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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Since Covid Donnie has only flooded the swamp with his kids, crooked pals, and incompetent appointees, why would anyone with half a functioning brain think that he'll actually drain it if given another chance?
  2. The POTUS has what's called "the bully pulpit". His words matter, not to experts, but to ordinary Americans. Instead of supporting the public health experts within the government, he's spent almost six months undermining them with his words and actions, and his supporters follow his lead. We see it at every single one of his campaign rallies where face masks are few and far between, and social distancing is non-existent. I am sure that there are some minor policies from the Trump administration that Biden may continue, but I can't think of any major policies that Biden would continue.
  3. Same sex marriage isn't really controversial in the US any more. It has been legal throughout the US since 2015. It was legal in many states before that. That's hundreds of thousands -- maybe even millions, because I have no idea what the annual numbers are --- of same sex marriages across the country. Most Americans have accepted it. Many may not like it, but the only people who want to continue to fight against same sex marriage are virulent homophobes and some religious zealots. I think that Pope Francis' statement is humane and laudable. It's about as far as a leader of a conservative religious institution can go.
  4. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 22, 2020 - The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University reports that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from coronavirus could have been avoided with a better response from the US government policies and crisis messaging. (Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths) October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. October 21, 2020 - 222,221 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1141. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-20, 2020: 726 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 20, 2020 - 221,078 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 13, 2020 - 215,995 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  5. That's certainly not because of anything Covid Donnie has done or suggested, is it? Doctors aren't injecting paitents with bleach to get rid of the coronavirus are they?
  6. Every law that dealt with marriage and marital rights in the US would have to be changed in order to give "civil union" the same legal status as "marriage" has. That would be thousands of laws. I'm not sure how court decisions dealing with marital rights would be dealt with. My guess is that that might be a real pandora's box. The SCOTUS has ruled that same sex couples can obtain marriage licenses, so their marriages are legal, and nobody is even trying to force any religious institution to sanction those marriages by performing wedding ceremonies for same sex couples. Marriage vs civil union in the US is irrelevant.
  7. How, exactly, has Trump's response to the coronavirus gotten "better"? A president's words matter and his actions set examples for other Americans. Trump has repeatedly ignored,denigrated, and defied public health measures, specifically mask wearing and social distancing, since at least April. Trump has repeatedly attacked and/or insulted Fauci, Birx, and Redfield because they have steadfastly supported supported strategies proven to limit the spread of contagious diseases. Trump has downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus, repeatedly comparing it to the seasonal flu even though he knew from the get-go just the opposite was true. He has also touted unproven and even dangerous "cures" for Covid-19. In the face of a new surge in the pandemic, Trump has ignored the epidemiologists on the WH coronavirus task force in favor of Scott Atlas' advocacy of "herd immunity" which is nothing more than pretending that the coronavirus has disappeared despite all facts to the contrary.
  8. In the United States, only a civil marriage is recognized by law, so civil unions are irrelevant. Couples who wish to marry legally have to obtain a marriage license from their locality, but their choice of whether to have a religious or civil ceremony is up to the couple. Without the license, no marriage is legal no matter how many religious officials are involved in the marriage ceremony.
  9. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 21, 2020 - In the face of surging coronavirus cases and hospitalizations, especially in rural areas, several states have re-instituted Covid-19 restrictions. October 20, 2020 - First Lady Melania Trump canceled a campaign rally because of lingering symptoms from the coronavirus. October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. October 20, 2020 - 221,078 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 968. October 19, 2020 - 220,110 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 438. October 18, 2020 - 219,672 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 361. October 17, 2020 - 219,311 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 709. October 16, 2020 - 218,602 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 885. October 15, 2020 - 217,717 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 813. October 14, 2020 - 216,904 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 909. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-20, 2020: 726 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 13, 2020 - 215,995 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  10. Various organizations have been taking the polls throughout the campaign. What's wrong with polling likely voters once early voting has begun?
  11. Good article! I found the campaign funding info interesting. I knew that Covid Donnie was trailing Biden in fund raising but for a sitting POTUS to be so cash strapped that he can't afford TV ads in critical states so close to the election while the challenger is rolling in dough is simply remarkable. This says that the big GOP donors who have traditionally given Republican candidates significant campaign dollar advantages over their challengers have abandoned Covid Donnie, either saving their money for another day or quietly funneling it to Biden. It says to me that even conservative billionaires love their country too much to support a sociopathic wannabe dictator willing to sacrifice anyone and anything to stay in office.
  12. Excellent analysis. I pretty much agree with it except that I think Biden's Electoral College margin will be significantly larger, likely over 300. States that are considered solid, likely or leaning Democratic and which Biden is likely to win would give him 290 Electoral College votes. He's also currently leading in all of the toss up states, and even Texas is in play for Biden. I think the popular vote will be much closer than the EC vote might indicate (FDR won 472 electoral votes in 1932 but only about 57% of the popular vote) but maybe not. The coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are on the rise again, especially in the Midwest with several states like Wisconsin and New Mexico seeing their medical facilities already showing some strain from increasing cases. Trump is also running a truly bizarre campaign in which he doesn't seem interested in converting new voters into supporters. Rather, he continually gives undecided voters reasons to not vote for him while entertaining his own true believers and basking in their cheers and chants.
  13. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 19. 2020 - In a conference call to campaign workers, Covid Donnie attacked Dr Anthony Fauci for his continued push for mask wearing and other proven public health measures to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. October 18, 2020 - Covid Donnie warned his supporters at a rally on Sunday that Joe Biden "would listen to scientists" if he were elected. October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. October 19, 2020 - 220,110 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 438. October 18, 2020 - 219,672 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 361. October 17, 2020 - 219,311 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 709. October 16, 2020 - 218,602 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 885. October 15, 2020 - 217,717 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 813. October 14, 2020 - 216,904 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 909. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-19, 2020: 686 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 13, 2020 - 215,995 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  14. I'm old, too, but as a retired techy, I'm an early adopter of technology. I haven't had a landline in a decade.
  15. Biden is currently leading in states with a total of 290 EC votes. Those states are considered solid/likely/leaning Democrat. Trump is currently leading in solid/likely/leaning Republican states with a total of 163 EC votes. There are only 85 EC votes in the so-called toss up or swing states that can go either way. If Biden holds his leads in states where he's currently leading, Trump is toast even if Biden loses all the toss up states.
  16. Why do you think it could not be historically bad for Trump? In 1928, Republican Herbert Hoover won all the states except 7, taking 444 electoral votes to 87 for his opponent, Al Smith. Then the Great Depression happened. In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt won all but 6 states and beat Hoover 472 electoral votes to 59. The coronavirus pandemic is the biggest crisis the US has faced since the Great Depression. The 2020 election is a referendum on how Trump has handled the pandemic, and all indications are that most Americans give him a failing grade on that.
  17. I'll think about changing the lines above the stats. It somewhat depends upon the pandemic news that comes out today -- and whether Trump says something else outrageous or untrue about pandemic. The title of this thread is "Covid 19 vs Trump". I started it to highlight the consequences of Trump's failure to deal effectively with the pandemic and his decision to politicize public health policies. The rising number of deaths from the coronavirus is the starkest indictment of Trump's total leadership failure. When the coronavirus disappears like Covid Donnie has been predicting it would for six months -- or he's no longer the POTUS -- then this thread can disappear, too. You don't have to read the thread if its content isn't something you're interested in. -
  18. Don't be a dumbass like Covid Donnie and his sycophants. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 16, 2020 - At a campaign rally Covid Donnie once again claimed that the US has "turned the corner" with the coronavirus despite the fact the US recorded 69+k new cases yesterday, the highest number of new cases since July. October 16, 2020 - US recorded the highest number of new cases -- 61+K -- overnight in 2 months. October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. October 18, 2020 - 219,672 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 361. October 17, 2020 - 219,311 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 709. October 16, 2020 - 218,602 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 885. October 15, 2020 - 217,717 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 813. October 14, 2020 - 216,904 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 909. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-18, 2020: 735 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 13, 2020 - 215,995 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  19. Isn't that Covid Donnie's line --- "I don't know anything about Qanon, but ...."? If you truly don't know, then I suggest you look it up. Lots of info on these nutcases. I'm not a hypocrite pretending to mourn the departure of a bunch of crybabies who got their panties in a wad because they have to share PPP with posters with different views from their own. That's the real cause of their departures. PPP is not an adjunct of the Trump re-election campaign, FOX News, the Republican Party, the alt Right or Qanon. It's a forum for anyone who wishes to discuss politics regardless of their affiliation. If you* can't deal with that or you don't like it, well, that's your problem not mine. * that's a generic "you" not specifically you, njbuff
  20. What "mass exodus" from PPP? A handful of alt-Rightists and Qanon morons? No great loss.
  21. I think you are correct. We let our guards down around people we know. I was exposed to Covid-19 (not infected) when I walked my dog with a friend at a local park. That friend didn't know that she'd been infected because she had no symptoms. We didn't wear masks but we were at least 4-6 feet apart on the walk. I lucked out but somebody else might not have been so lucky which is how the virus spreads so invidiously.
  22. I'm a pretty far left of center Democrat, but I have never doubted that the POTUS loved his country, even Richard Nixon whom I once thought was one of the worse POTUS ever. Trump, however, doesn't. There have always been self-serving politicians "looking out for #1" on the local, state, and federal level since the very beginning of the Republic. Aaron Burr was perhaps the most famous one from the early national period. I think, however, that very few of them have managed to get elected as POTUS. Of the handful who have, Trump is by far the worst. The US and its people are nothing more than a resource for Covid Donnie to exploit to stroke his ego. He cares for nobody or nothing but himself and his personal gratification. The well being of his staff and his followers mean nothing to him as his actions before and after his bout with covid-19 and his recent campaign rallies repeatedly demonstrate. The well being of the American people as a whole means less than nothing. He will sacrifice anyone and anything, including this country and its institutions, to get what he wants. I live in a very Republican area of New York State, so I know lots of Republicans, most of whom are good people. Fundamentally, local Democrats and Republicans here all want the same thing, we just see different paths to get there, and that's what politics in this country should be. I think that's true in most of the country, red state or blue state. Unfortunately, I think Lord Acton's famous quote comes into play as politicians climb up the political food chain: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." That is strikingly appropriate for Donald Trump's re-election campaign. Hopefully you're right about the election outcome. It does look like Covid Donnie's attempts at voter suppression may very well backfire. As of this morning, 22+ million early votes have been cast (15% of the total votes cast in 2016), and most states are reporting huge increases in absentee/mail-in ballots.
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