- chattel slavery, imprisonment for debt, married women without legal rights, property qualifications for voting, forced apprenticeship of orphans for example. Moreover, the framers of the Constitution did not think their plan for governance was perfect and sacrosanct. They anticipated that the Constitution would need changing from the get-go by including the amendment process, which happened almost immediately as Washington submitted 12 amendments in October, 1789, 10 of which were ratified by 1791 and became the Bill of Rights.
  16. October 9, 2020 - The U of Washington's IMHE projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. Don't be a dumbass like Covid Donnie. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 8, 2020 - 212,784 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1875. October 7, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 935. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-8, 2020: 1405 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  17. This country is NOT "really about the best man", though. It's a republic with an elected leadership with all citizens eligible to vote except those who may be ineligible because of their criminal records and all citizens that meet some general qualifications such as minimum age, residence, etc eligible to hold public office. BTW, how do you define "best"? The richest? The best educated? The highest IQ score? The tallest? Or by "best" do you simply mean "the guy who thinks just like I do"?
  18. For his bestie, Vladie P? Possibly ... but it would be totally inadvertent. Covid Donnie has repeatedly demonstrated that he's too stupid to understand that Putin ain't his friend.
  19. Trump will lose the 2020 election because of his failure of leadership on the coronavirus. Sorry, dude, but when Covid Donnie stands there and tells the American people that Covid-19 ain't no big deal and not to the it rule their lives, he's insulting the tens of millions of Americans whom Covid-19 has already devastated in one way or another. He demonstrates that he doesn't give a damn about anybody or anything but himself. Why do you assume that only the MSM lies? Because it tells you stuff you don't like to hear? Ummm ... isn't Covid Donnie the one thinking that he has a "silent majority" that is going to rise up before or on Election Day and save his fat ass from going down to defeat?
  20. I do disagree with your takes but you have your views like I have mine. That doesn't mean that we have to devolve into name calling, bullying, etc. I don't hate Donald Trump because he's a Republican. I would hate him if he was a Democrat. I hate him because he cares for nobody or nothing but himself and his own petty desires, and he is more than willing to sacrifice anybody and anything -- including this country -- to achieve whatever it is he wants. His response to the pandemic underscores that.
  21. What part of Trump is suffering from Covid-19 and Biden isn't don't you understand? There is no "other side of the coin" here. Joe Biden isn't in nearly as much danger as Trump from the coronoavirus because he's followed the recommendations of the doctors and public health experts, while Covid Donnie has continuously defied public health measures proven effective in limiting the spread of Covid-19 for the last six months, including discouraging his staff and supporters from following those proven public health measures within the WH and at various events. He played Russian roulette with the coronavirus and ran out of luck.
  22. Different times, different teams. What worked in the 1990s isn't going to fly in the 2020s, so I'm not even going to compare the two. They've got their QB, they've got a great WR corps that complements each other, they have a young RB duo to tote the rock when they need/want to do so, and they have one of the better OLs in the league. For the first time since the Kelly era, they actually have TEs that catch the ball rather than just block. On defense, they don't have 1 great pass rusher but they've got a deep DL unit that they rotate effectively. They have excellent LBs, especially Milano and Edmunds, one of the top pairs of safeties in the league, and a good CB corps headed up by a young All Pro in Tre White. Overall, they have significantly more team speed and smarter, more dedicated players (I think that too many fans don't appreciate just how much better prepared your average NFL rookie is today than 30 years ago). I think that the Bills are significantly better coached than those Glory Years teams. I wasn't a McDermott fan until I saw how well he's had the Bills ready for this 2020 season with no OTAs, no preseason games, etc. They came out prepared to play in Game 1 and haven't looked back. They are playing very disciplined football with minimal pre-snap, late hit, and other similarly dumb penalties. Compared to many of the other teams, they've had fewer of the kinds of injuries that might result from not having enough or the right kind of training to make up for no preseason games. Leslie Frazier has been a good DC since he was hired on. Many people disliked Brian Daboll for his first couple of years here in Buffalo, but he seems to have managed Josh Allen's development extremely well, especially after getting better coaches for the various position groups last season. I think that the Bills compare well with the top teams in the NFL today, and various experts around the league are recognizing that. IMO, the only thing that keeps the Bills from making the playoffs and making a serious run for the AFC Championship is injuries -- or a league-wide disruption of play due to Covid-19.
  23. There used to be a buffalo ranch in Cattaraugus County somewhere in the Salamanca/Ellicottville area years ago. Visited it several times. They had large pastures along the rolling hillsides so you could large groups. Some of the pastures came up close to the road so you could see them fairly up close.
  24. "He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured." -- Trump's dissing of Senator John McCain in 2015. Trump mocked NYT reporter Sergei Kovaleski who is disabled with arthrogryposis in the 2016 election. Covid Donnie told Americans "not to let the virus dominate your life" despite the fact that more than 210,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 in less than 9 months and projections estimate that 150,000 more Americans are likely to die from the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 (IMHE).
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