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Everything posted by SoTier

  1. Trump took an oath on January 20, 2017, to support and defend the US Constitution, an oath that he violated when he sicced that mob on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, with the intention of intimidating Congress into overturning the November presidential election that he lost. That makes Trump a traitor.
  2. Beats the crap out of having a traitor in the Oval Office.
  3. Family lore can run from almost factual to pure fiction. Native American ancestry is a very common claim among American family lore, both white and black. It's complicated because some tribes adopted captives, especially children, into their tribes. I plan on getting the Ancestry DNA test the next time I see a special deal on it because my family lore on my mother's line is that my grandmother's father or grandfather was a Polish Jew who converted in order to keep/own land. My grandmother was the only member of her family to leave Poland (arriving in the US about 1920), and her entire family -- she had at least four sisters and a brother -- was butchered by the Nazis early on in the war, although whether that was because they were descended from Jews or because they resisted or because some SS b### just felt like it, nobody knows.
  4. I remember that thread. The thread starter was hilarious: a white bigot denying he's a racist and whining about "socialism" while wanting to relocate EU countries with many more social supports than the US. At the time I thought Paraguay would be a good choice but given the thread starter's liking for fascist dictators, I think Russia would be his best landing spot. Do you know anything about the American legal system? They were granted bail, fool, which means they aren't sitting in jail while they await trial. Yeah, I'm part of that "pitchforks and torches mob" who wants traitors, insurrectionists, and murderers held responsible for their crimes, unlike you and your fellow self-proclaimed "patriots" who support a would be dictator who incited mob violence in a failed coup attempt.
  5. Anybody remember when a defeated POTUS left office without attempting to stage a coup?
  6. What a pile of bull manure! The only people who give credence to the wet dreams, delusions and lies of white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, QANON fruitcakes, and other assorted paranoid right wing jackasses that pass for "news" on supposed "alternative media" are the dumbasses conned by self-serving politicians and wealthy swindlers like Donald Trump.
  7. Trump apologists trying to hide the Traitor in Chief behind the very Constitution that Trump attempted to destroy is both hilarious and sad at the same time. Exactly! What Trump's second impeachment accomplished already: Fear of being convicted by the Senate prevented Trump from issuing preventive pardons to himself, his kids, his enablers, and the domestic terrorists. That's a big plus. The charges against Trump for his part in the attempted coup are part of the Congressional Record. It's there forever. The trial will provide the evidence of Trump's attempts to overturn the election through illegal means will also be in the Congressional Record forever. Whether Trump is convicted or not, he and his enablers are still liable for criminal charges, and the entire cabal may also be subject to civil suits for damages. Trump's "advisor" Sydney Powell is already facing a $ 1.3 billion civil suit from Dominion.
  8. So, why didn't the Traitor-in-Chief dispute the election results in Louisiana as he did in Pennsylvania? After all, there were 8 cases of voter fraud found in LA but only 3 in PA.
  9. It's a bit early to annoint Tua as a franchise QB IMO. He was pretty unimpressive as a rookie, not because of his limitations as a passer, but because he simply didn't spark his team when he was in the game. The Phins repeatedly turned to Fitzpatrick because Tua was so ineffective, and he never showed that he can be a real leader, which is what separates franchise QBs from competent journeymen. Russell Wilson, as a rookie, didn't put up impressive passing stats but there was no doubt that he was the leader. Josh Allen was terrible as a passer as a rookie but there was no doubt that he sparked his team when he was in the game. Lamar Jackson made his mark as a rookie primarily as a runner, but again, he sparked his team to play much better compared to the way it played under veteran Joe Flacco.
  10. Two comments: #39 might more appropriately read: "nstead of running it like a two-bit criminal enterprise, the new administration will try running government competently." As president, Trump demonstrated that his supposed business "acumen" was simply being good at PR, running scams, and lying. When the manure hit the fan this past year with Covid-19, Trump couldn't cover up his failings with PR and lies. #40. Well said, Tibs. That's the perfect description of the skewed values of a traitor.
  11. ROTFLMAO. Once again, get your head out of your butt. Killing the filibuster in the US Senate would hardly "end the Republic". However, it surely would have ended if Trump had succeeded in his coup attempts.
  12. Yep. Anybody who doubts that Trump intended for that crowd to go to the Capitol and terrorize Pence and the Republican Senators into overturning the election results are lying to themselves because his blatant attempts to bribe, bully, and threaten state officials is part of the public record. Trump's coup attempt failed because Americans who actually love their country and take their oaths to support and defend the Constitution seriously refused to join in his treason.
  13. Tannehill played significantly better than Darnold from the very beginning of his career -- he started from opening day of his rookie season and was good enough to be given a second contract fairly early IIRC -- despite playing for a team that was mostly a dumpster fire. Darnold hasn't shown much improvement in his three seasons, and few, if any, flashes of possibly having the makings of a great QB. This might stem from coaching or lack of surrounding talent, but it might very well just be that Darnold isn't that good. I would love it but I don't think FitzMagic comes back to WNY.
  14. Why wouldn't it? Are you claiming that Trump isn't a bigot, grifter and would-be dictator?
  15. I think of abolitionism, the woman's rights movement, the labor movement, the civil rights and lgbt rights movements, but then I'm a retired leftist techie originally trained in American history.
  16. Nowhere in that piece did AOC call for violence. The word "liberation" does NOT equate to "violence". AOC was talking about "liberating" working people from economic, social, and racial oppression. That rhetoric is borrowed directly from various American social movements going back to at least the 1830s.
  17. No, we voted out of office the bigoted sociopathic traitor who was elected in 2016.
  18. Now, why would Gosuch and Biggs seek a presidential pardon unless they had done something significantly illegal? Baby Trump, Jr and his wife as well as Mo Brooks and Crazy Rudy may all face at least criminal investigations because of their parts in the coup attempt. Fear of being convicted by the Senate was the only thing that kept Trump from issuing wholesale preemptive pardons to any and all of the domestic terrorists who participated in the January 6 coup attempt. Once again, Trump demonstrated that he only cares about himself, and everybody else can go hang, including his children. Even if the Senate doesn't convict Trump, leaving the entire cabal from the Traitor in Chief on down to the lowest and slowest moron who participated in trying to overthrow American democracy open to criminal and civil consequences makes the second impeachment a success.
  19. LOL! If you believe that Trump "saved babies" for any reason other than it benefited him personally, you are an idiot. Trump cares for nobody or nothing except himself, including his own children.
  20. The ghosts of James Buchanan, Warren Harding, and Richard Nixon all say "thank you, Donnie!"
  21. Just because Trump was a sociopath who never loved anyone or anything except himself doesn't mean that all or most Republicans owe their loyalty to Trump over their country, even if many of them truly believe that there was significant election fraud because that's what they've been hearing for months. I think that when push came to shove, I don't believe that either Cruz or Christie would have broken the law in order to appease/curry favor with Trump any more than Mike Pence did. It's one thing to make symbolic political gestures that don't have great consequences but quite another to commit treason.
  22. They obviously didn't have enough $$$$ to bribe Trump's fellow grifters to bring their cases to the Grifter In Chief's attention.
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