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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Agreed. The US could do a great deal to motivate the Cuban government to behave better -- grant more freedom to its citizens -- if it actually had some influence there. Unfortunately, US policies towards Cuba over the last 60 years -- especially the boycott --- have made the US the perpetual bogeyman that the Castros can resurrect whenever their regime needs shoring up. Nothing like an easily identifiable villain to rally the country behind a dictator in hard times. IMO, it's more than time for the US to normalize it's relations with Cuba so that it can have some positive impact on the lives of the people living there. We can't do that if we continue to pretend it's 1965 and Cuba is a puppet state of the USSR. The Cold War is thirty years over. Fidel Castro is dead. John Kennedy is dead. Nikita Khrushchev is dead. The original Cuban refugees are either all gone or very old. The Marielitos have been in the US for 40 years. It's time to heal the Cuban American community by letting the old people and their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren make peace with the past, which they really can't do as long as the festering wound of US boycott/travel ban/etc continues. We have normalized relations with many regimes with worse human rights records and that are far more serious threats to the US than the current Cuban government. I'm hoping that if the Dems win the Senate that the Biden Administration will move on normalization.
  2. With Biden, what you say is true. Biden is perfectly capable of seeing both Russia and China for what they are. With Trump, Russia was a serious problem because Trump apparently desperately wanted Putin's approval was manipulated by him. Trump wouldn't say anything bad about Putin or Russia. Ever. This isn't fantasy. He didn't condemn the near-fatal poisoning of the Russian journalist that made world headlines in the last year. He dismissed the reports of Russians paying bounties for killing US soldiers out of hand even when the Brits took it very seriously. Former intelligence officials and foreign affairs experts have repeatedly noticed and remarked on Trump's regard for Putin.
  3. "Establishment of religion" does NOT refer to a building or other meeting place. It specifically prohibits the government from favoring a particular religion over other religions. That was the original intent because the British forced the Anglican Church on the colonies -- including supporting it with compulsory tithes -- and some colonies, like Massachusetts Bay, had persecuted non-Puritans. Two centuries of court decisions have led to the "establishment of religion" clause to mean that the government should be neutral toward religon in general, not giving religious groups/organizations advantages or disadvantages. The majority's argument in this case was that houses of worship were treated differently from businesses and other venues where people assembled.
  4. "Orange Man" as you call him is a wannabe dictator whom Putin played like a fiddle. He was too f'n lazy to actually read the intelligence briefings he was given, and too much of a snowflake to allow Biden to have them after he was declared the winner of the election. His attempts to subvert the election border on sedition, perhaps treason. I'll settle for Cy Vance and/or Letitia James throwing his ass in jail for tax evasion and fraud committed on New Yorkers.
  5. I look forward to the POTUS NOT admiring Vladimir Putin and kissing his ass at every opportunity, including dismissing reports that Putin put bounties on American soldiers as "not reliable". There is more evidence for Russian bounties on American soldiers than there is for the election fraud Trump keeps whining and ranting about.
  6. He/she/it realizes all that but he/she/it refuses to admit that his lord and master f'd up on his response to the pandemic and lost the election because of it.
  7. I have no doubt that Trump fantasizes about it but he simply doesn't have the balls to risk treason. Moreover, I doubt that the US military will go along with it since the reason for martial law are civil unrest or rioting. Unlike Trump, American military men and women, top to bottom, take their oath to preserve, protect and defend the US Constitution seriously.
  8. 'Cuz it's the best shirt he owns? I checked to see what a "gaylord box" is because from what it sounded like, it sounded like it was some kind of bin. Gaylord boxes are pallet sized cardboard boxes with covers. Some have integral lids and others have lids. Who the hell ships anything without taping down covers or lids?
  9. I think that Allen would be fine with another OC as long as it wasn't some idiot who thinks he's God's gift to offensive football and installs an offense that doesn't fit Allen's skills and demands that Allen be something he's not.
  10. I was struck by the obvious incompetence exhibited by this nut-case, so I looked her up and found that she had bonafide legal credentials earlier in her career, including being a federal prosecutor for a decade but that was more than thirty years ago. She moved on to defending ENRON executives and other slimebags with deep pockets and embraced Far Right politics in the 1990s, and now apparently leans on alt-Right conspiracy theories to hide her legal incompetence.
  11. My experience in public service on the state level leads me to agree with you. Career civil servants in junior and middle levels of government are the people who make government agencies work. They owe their loyalty to the state (or to the United States in the case of federal employees) not to a particular governor or POTUS. The political appointees in high up the political food chain are the individuals beholden to the current office holder and who do the current office holder's bidding. I have absolutely no doubt that untermenschen in the FBI, DHS, DOD etc have knowledge/evidence of wrong doing that they've collected/assembled and passed on to their superiors via emails that have been buried in those superiors' archived emails. My guess is that the fear of what might come to light under a Biden administration is what is behind the discussions about pardons for the Baby Trumps and Crazy Rudy. I think that if Flynn was the person who attempted to make this bribe, that his pardon is likely voided, and Trump may also be criminally liable for participating for granting it.
  12. Fans of other teams who come here to discuss football aren't necessarily trolls. Trolls come to a another team's fan site to stir up trouble. Zerovoltz hasn't ever done that. I think that the 2017 trade between the Bills and Chiefs, the subsequent stardom of Mahomes, and the emergence of Allen and the Bills as an AFC power link the two teams together to form a potential rivalry.
  13. I totally disagree with your assessment for the cause of the division within the country. Every generation has different views about what's important and how to do things because each generation shares different experiences. The "Greatest Generation" was shaped by the Great Depression and World War II but their children, the Baby Boomers, were shaped by the threat of nuclear annihilation and the Vietnam War. Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers all had their own experiences, too. Members of older generations always think the younger generations are dumber, lazier, more entitled, less motivated than they were. Your reasoning sounds pretty much like an old guy complaining about young guys not being him. The division within the country has its origins in the profound and rapid changes that the US has undergone in the last fifty years. It has become a more diverse country with new groups like women, Blacks, and Hispanics now vying with white males for places at the table. It's likely that the US will become a majority non-white country in the next 30 years or so. The traditional economy of agriculture, manufacturing, and mining (including oil/natural gas extraction) has morphed into a new economy dominated by high tech. The country has become increasingly urban, with 80% of Americans living in urban areas, and the largest urban metros have become richer and younger while rural areas have not only lost population but have become poorer and older. Automation and technology have diminished opportunities for blue-collar/pink collar workers while expanding opportunities for the well educated managers, techies, and innovators. I could go on, but the point is that the kind of fundamental changes we've witnessed in the last half century stem from those who embrace the changes and those who resist them. The rise of 24/7 news and social media only exacerbate the divisions.
  14. I wasn't a fan of taking Allen in 2017 but he was better than Darnold, whom it seemed was the Bills first choice until the Jests traded up to #3.
  15. There's a serious lack of talent on the Eagles, especially on the offense. They simply haven't drafted very well in the last 5 or 6 years. For example, Wentz is their only Pro Bowler that they've drafted during that period. Their OL, once the best in the league, gave a remarkable facsimile of some of the Bills' worst OLs from the Jauron era against the Seahawks. I think the FO needs to be held at least if not more responsible for the Eagles failures as Pederson.
  16. Moral of the story: it's better to be lucky than good. None of the QBs in the 2016 draft have turned out to be nearly as good as Mahomes --- or DeShaun Watson.
  17. Too stupid to be sane. You're as stupid and ignorant as your hero, Covid Donnie.
  18. Actually, the FBI did uncover a few instances of election fraud but we're talking about a relative handful of votes total and all done by individuals not by some organized group but that kind of thing happens in every election.
  19. Barr's been meeting with Trump for 2 hours now. I suppose if he's been fired, he can at least say he wasn't terminated via Twitter.
  20. Apparently Barr has had enough of Trump's bullcrap.
  21. I guess that Teddy-boy drew the short straw and had to come here to uphold the Trump narrative, which is why he sounds like the brainwashed mental patient he is.
  22. the only "scam" here is Trump raising $150-170 million for his post-presidency slush fund, aca "leadership pac".
  23. The hospitals in Chautauqua County also aren't overwhelmed, but if you travel 30 miles north to Erie County, all elective surgeries are banned because of the rising hospitalizations there, and the reality is that our three small community hospitals could be easily be overwhelmed if hospitalizations in their immediate areas rose by 20-50 in a week or so.
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