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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. It's done. Donald J Trump, bigot, grifter and would-be dictator, failed to win re-election, failed to overturn the election through the courts, failed to subvert American democracy by violent insurrection, and then slunk off in disgrace, as classless as ever. Amen! Joseph R. Biden is the 46th President of the United States. Hallejulah!
  2. What's going to fulfill Trump's #1 campaign promise is the "deep cleaning" of the WH that is being done before Biden and his family and staff move in.
  3. I believe that Biden's first exec order will be to require masks in/on federal buildings, installations, property and on interstate travel.
  4. Trump will be known forever as a traitor who attempted to destroy American democracy and set himself up as dictator ... and lost. IOW, the biggest LOSER in US history.
  5. I totally agree ... but I didn't know if I should give you a LOL or Agree emoji.
  6. Read 'em and weep: US Military Deaths. About 406,000 American soldiers, sailors, and marines died from combat in WW II. Fewer than 120,000 American military personnel died from all the military actions since August 15, 1945. 400,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 by the end of today. Trump's refusal to take the pandemic seriously from the very beginning and his politicizing of preventative measures that could have mitigated the spread has caused tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of unnecessary deaths. The botched vaccination roll out simply underscores Trump's failures. Dead is dead.
  7. You obviously don't know the difference between jeering and complaining. The soon to be Ex-Traitor in Chief's troubles will be just starting at noon on Wednesday when he becomes a private citizen again . More Americans have died on the Traitor in Chief's watch than have died in all American military actions and foreign terrorist attacks since the end of World War II. Dead is dead.
  8. If you defend Trump you're a traitor because your loyalty is to Trump rather than to the US and its Constitution.
  9. A possible result of impeaching Trump may be that while the Traitor in Chief may sell pardons and clemency to criminals with deep pockets, the threat of being convicted by the Senate may prevent him from granting preemptive pardons to himself, his children, and others in his inner circle like Guilliani as well as granting clemency to the domestic terrorists who invaded the Capitol on January 6.
  10. A 74-year-old man who can't deal with a simple fact of life __ you can't always get what you want __ that most of us learned to deal with even before we reached adolescence is simply pathetic. He's a bully who has never been thwarted in getting his way by lies, bribes, and threats. F him and his enablers in his inner circle, the GOP, and in the media. All of them are nothing but the worst kind of cowards. Some of them are outright traitors who aided and abetted in an attempted coup d'etat.
  11. I believed in the Bills since September, but I didn't think that the Bills run D matched up well with Baltimore's running game because of Lamar, Edwards and Dobbins. They looked like a juggernaut against Tennessee, and the Bills D got gashed by Indy the game before. I underestimated how good the Bills D is ... and how limited the Ravens' offense is against a good D.
  12. YYYYYYEEEEEEHHHHHHHHAAAAAWWWWW!!!!! I was really afraid of the Ravens .... I couldn't even watch anything about the Bills vs Ravens for the last two or three days. Bring on the Chiefs or Browns, whoever ... this team is the real deal!
  13. Get your head out of your butt. Complaints are NOT a coup d'etat. That you refuse to make that distinction means that you are a willfully stubborn liar or that you are moronically stupid ... or maybe both.
  14. Well said!!! 👍 What is this "this" you "actually do for a living"???? Post crap on right wing propaganda sites?
  15. Guess what, snowflake .... in 2016 the millions of Americans who voted for Clinton "felt completely eliminated from the public square" but neither Hillary nor her supporters attempted a coup despite the fact that Hillary won the popular vote by more than 3 million votes. That's what you willfully ignore. This is not about partisan policy issues but about the POTUS attempting to subvert the US Constitution by his lies. Donald Trump is a sociopath with no loyalty to anyone or anything but himself. His sole aim since Biden was declared the winner of the election in November has been to void that, and he's used every means he or his sycophants could think of, legal and illegal, to accomplish that, including siccing that crowd of true believers on Congress in order to stop the formal certification of Biden as the next POTUS. It was a coup attempt, and Trump is a traitor.
  16. Sounds like he was the guy who "volunteered" because he didn't step back fast enough.
  17. Bull manure. They were there to overthrow the US government at the behest of their leader, Donald Trump.
  18. He claims he was there as a "peacekeeper" and helped protect police officers who were under attack by other riots. That might be true. However, he was caught on video trying to set fire to video equipment. I believe there was also a video or an image of him inside the Capitol which may have been what brought him to the FBI's attention. If he truly did try to protect police officers, that proves he wasn't a foaming-at-the-mouth madman, but it doesn't earn him a pass on the charges resulting from participating in the riot. Someone who was truly a "peaceful protestor" would have never joined the mob in toppling barricades much less in attempting to batter down the doors to the US Capitol.
  19. The Traitor in Chief, who hasn't bothered to function as POTUS in the last month except to pardon some of his cronies, fire staffers who tell the truth, and sic a mob of domestic terrorists on Congress in a vain attempt to overturn the 2020 election, wants a fancy send off with a military color guard and all.
  20. The attack on the Capitol by domestic terrorists wasn't the hysterical imaginings of a handful of adolescent girls. It was a real attempt to overthrow American democracy by reversing the result of a legitimate and lawful election based on Trump's refusal to accept his loss in that election. Time for the Traitor in Chief to be held accountable for his treasonous actions, including his words to the crowd on January 6, 2021.
  21. IMO, GA is the canary in the coal mine for the GOP. Demographics have been clear for more than a decade that some GOP strongholds have been "under siege" by migrants from other parts of the country as well as from immigrants, most notably those growing states with large, growing metros like North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Arizona. The Democrats turning Arizona and, especially, Georgia, is a warning sign that white grievance politics __ the essential heart of Trumpism __ is going to become a drag on Republican candidates in states growing more diverse by the year because that message doesn't appeal to the electorates in diverse large urban metros. California and New York are examples of states where Republicans have become uncompetitive on a state-wide level. The success of the Democratic candidates in the Georgia run offs may also reinvigorate black electoral activism in not only Georgia but throughout the Southeast and in Texas.
  22. I don't think so. I agree WideNine that McConnell won't run again, and I think he wants the info aired about the Republican lawmakers who assisted the insurrectionists. He wants to rid the GOP of not only of Trump but he also wants to cleanse the party of Trumpists. He wants that to be his legacy. IMO, McConnell will vote guilty in the trial, and if he waits until the two new Democratic Senators from Georgia, only 16 other GOP Senators will need to join him to convict Trump.
  23. Appeasement has proven to be a such a successful strategy for dealing with a national or international bully!
  24. First time that military has been bivouacked in the US Capitol since early in the Civil War when the Lincoln Administration was concerned the Confederates would attack the District of Columbia.
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