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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Good post, but it's more than temperament. Trump is a sociopath; he doesn't care that what he says or does harms others (his response to the coronavirus pandemic) or harms the country (undermining the electoral process). What he wants or what benefits him is all that matters. Read the definition of sociopath from this link: ASPD. It describes Trump's behavior to a T.
  2. Ooops! The American people chose Fauci over Covid Donnie by more than 4 and a half million votes. Actually the good news on Pfizer's vaccine came out a week too late to help Covid Donnie. Maybe it was karma or maybe it was Pfizer refusing to be used politically.
  3. It would be hard for Covid Donnie to run a presidential campaign from Gowanda Correctional or Mid-State Correctional when access to social media isn't allowed in NYS prisons.
  4. Your own words demonstrate just how paranoid and delusional you are: "I never said that they were coming after me. I actually lead an extremely low profile out side of these boards. I give very little reason for people to chase me down. Heck, I don't even have an avatar any place I go on the internet so my footprint is extremely light.". Coming from a Trumplet, that's really funny since the only recent American politician I've heard demanding that his critics and/or opponents be locked up is Covid Donnie, something he's done several times, including inciting his Trumpbots at rallies in Michigan to chant "Lock her up" in reference to Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. Projecting much?
  5. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. November 9, 2020 - Pfizer has reported that its coronavirus vaccine candidate appears to be 90% effective in 2nd and 3rd stage trials. November 8, 2020 - Joe Biden established his coronavirus advisory committee filled with respected epidemiologists and public health experts. He also released an outline of his plan to get control of the coronavirus pandemic ASAP. November 8, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 399,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by February 1, 2021. November 7, 2020 - US coronavirus recorded 126,742, the highest ever. Texas became the first US state to top 1,000,000 coronavirus cases. October 22, 2020 - The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University reports that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from coronavirus could have been avoided with a better response from the US government policies and crisis messaging. (Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths) October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. November 8, 2020 - 237,584 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 461. November 7, 2020 - 237,123 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1059. November 6, 2020 - 236,064 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1120. November 5, 2020 - 234,944 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1210. November 4, 2020 - 233,734 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1096. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, November 4-2-8, 2020: 989 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 28-November 3, 2020: 852 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 21-27, 2020: 800 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-20, 2020: 726 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 November 1, 2020 - 22,748 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of October, an average of 734 per day. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. November 1, 2020 - 231,003 Americans have died of coronavirus October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  6. I was hoping that the Bills would at least be able stay with the Seahawks but I was prepared to endure a loss. I never expected them to smack the Hawks around like they did. The Carp went into Glendale and beat the Cards yesterday with a good defense and a modest offense. The Bills have a much better offense and a decent defense. They should be able to go into Glendale and make a game of it. I'm not sure. I think the Bills hit/knocked down Wilson 16 times according to the broadcasters at the end of the game -- and Wilson is mobile rather than a statue like Brady.
  7. Aren't you the whiny little cretin who demanded in another thread today that people who accused you of being a racist and a Nazi should "take it back"? Why should they even consider doing that when you keep demonstrating your racism and fascism with regularity?
  8. You're as paranoid and delusional as your hero, Covid Donnie.
  9. Trump hasn't "gone made with power"; he's always been there.
  10. Maybe you should get your news from some place other than FAUX NEWS and various right wingnut websites: Bloomberg Slate Brookings
  11. It's the old idea that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it might be a duck.
  12. They don't have active investigations of their actions. Trump and the Baby Trumps do. NYS AG and the Manhattan DA both have active investigations going on about Covid Donnie's financial dealings in NY. Trump is still under court order to release several more years of tax returns to the DA. They are looking for proof of fraud and other misconduct. The IRS has been investigating Trump for several years. This investigation was halted when Trump became POTUS but it can always been restarted. Trump can pardon the Baby Trumps for federal crimes and he can even try to pardon himself, but that doesn't shield any of them from state charges, and Andrew Cuomo, like his father Mario, is a bad enemy to have.
  13. What the hell does this response have to do with anything I posted?
  14. If you don't want to be considered a dumbass, then don't choose to blindly believe and repeat the baseless rantings of a demented sociopath who has repeatedly demonstrated he will say anything to incite his followers. That Union soldiers voted by mail during the Civil War and that mail-in voting has been a part of US elections ever since is not "a position". It's a fact that has been in history books for more than 150 years so find one about the Civil War from decades ago and check it out.
  15. Americans have been voting by mail since soldiers in the Union Armies serving during the Civil War cast votes in the 1864 presidential election! That's 154 years ago, dumbass! Get your brain out of the sewer of Right wingnut websites and Donald Trump's alternative universe.
  16. Why am I not surprised that there's joy in Western Europe at Biden's win? I bet there weren't a lot of celebrations in Russia, however.
  17. Be smart and get your flu shot. Be smarter and wear a mask and practice social distancing. November 8, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 399,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by February 1, 2021. November 7, 2020 - US coronavirus recorded 126,742, the highest ever. Texas became the first US state to top 1,000,000 coronavirus cases. October 22, 2020 - The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University reports that between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths from coronavirus could have been avoided with a better response from the US government policies and crisis messaging. (Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths) October 13, 2020 - The U of Washington's IHME projects that more than 363,000 Americans could die of the coronavirus by January 1, 2021 and more than 394,000 by February 1, 2021 with the seasonal flu making the coronavirus more deadly. November 7, 2020 - 237,123 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1059. November 6, 2020 - 236,064 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1120. November 5, 2020 - 234,944 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1210. November 4, 2020 - 233,734 Americans have died of coronavirus with a single day death toll of 1096. Average daily deaths from coronavirus, November 4-7, 2020: 1125 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 28-November 3, 2020: 852 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 21-27, 2020: 800 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 14-20, 2020: 726 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, October 7-13, 2020: 851 Average daily deaths from coronavirus, September 30-October 6, 2020: 707 November 1, 2020 - 22,748 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of October, an average of 734 per day. October 1, 2020 - 21,311 Americans died of coronavirus in the month of September, an average of 710 per day. November 1, 2020 - 231,003 Americans have died of coronavirus October 1, 2020 - 207,808 Americans have died of coronavirus. September 1, 2020 - 185,594 Amercians have died of coronavirus. July 1, 2020 - 127,299 Americans have died of coronavirus.
  18. After four years of Covid Donnie , any semi-decent politician who doesn''t lie or spout vitriol and divisiveness in every other sentence could easily be mistaken for a saint.
  19. They weren't flushed, though. They chose self-exile rather than tolerate posters with ideas different from their own. I think that the Trump Cultists' hysterical predictions about a Biden presidency is a reflection of the intolerance of dissenting opinions that's part and parcel of the GOP under Trump.
  20. 👍 That 145+ million Americans (43% of the total US population!) cast votes in an election in the middle of the worst pandemic to hit the world in more than a century demonstrates that.
  21. So far, the worse complaint came from the PA GOP that poll watchers were kept too far away from the ballot counters. Not Republican poll watchers, but all poll watchers. It was quickly remedied. Somebody reported a vote count from somewhere in Wisconsin that had an extra zero in it (the extra zero wasn't in the actual count but in a report somebody released publicly and then corrected). Aside from the usual machine glitches, jammed scanners, human error, etc, the election has largely been free from any major problems. CNN has covered the counting of the mail-in ballots in PA, in AZ, and GA rather extensively. Some of the vote counting sites allowed reporters and photographers inside so that people could see how the process went. It was really an education on how Boards of Election count ballots ... all the precautions taken, the different types of ballots, how problem ballots are dealt with, preliminary counts vs official totals etc.
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