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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. I have this fantasy that that tiny desk was deliberately chosen by some WH untermench to make the Snowflake-in-Chief look like the spoiled brat he is.
  2. McCarthy's accusations had a chilling effect on American politics for most of the 1950s and into the 1960s because being accused of being "a Communist" was the kiss of death to anybody's political ambitions, but during the mid-1950s, there was a general consensus in the US that Communism was an invidious menace that threatened the US from within and without. By the late 1950s, the idea that Communism was an internal threat to the US faded into far right wing conspiracy theory that lasted for decades while the consensus American opinion saw Communism as a foreign menace.
  3. Specifics on Trump's post-election fund raising for his slush fund: Trump's Slushy
  4. Nope. The Kraken in GA -- and in all the other states where Trump tried to overturn the election -- failed spectacularly. All six states -- Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin -- certified that Biden won their state's electoral votes. It's not a publicity stunt -- it's simply a scam to raise tens of millions of dollars for a "leadership PAC" that's nothing more than a slush fund that Trump can use for whatever he wants, including filling own coffers. Seventy five percent of the donations to the Trump "legal defense" get funneled into this PAC.
  5. Biden turned 78 after the election. Trump will be 78 during the election campaign, so he would be the oldest. More to the point, Biden is in good physical condition for a 77 year old, as evidenced by his trim physique and the fact that he bikes regularly. Trump is obese and doesn't exercise except to walk from his golf cart to his golf ball and back 9 or 18 times when he golfs. He also apparently had some visible physical impairments when he visited West Point back in the spring. I don't think Trump's physical health will enable him to make another presidential run, especially if he's put under stress from the state criminal and civil legal cases that are likely to plague him for the next few years.
  6. Pretty much this. He's a loose cannon, and I have no doubt that he'll raise ever more bizarre fraud and conspiracy claims at least once in his Georgia trip if not at every rally. It plays well to Trump Cultists but Perdue and Loeffler aren't Trump, and many, if not most, Trump cultists are unreliable voters without their hero at the top of the ticket. At some point, reliable Republican voters who aren't Trump cultists may very well stay home on January 5, 2021 in disgust at Trump's charges against GA governor Brian Kemp and secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, who are (probably not so much now) strong supporters of Trump despite his attacks on them. Moreover, Trump's attempt to change the election result in Georgia and his wild charges are likely to induce Georgia Democrats to come out and vote in the run offs.
  7. In areas where the medical systems were -- or are -- being overwhelmed by covid-19 hospitalizations, people who suffer from other life-threatening illnesses or traumas were/are likely to not receive the same quality of care in as timely a manner as they would have received in normal times. That undoubtedly contributed to many of the excess deaths. Other people with chronic conditions may have suffered symptoms that were warning signs of deteriorating health but choose not to see a doctor or go to an emergency room because of their fear of contracting Covid-19, so their deaths would contribute to the total of "unexpected" deaths. I'm not sure if suicides or deaths from drugs/alcohol have increased, but I would expect that those would increase as the stress from the continuing pandemic have had negative effects on mental health.
  8. I was going to give you a LOL reaction to this but that just seemed inappropriate. This b'tard is the worst mass murderer in US history.
  9. The trial would be held in the SDNY -- New York City and environs -- where even a jury of Manhattan millionaires would likely find him guilty of whatever the AG or DA charged him with even without evidence because ol' Covid Donnie has cheated and defrauded so many of them or their families or friends.
  10. By November, 2024, Covid Donnie will be lucky to not be a long-term resident of a NYS DOCS facility in the chilly confines of Upstate New York unless he's fled to someplace that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US.
  11. The excerpts from the decision that I heard/read seemed to emphasize the fact that the Exec order treated places of worship differently from businesses, primarily that businesses could have X% of capacity while houses of worship were limited to a specific number no matter what the size. I'm willing to apply the same standards to religious places as to business places, but by the same standard, I think that when masks are mandated to be worn and social distancing observed, that that applies to houses of worship as well.
  12. Does the moron understand that he's publicly announcing that he's going to finance criminal activity? If he actually does this, he opens himself up to all kinds of criminal charges, including RICO seizures. Another Dumbass for Trump! I agree with your take generally. I don't believe that religious organizations should be completely exempt from public health rules. I think that in this case, however, the issue was that the regs imposed by the governor were arbitrary numbers -- 10 people I believe -- regardless of the size of the building while other "essential businesses" were restricted to a percentage of their capacity. Many church buildings --- especially older Catholic churches in urban areas -- are huge and can easily hold hundreds of people and even more modern buildings are large enough to accommodate more than 10 people at 25% or 50% of capacity, which was the standard for businesses.
  13. When all is said and done, here many millions of Trumplets will have given their hard-earned pennies over to billionaire Trump for his post-election slush fund that he can use for anything he wants.
  14. It's funny that CNN hasn't mentioned this on their 6am news even though in their story about the rejection of the latest Trump case in PA they did say that Pennsylvania was scheduled for December 1, 2020.
  15. This ain't socialism, skippy! It's capitalism at it's finest. No wonder you're a Trumplet ...my dog understands the difference between socialism and captialism better than you do: socialism to him is sharing his balls with me if I ask him for one while captialism is gathering as many of his balls as he can find and keeping them all to himself.
  16. NYS AG Letitia James and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance are more than a match to take on Covid Donnie and his sycophants in court, and there's little doubt that Trump would get some prison time. Even a month in a NYS DOCS facility would easily be the worst experience of Covid Donnie's life, and he'd get more than that, and Cuomo would absolutely not grant him clemency.
  17. On CNN this am they compared it to a third grader's desk that a parent uses in a parent-teacher conference!
  18. If Covid Donnie wants the respect due to a POTUS, he should try acting like one, starting with doing his f'n job instead of golfing and trying to overturn an election he lost by huge numbers while ignoring the growing pandemic crisis.
  19. Pardons don't cover future acts so it's likely these cretins will be heard from again ...
  20. ^^^ TBBills didn't call you any names. He said you were on "the fraudulent side looking like an idiot". If you don't want to "look like an idiot", I suggest you stop acting like one. You refuse to face the reality that Trump lost the election both in the Electoral College vote and in the popular vote, and neither was very close. You refuse to accept the word of hundreds of state officials across the country as well as the federal official charged with cyber security that there was no significant or organized election fraud of any kind. You refuse to admit that while Trump and his lapdogs have made all kinds of claims of fraud, they have failed to produce evidence of even a single case of fraud in any court.
  21. This is more or less a "projective" study -- I'm sure scientists have a better name for it -- that takes the limited evidence from recovered covid-19 patients and projects forward. Covid-19 has been around for less than a year, so there's no concrete evidence how long immunity actually lasts. What the researchers did was study how the level of antibodies decreased over the span of a few months in a group of recovered Covid-19 patients and projected that forward. Is that valid? I don't know. The study was published on the internet rather than in a traditional medical journal and hasn't been peer-reviewed. What we do know is that while most people who contract covid-19 don't die from it, some individuals suffer long term heart, respiratory, and/or neurological effects -- so-called "long haulers". We don't know if these effects eventually disappear, diminish or are permanent.
  22. There is no 'it" to be "resolved" on January 20, 2021. At noon, Joseph R Biden will take the oath of office as the 46th POTUS, and at about 12:03 PM, he will be become POTUS and Trump will be a private citizen. All Trump's powers and privileges as POTUS cease. The only power Trump will then have will be however much the cowardice of the national GOP grants him. My guess is that ol' Covid Donnie will skip the Inauguration ceremony to play golf while his sycophants remove his personal effects from the WH and his army of moronic Trumplets impersonate zombie wannabees by marching in the streets of Washington and other cities.
  23. The pregame show starts at 12 noon. The kick off is 12:30. It's supposed to be done by 4.
  24. The Mueller investigation was about candidate Trump and the election. Weissman is proposing that the new AG prosecute Trump for a different crime entirely: obstruction of justice into the investigation of the first case. That's a valid view because nobody, including the POTUS, is above the law. I'm not sure that choosing not to prosecute this new charge would be as detrimental to future prosecutions as Weissman believes.
  25. If all these Trumplets have all this evidence, why the hell don't they ever bring it into court????? Almost all of the cases have been dismissed because the Trumplets never present any actual evidence of their claims to judges.
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