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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. About 80% of Americans now live in areas classified as "urban", which is, IIRC, means a municipal area of 50K residents or more. Numerous states have traditionally been dominated by 1 or 2 big metros starting in the 1960s when the SCOTUS required apportionment of all local and state representatives be based on one person, one vote. These include California, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Washington. As population has shifted to the South and the West, these states have also become dominated by their big metros, primarily because that's where the migrants have settled but also because the rural areas everywhere in the country are emptying out. Now states like Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Virginia have also come to be dominated by their large urban metros. This maps shows pretty well where Americans currently live: US Population Density Map
  2. Mark Short, VP Mike Pence's chief of staff, plus at least 2 other VP staffers, have tested positive for Covid-19. Mike Pence will continue his campaign tour instead of quarantining for 14 days as CDC guidelines recommends because being a politician running for office makes him "an essential worker". WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows apparently tried to suppress the news of these positive tests.
  3. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 24, 2020 - Covid Donnie continued to insist that the US is 'turning the corner" in the pandemic, including at a stop in Lumberton, NC where he mocked Biden's prediction of worsening conditions because of the rising number of new coronavirus cases. October 24, 2020 - US recorded 83+k new cases of the coronavirus cases, the second highest number ever. October 23, 2020 - US recorded a record of 83+k new cases of the coronavirus. The number of hospitalizations is the highest since June. October 22, 2020 - The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University reports that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from coronavirus could have been avoided with a better response from the US government policies and crisis messaging. (Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths) October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. October 24, 2020 - 224,899 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 905. October 23, 2020 - 223,995 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 944. October 22, 2020 - 223,051 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 830. October 21, 2020 - 222,221 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1141. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 21-23, 2020: 955 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-20, 2020: 726 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 20, 2020 - 221,078 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 13, 2020 - 215,995 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  4. De-Nial ain't a just a river in Egypt. Trumplets share the same alternative universe as their hero where they all deny any facts that they don't like.
  5. Sour grapes, NB. You'd like him to disappear because he reminds even Trumplets what a lying, stupid, sociopathic turd Covld Donnie is.
  6. Nope. I think you missed the great bruhaha on PPP a couple of weeks ago (I don't remember you taking part in it on either side) when some of the Trumplets and most of the alt righties got their panties in a wad because moderate and leftist posters became more active on PPP and refused to be bullied into leaving. Several of the most disgruntled set up their own site where they can share their conspiracy theories and hatreds, and pretend the entire world believes as they do without having anybody challenge their bull manure.
  7. I'm not the one imagining some nefarious conspiracy on the part of the Clintons. You need to get your paranoia under control, dude.
  8. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 23, 2020 - US recorded a record of 83+k new cases of the coronavirus. The number of hospitalizations is the highest since June. October 22, 2020 - The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University reports that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from coronavirus could have been avoided with a better response from the US government policies and crisis messaging. (Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths) October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. October 23, 2020 - 223,995 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 944. October 22, 2020 - 223,051 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 830. October 21, 2020 - 222,221 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1141. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 21-23, 2020: 972 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-20, 2020: 726 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 20, 2020 - 221,078 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 13, 2020 - 215,995 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  9. But the US military would unleash itself against a cadre of heavily armed domestic terrorists bent on starting a civil war by kidnapping and murdering government officials if it came to that. Just as the FBI and the DHS did recently in Michigan. The idea that these private militias represent "the people" is bull manure. They don't. They never have. They represent some people who think like they do, but mostly they represent their own skewed worldview.
  10. Treason maybe. How many state secrets do you think Covid Donnie's spilled to his pal Vlad Putin? It wouldn't matter much if Putin conned the info out of hm. More likely would be some kind of corruption charge(s) based on using the Presidency to profit himself and his family.
  11. CNN does. They found that Covid Donnie spewed lies almost non-stop, especially on issues important to the American electorate like the coronavirus pandemic.
  12. That Trump has to defend Texas is simply amazing to me. Texas hasn't voted Democratic in a Presidential election since 1976. The current average of polls for the 2020 election have Texas leaning Republican with Trump leading 48.6% to Biden 46.4. That's 2.2%. In 2008, Texas voted Republican by almost 12%. In 2012, Texas voted for the Republican candidate by almost 16%. In 2016, Trump carried Texas by 9% points.
  13. Instead of his bullying obscuring his lies, Covid Donnie's attempt to pretend to be civil put his constant steam of lies front and center to tens of millions of viewers, especially on the pandemic.
  14. You're pretending that there are fundamental differences between heterosexual and homosexual marriages. There aren't, especially legally. Case closed.
  15. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. October 23, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME has lowered its projection of coronavirus deaths by February 1, 2021 to 385,611. October 22, 2020 - The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University reports that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from coronavirus could have been avoided with a better response from the US government policies and crisis messaging. (Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths) October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. October 22, 2020 - 223,051 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 830. October 21, 2020 - 222,221 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1141. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 21-22, 2020: 986 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-20, 2020: 726 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 October 20, 2020 - 221,078 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 13, 2020 - 215,995 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 6, 2020 - 210,909 Americans have died of coronavirus. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  16. In no particular order ... Covid Donnie should have addressed the seriousness of the coronavirus -- which he knew in early Februrary as per his interview with Bob Woodward -- with the American people but he chose to downplay the seriousness of it, something he has continued to do until today. Covid Donnie should not have continued to lie and pretend that the coronavirus was no worse than the seasonal flu as hospitals in the NYC area and then in other parts of the country were overwhelmed and deaths mounted. He's still spreading that lie. Those two measures have proven to be effective in controlling the spread of the coronavirus all over the world, but Covid Donnie still denigrates them. He's made defying the public health measures a badge of loyalty to him. Covid Donnie has continually promoted dangerous (bleach) or ineffective (oxyhydrocloroquine) "cures". His latest "great idea" is promoting "herd immunity" as a response to the pandemic even as the US is experiencing another surge in infections and hospitalizations. Instead of promoting testing, Covid Donnie has lied about it ("more testing caused rise in cases") and downplayed its importance in fighting the pandemic.Instead of using the power of the federal government to acquire PPE from overseas during the first coronavirus wave in the spring when there were severe shortages, Covid Donnie sat on his hands and instead made states compete against one another for scarce resources. Covid Donnie threatened and bullied governors into opening up businesses too quickly for the level of coronavirus in those states, causing spikes in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, especially in the southern states during the summer. Covid Donnie should have embraced the public health measures of mask wearing and social distancing when the CDC, NIH, and other public health experts recommended them. He still refuses to practice these measures. He has endangered, and continues to endanger, thousands of his followers by holding large rallies in areas with high community spread of the virus where most don't wear masks and don't practice social distancing. For a more complete explanation of Covid Donnie's fails, read this: Avoidable Deaths.
  17. What isn't clear about marriage in the US today? Any two consenting adults who obtain a marriage license can be married by either a public official or a religious official of their choice. The only thing that's changed about US marriage law is that the gender of couples has become irrelevant. It's a non-issue.
  18. That's self-exiled posters. Except for one poster, all the rest of them voluntarily took themselves off because they disliked that posters with different views started posting on PPP.
  19. If the defense can't get off the field against the Jests, the Bills are toast.
  20. I look at it this way. The Bills are not quite as good as most of us thought they were and got their butts handed to them twice in a row by two of the very best teams in the AFC. Not good, but not a disaster. However, the Jests are just the patsies they need to get back on track. They need to dominate the Jests on both sides of the ball. Allowing the Jests to make this game close, even though divisional games often tend to be close even when teams are mismatched, would raise red flags about the team IMO. Losing to them would be a disaster and an embarrassment.
  21. Why should I stop? Trump earned being called Covid Donnie by his failure to provide leadership in the coronavirus battle. His words and behavior have cost tens of thousands of American lives.
  22. I'm the idiot???? I didn't realize that the coronavirus respected state lines.
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