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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Well, so much for hoping that you have even half a brain.
  2. I hope that you are missing the point rather than making excuses in order to defend the indefensible. This is not about a group of protestors getting carried away by their own rhetoric or about a cadre of radicals inciting anarchy or a gang of petty criminals creating opportunities for looting and vandalism. The outrage here is about the POTUS and his surrogates inciting his followers to attack the US Capitol in order to overturn an US election. Trump incited insurrection. That's sedition and treason. In 1861, Ulysses S Grant said: there are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. That's true today as well. This is not about left or right or conservative or liberal. This is about democracy or dictatorship and about loyalty to the US Constitution or a demented would be dictator. Anyone who continues to defend Trump and his sycophants after yesterday is as much a traitor as he is.
  3. Russia maybe. If Trump just left quietly and went into retirement to play golf and squabble with the Palm Beach locals, he might have some legal troubles in New York that could cost him $$$ in fines, but as long as he wants to stay active in politics, the NY AG Letitia James and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance are going to play hard ball and seek prison time for him.
  4. Do the math .... Biden beat Trump by 74 electoral votes, 306 to 232.
  5. Wait a minute ... the Bills have only played in 2 previous playoff games in the last 20 years. I think that 2 playoff losses -- one of which was a last minute surprise from a make-shift roster filled with hold overs from the previous regime -- does not scream a pattern of losing in the playoffs. I think that the Bills' long history of blowing opportunities to win games in the past is what's really limiting your excitement for their regular season. This team isn't anything like any Bills teams we've seen before ... even us old-timers who remembered the great Super Bowl teams of the 1990s. I will be disappointed if the Bills don't win the Super Bowl, but manure can happen in the playoffs. This season has already been a great success, win or lose against Indy on Saturday.
  6. Absolutely dead on, Virgil! The Bills have been on an offensive rampage this season, and they've gotten better as the season's gone on. The defense struggled early on, but now that's gotten into high gear ... and yesterday, they demonstrated that their STs ain't no weak sister, either! They wiped the stadium turf with a good Dolphins team. They could have beaten anybody yesterday. I can't imagine that any Bills fans truly thought that this team would be this good ... or even could be this good ... this year or maybe any year. I have been repeatedly impressed and increasingly amazed by the Bills in the second half of the season. I remember the Glory Years teams, and it used to pain me to watch tapes of those teams and be reminded of how much better those 90s teams were compared to the trash teams the Bills fielded for most of the 2000s. It's hard to compare teams from different eras, but I think the 2020 Bills are at least as good as those SB teams from the 1990s, and they may be very well be much better. Go Bills!
  7. I think that the early decades of the 20th century were much like the early decades of the 21st century: eras of massive economic/social change fueled by technological changes, massive human migrations, and political upheavals in other parts of the world. These are conditions that breed extremism that manifests itself in hatred aimed at "outsiders". Trumpism stems from the same sources as Fascism and Nazism and shares similar DNA.
  8. Most of these military bases/forts/facilities were established and named in the first four of the 20th century, an era marked by not only virulent racism but also xenophobia, nativism, and religious intolerance. The popularity of Birth of a Nation, the restrictions on immigration based on country of origin, the re-emergence of the KKK to threaten Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Catholics, and immigrants, and the epidemic of lynchings of Blacks were all symptomatic of the hate mongering mood that swept the country, especially immediately before and after WW I. In the context of the era, these Confederates weren't traitors but "real Americans" -- white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants -- fighting to preserve "American ideals" against "alien hordes" -- Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Catholics.
  9. Yeah, but aren't you happy you were wrong???? I didn't make any record prediction. Without any preseason games, I had no clue what this team would be like. I certainly never thought they'd be this good, and they were playing a gauntlet of league powers: Rams, Seahawks, 49ers, Chiefs, Steelers, Titans. I'm sure happy that I underestimated them.
  10. I was thinking exactly the same thing last night. To us long-suffering Bills fans, the Bills exorcised two decades of demons for us , but none of the current Bills coaches or players experienced the 56-10 thrashing or any of the other butt whoopings previous Bills teams suffered over the last 20 years at the hands of Belichick and the Pats. To them, the Pats were just another opponent to be beaten on their way to winning a Super Bowl. This Bills team has proven that they're not going to collapse. Since they lost to KC back in October, they've won 8 of their 9 games, and in their lone loss to Arizona, it took a miraculous pass play to beat them after they scored the go ahead TD on a spectacular play of their own with only seconds left. This team plays clutch, starting with Josh Allen, but he's not alone. This ain't the old Bills who so regularly broke fans' hearts over the last twenty years.
  11. I kept waiting for the axe to fall on the NFL ... it just didn't seem possible that they would get through the season.
  12. His selfish temper tantrum cost the millions of "little people" who are unemployed a week's unemployment since they will only qualify for 10 more weeks instead of the 11 weeks they would have qualified for if he had signed the bill before midnight on Saturday. The millions of people who ran out of unemployment benefits before or effective Saturday will have to wait another week before their benefits resume. How exactly does the relief bill destroyed people's lives?
  13. I think there's statistics that indicate that suicides spike around Christmas.
  14. According to the WH, the Traitor-in-Chief has signed the covid relief bill ... long enough to make sure that his temper tantrum made Christmas miserable for millions of Americans.
  15. In this case, the two had already tango'd when Trump cut in to sink the deal after sitting on the sidelines for months.
  16. Reportedly investigators have found what may be human tissue in the blast area.
  17. You can't deny that what I wrote is true, so you spout self-serving bull manure. Par for the course.
  18. They're not just murderers. They're war criminals. Plus 4 war criminals. None of these pardons were routed through DOJ protocols for granting pardons; Keep lying to yourself, leh-nerd, and defending the indefensible. No previous POTUS has so blatantly abused the pardon power by issuing wholesale pardons for his political cronies and war criminals, all without following long-standing DOJ protocols.
  19. With Russ Brandon's evil presence totally removed from the Bills organization, the Bills are not going to fumble getting Allen secured long term. Since Brandon was fired in the spring of 2018, the Bills have been judiciously re-signing their best players, most notably Tre White, but also Dion Dawkins, Matt Milano, etc. Is it Jackson that's limited or his OC, Bill Roman? Allen's body of work is significantly larger and immensely more impressive than Fitzpatrick's, Wentz's or Goff's when they got extensions. Allen has not only improved significantly from one season to the next in each of his three years, but he's also gotten better over the course of each of his three seasons. He never has had anything resembling a "slump" that lasted more than a couple of games, and those might very well have been the result of injuries. Moreover, he's clearly mastered the mental part of the NFL QBing, especially making good decisions. Extending Allen is a total no-brainer; the Bills aren't finding anybody better any time in the foreseeable future.
  20. When I read this article, I checked to see when it was written - it was done recently. How can anybody at this point in the season question that the Bills, Browns, and Ravens will NOT give their starters extensions???? Back in October, when Allen was injured, maybe you could say that maybe the Bills might have a difficult decision. Back in November when Mayfield seemed to be up and down, maybe you could see the Browns wondering. A few weeks ago, Jackson was struggling and there were some concerns about him. In late December, there's no doubt about any of these young QBs are their teams' futures. The only question about any of these three is how much they'll get.
  21. Pence started being the face of the administration last week. That's smoke IMO. Trump seems to be suffering some kind of mental breakdown, and somebody -- maybe Meadows or Kutchner -- needs to move to have him declared incapacitated and set the wheels in motion to invoke the 25th Amendment: "4: Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President." The alternative is that Trump continues listening to Flynn and Powell and tries to do something stupidly illegal for which he can be arrested for inciting rebellion or actually engaging in rebellion against the authority of the United States and its laws.
  22. The planetary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn happens about every 20 years, but the it's been almost 400 years since the planets aligned on the Winter Solstice (1623) and it's been nearly 800 years since the alignment took place at night so that it could actually be seen by people.
  23. Absolutely. In a season where the Jets shock the Rams on the road and the Bengals embarrass the Steelers, the Jags play the Bears this week and then the Colts in the season finale which may or may not mean a lot to the Colts.
  24. Personally, I don't want the Bills to "rest their starters" in Week 17 whether they "have something to play for" or not. I simply don't like the attitude: you always play to win whether the game "matters" or not. More importantly, it's very possible that the Bills could meet their Week 17 opponent, Miami, in the playoffs. I think that McDermott should rest any starters who have injuries that would benefit from a week off, especially nagging ones, but if the starters are healthy in Week 17, they should play as long as the game is competitive.
  25. Maybe the traitor-in-chief expects his pal Vladimir to send in the Russian version of special forces to keep him in the WH as puppet-in-chief. My guess that while 60 million Americans are willing to follow Trump almost anywhere, I doubt that even most of them would follow him into making the US a Russian puppet state.
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