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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. You left out that he has been and continues to be completely in thrall to Vladimir Putin. His reaction to the reports that the Russians are behind the massive cyber attack suggests that he's sold out, at least emotionally, to Russia. In the POTUS, that constitutes treason IMO. I've been calling him a traitor since the summer.
  2. The Traitor In Chief doesn't have the balls to do it. He's nothing but a bully whose never been thwarted before but that changes about 12:04 PM on January 20, 2021.
  3. That might be true, but it wasn't T master's complaint. He complained specifically about SS participation changing from voluntary to mandatory and about people who didn't contribute to SS receiving SS benefits. Both of those are untrue with the exception that widows and/or minor children of deceased workers who were eligible for SS may receive SS benefits under certain conditions. Your myth is answered here: How SS works
  4. I agree with everything but your worries about Trump retaining power is unfounded. The Traitor in Chief is done as of about 12:04 PM on January 20, 2021. Nobody in the US government is going to obey anything he orders after that. Nobody. The oath they take is to protect and defend the US Constitution not to kiss the ass of a traitor, and they take that oath seriously because they love their country, which Trump does not.
  5. Not only did every single fraud claim lose in court, but in many instances, the Trump team denied it was even claiming fraud. Marc Elias of Democracy Docket, one of the lawyers who has prevailed in 59 cases against Trump’s claims, writes: “The legal claims being advanced were outlandish, unsupported in law or fact, and poorly lawyered. By the time the U.S. Supreme Court received Texas’ case, similar claims had been rejected by courts around the country, and the lawyers advancing them had become the subject of national ridicule.” At one point, Johnson seemed to lose control and began hollering at Sen. Gary Peters (Mich.), the committee’s ranking Democrat, for having accused Johnson of spreading Russian disinformation. In the final refuge of Trump toadies raising wild accusations, Johnson insisted he was “just asking questions.” With the US having been the victim of a massive cyber attack, most likely orchestrated by Russia, why the hell is the Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee wasting time and taxpayer money on non-existent "massive voting fraud" that never happened?
  6. I bet "dimwit" Ocasio-Cortez can run laps around moron Tommy Tuberville, senator-elect Republican senator from Alabama: Tuberville demonstrates his vast knowledge of US history and Constitution
  7. Your points are wrong. You should get your facts from actual sources rather than from ignorant individuals and/or posters on social media or from websites deliberately spreading lies for their own agendas. Instead of assuming what you hear or read on the web to be true, use the search engine of your choice to find out if it is true or not. Social Security (SS) is a program for retired or disabled workers who have worked and contributed to SS for at least 40 calendar quarters (about 10 years) or their children under specific conditions. Social Security was never voluntary. In the beginning, many types of employment weren't covered by Social Security. Today almost all employment is covered. Social security is NOT the same as Supplement Security Income (SSI), which is a welfare program which began in 1972, and which is open to people ineligible for Social Security, including some immigrants. Social Security Myths 1 Social Security Myths 2 Question #5 deals with the question of immigrants.
  8. Thank you for finding the truth about the original SFGate article. I tried to read the original myself but it's behind a paywall, which I'm sure is why the RW media latched on to it, knowing that most readers wouldn't fact check their lies.
  9. I agree. I have long been an advocate for getting rid of the Electoral College, but this bull crap about trying steal the election by disenfranchising voters in some states in order to manipulate the EC underscores one of the problems with indirect election of the POTUS. It's time to move on to allowing Americans to vote directly for the President. US Senators used to be elected by state legislatures, and when that proved to be easily corrupted, we changed the Constitution, and the country has been better for it. It's time for the EC to go.
  10. I think that many die-hard Trumplicans aren't regular voters, ie, people who vote regularly in most local, state, and federal elections, but are people who came out to vote specifically for Trump. Many are simply not in the habit of voting regularly. These people would probably be the most disillusioned by their candidate losing but they might also be less likely to vote in any election without Trump at the top of the ticket.
  11. I thought her source might be the patterns of bat poop in the Carlsbad Caverns myself.
  12. My guess is that McConnell believes that continuing to support Trump's attempts to steal the election is hurting rather than helping in the Georgia runoff elections -- or maybe that the runoffs are already lost because so many non-Trumpist Republicans are so disgusted with Trump's lies that they aren't going to bother to vote.
  13. No, you-- ie, self-described "conservatives" -- talk about "freedom" but you don't practice it. Wannabe Dictator Trump repeatedly threatened to use federal forces against protestors in various cities this past summer; he actually did use federal forces to clear peaceful protestors from in front of the White House so he could stage a photo-op; he's repeatedly called for arresting his political opponents. How many prominent supposed "conservatives" challenged the Fascist in Chief on any of those actions? About the same number that have challenged him on his continuing attempts to steal the presidential election that he lost by 7 million popular votes and 36 electoral votes. Lie to yourself about your devotion to "American freedoms" and "the Constitution" , but don't come here blathering about it when you support destroying American democratic institutions and processes in blind devotion to a would-be dictator and expect nobody to call you on your hypocrisy.
  14. Two can play the name-calling game, you stinking Facist pig.
  15. No problem. Sexual harassment is always complicated even when you are actually a witness to some/most of the interactions between the principals. Sometimes it's a misunderstanding that deteriorates. Sometimes it's retaliation. Sometimes it's a genuine grievance. Sometimes it's a something creepy like stalking.
  16. Again, read what I originally posted. I said that I didn't know the merits of the case but I know that the woman's claim that she somehow couldn't quit when she wanted to was untrue. I'm not "tarnishing" her reputation because I didn't address her reputation. I simply called out her lie.
  17. Read the woman's claim in her tweet that she tried to resign three times and somehow wasn't allowed to do so: "I tried to resign three times before it stuck". That's bull manure. Nobody forced her to stay in a job she wanted to leave.
  18. Exactly. Socialism has actually proven it's not incompatible with democratic institutions. Most Western European nations currently have or have had democratic socialist governments since World War II. Some of those countries have swapped socialist and conservative regimes more than once without losing their democratic political systems. Modern democratic socialism stresses providing supports for the bottom tier of society via taxes on the upper tiers of society because socialists realize that a society where a tiny percentage of the populace are extremely rich while most struggle economically isn't compatible with democratic political institutions.
  19. I don't know anything about this case but I worked for New York State in Albany for more than a decade, and what I do know is that employment by NYS is not indentured servitude. Any state employee, from the seasonal part-time maintenance guy at any state park to the governor, can resign any time he or she wants to do so. They do so frequently for a myriad of reasons, from retirement to better opportunity to relocation to duress because you got caught doing something wrong. All you do is file your paperwork and do your exit interview. Been there, done it.
  20. You are being overly melodramatic, Bill. Nobody in the federal law enforcement is going to break the law for Donald Trump, starting with AG Bill Barr. Why do you think The Wannabe Dictator in Chief is so po'd with him? Barr refused to apprise Trump of the federal investigation into Hunter Biden, and he refused to manufacture evidence of massive voter fraud when there wasn't any. The DOJ will not manufacture evidence and no federal judge will issue an arrest warrant without evidence. There is absolutely no mechanism to postpone the inauguration. The US has held presidential elections and inaugurations during both the Civil War and World War II. During the pandemic, the US had the highest voter turnout rate in more than a generation, and every single attempt by Trumplicans to steal the election through legal channels have been thwarted by local and state officials' refusals to break the law for Trump and Trump's own appointees to federal benches from district courts to the SCOTUS. On January 20, 2021 at approximately 3 minutes after noon, Donald J Trump will cease to be POTUS. If Trump sends his cultists out into the streets of Washington, so what? The Capital Police have decades of experience in managing far larger protests than the Trumplicans will be able to muster on January 20. If Trump refuses to physically vacate the WH, the Secret Service will escort him out and turn him over to the Capital Police as a trespasser.
  21. Americans are dying at a 3000+ clip every day. Daily Covid-19 deaths 2971 Americans died on 9/11/2001. 2403 Americans died on December 7, 1941.
  22. Nah, just another member of the Functionally Illiterate Party, aka Trump's Cult. Another armchair revolutionary heard from. Please go ahead and try something in the real world so the FBI can thwart your lame-brained plot and the federal courts can lock up your sorry self for sedition.
  23. More Americans are dying of covid-19 and complications from it every day than died on 9/11 or in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Big joke. More Americans have died of covid-19 and complications from in the 10 months since February, 2020 than died in battle during the 45 months of World War II. Big joke.
  24. Secondary education is high school. College and university education is post-secondary education. The biggest reason that the cost of post-secondary education has increased so dramatically in the last 40 years is because states that used to cover 90-100% of per student costs at public colleges and universities have shifted those costs to students and their parents via tuition and fees. As tuition and fees at public institutions rose, it became easier for private colleges and universities to raise their tuition and fees also, even though many of the most prestigious schools with huge endowments could afford to offer free tuition for most students. The second biggest reason is the expansion of proprietary -- ie, for-profit -- post-secondary educational institutions from primarily trade and/or business skills schools into expensive competitors to 2 and 4 year college that lured with virtually no entrance requirements and promises of "financial aid" that was almost exclusively federal student loans rather than any scholarships or grants. Many of these were out-and-out scams set up to take advantage of expanded federal student loan programs that defrauded tens of thousands of students, and even those that weren't scams often charged as much tuition and fees as the most prestigious private schools while providing community college quality education to unsuspecting students.
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