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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. It was also the lame-duck year for the offensive assistants hired while Russ Brandon held the purse strings, and they weren't top quality. Allen's first "QB coach", David Culley, hadn't actually coached QBs except for one season at a small time collegiate program three decades before. Beane, McDermott, and Daboll sent the old offensive assistants packing after the season and brought in an entirely new __ and better __ group for 2019, including Ken Dorsey who had recent experience developing a young QB (Cam Newton). You not only see how better coaching has helped Allen, but all the offensive position groups. The Bills are getting so much better production from their offensive rookies __ Moss and Davis are the most visible __ than they have done in recent memory, and that's even despite not having a traditional training camp with preseason games.
  2. Family/friends/co-workers etc frequently tend to deny signs that individuals close to them are unstable or dangerous that in hindsight seem obvious. We hate to believe the worst in people we like.
  3. Republican or Democrat, Right or Left, Bills or Patriots, no American who loves his or her country would accept a "Presidential Medal of Freedom" from the Traitor in Chief after Wednesday.
  4. Aw, poor rightwing snowflakes! Neither you nor the Traitor in Chief have a God-given right throw a violent temper tantrum whenever you don't get what you want. Trump lost the election by 7 million popular votes and 64 electoral college votes. Trump and his sycophants failed to prove a single case of widespread election fraud in more than 60 court cases. Trump's attempts to cajole/bribe/threaten state election officials to change lawfully cast and counted votes failed. Trump's insurrection last Tuesday failed to prevent Biden from being certified as winner of the 2020 presidential election. Nobody showed up to protest at Twitter HQ today. It's time for your ilk to suck it up ... or face the consequences.
  5. The Traitor in Chief also awarded several "Presidential Medals of Freedom" to several golfers after Wednesday. Since I haven't heard otherwise, I have to believe they all accepted them. Maybe they're were all Trumplets themselves.
  6. Watson is very unhappy with the way the Texans went about hiring their new GM, Nick Caserio. From what I read, the Texans promised to include him in some of the process of selecting the HC and GM but he found out about the hiring only when the news was released to the public. He tweeted that the same crap that landed the Texans where are now is simply going to continue. I would not be surprised if he demands a trade. He's a team player but I don't think he believes ownership is interested in building a winning team.
  7. I thought the Democrats and the Left were all "socialists"? Now they're fascists???? What the hell does that make Trump and his pals the Proud Boys, KKKers, neo-Nazis, etc???? Do you understand that fascism is a right wing movement not a left-wing one, right???? A "socialist fascist" is an oxymoron because it's an impossibility __ except in the ignorant fantasy world of wannabe keyboard terrorists like you.
  8. Many of those who stormed the Capitol will also find themselves left with criminal records (including felonies) and jail time. Those self-serving Congressmen who still did Trump's will after the Capitol was cleared and Congress resumed certifying Biden's win are facing calls for their resignations ... and more importantly, corporate donations are rapidly drying up. Does anybody with even half a brain really think that the Traitor In Chief will share his half billion dollar slush fund with them once he's out of office???? All of the people I've been personally acquainted with who embrace radical right wing causes and/or conspiracies are white, middle class conservatives who have a sense of entitlement, never take responsibility for their own (or their families) mistakes, and always blame somebody else whenever things don't go the way they want them to go. They always have a list of grievances against people they perceive to have somehow thwarted their aspirations. The four individuals you outline seem to fit that mold as well.
  9. Get this through your thick stupid head: Twitter didn't act against Trump until he riled up his rabid horde and then sicced them on Congress. Trump is a traitor who has used Twitter repeatedly to promote treason. Words have consequences. Cry me a river about your fake concern for freedom of speech while advocating overturning a fair and honest election the Traitor in Chief lost by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes. You're a traitor wannabe too cowardly to get out from behind your computer screen and join your fellow terrorists in the streets.
  10. January 20, 2017 when Barack Obama peacefully left office.
  11. I know EXACTLY what #walkaway is -- and what it purports to be. Apologies to Bill Parcells, but "you are what your actions show you are" no matter whatever bull manure you claim.
  12. When you use somebody else's property, ie, a privately owned social media platform, then you have to follow their rules. If you don't like that, then build and implement your own platform.
  13. The truth hurts. Private entities aren't subject to the First Amendment. Deal with it. The POTUS inciting insurrection in order to nullify the result of an election that he clearly lost by large margins is what is scary. Maybe not. See below. I believe the Apple app store is going to do the same.
  14. Exactly. Most Democrats I know weren't particularly excited about Biden but saw him as the candidate best likely to beat Trump. That so many Republicans down ticket from Trump won their elections but Trump lost suggests that many Republicans either voted for Biden or didn't vote for either presidential candidate. This election was all about getting rid of Trump, especially after his mishandling of the pandemic.
  15. Crazy Rudy and Baby Trump, Jr, too. Incited the mob and then ran for cover in their limos and private jets and left the little guys to do the dirty work.
  16. Your numbers aren't right. 2021 isn't even 10 days old. Maybe you meant 2019 and 2020. According to the nleomf.org stats for 2019, 135 police officers died in the line of duty, divided up by firearms related, traffic accident related, and other causes including job-related illnesses. The National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial and Museum has only published stats for half of 2020: 65 LOD deaths, including 27 by firearms, 26 in traffic accidents, and 12 other, including 5 from Covid 19. That was 14% less than the 76 who had died during the same period in 2019. (National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial and Museum) According to the FBI, only 89 LEOs died in line of duty incidents due to "felonious acts" or accidents in 2019. The stats from 2020 won't be available for several more months. (FBI stats)
  17. He was pointing out that you misspelled Capitol as "capital". The Capitol is the building that was invaded by domestic terrorists on Wednesday afternoon. States can also have State Capitols. "Capital" is the city that's the seat of federal or state government.
  18. Your reaction pretty much mirrors mine except that I was less optimistic, primarily because it appeared that the Ryan experiment had resulted in Russ Brandon gaining even more power. I was a long-time critic of Brandon, and I figured that McDermott was just another mediocre HC in the mode of Brandon's previous hires: Dick Jauron, Chan Gailey, and Doug Marrone.
  19. Yes, they have. The US Congress gave a big FU to Trump by returning to the Capitol after it was cleared of Trump's domestic terrorists to confirm the election of Joe Biden as the 46th POTUS. The National Association of Manufacturers has called for using the 25th Amendment to remove the POTUS, and several members of Trump's cabinet have actually discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the POTUS. There are discussions among Congressmen about impeaching or censuring Trump in Congress. State officials are even more likely to seek to put Trump in prison after he leaves office. On January 20. 2021, the President of the US will be a Democrat, the US House of Representatives will be controlled by Democrats, and the US Senate will be controlled by Democrats.
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